Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 95: On How To Defraud An Employer

"Blade was probably captured by the vampire hottie and gave birth to a third child. What are you going to do, brother?"

Zou Jin looked up at the sun rising at the end of the horizon.

After a pause, he replied:

"It doesn't matter, whether Blade is captured for breeding, sacrificed, or picking up soap...

"Blade will not be a safety hazard until the ceremony starts in three days' time."

Wade is skeptical:

"you sure?"

"Although that buddy knows how to pretend all day long and snatches my blind box every day, you don't really think that the so-called ceremony is real, do you?"

Shrugging, Zou Jin asked back:

"Otherwise? Vampires have appeared, so it's hard to say that you saw the law that drew circles and cursed you that day."~"

"Shet! The world isn't that crazy!?-"

"Who knows... By the way, if you don't plan to go home and change your outfit, your hello kitty panties are showing!"

"Fack! I think you're right!"


As a comrade-in-arms, Blade, the regiment has just been taken away by vampires.

On the back foot, Zou Jin and Wade, who are also comrades-in-arms, are concerned about whether their uniforms are detrimental to their temperament.

at night.

Sister Margaret's Bar.

Zou Jin and Wade met at the bar, Weasel asked curiously:

"So, you plan to find the legendary vampire to fight, and then bring back that strong black man just like saving a princess?"

Wade nodded firmly.

"Although it doesn't have anything to do with saving the princess, but yes, we're going to fuck those vampires!"

In just a few days of getting along, Wade must admit that he has a little appreciation for the silent and cold man, although this guy always disappears every night when the lights are dark!

Zou Jin was rather curious.

"Weasels, vampires are such interesting creatures, you actually know them?"

Rolling his eyes, Zou Jin said firmly:

"You owe me a million knives, when are you going to pay me back!?"

Shrugging, Weasel said:

"Don't think too much about the mercenary platform. We, as brokers, still know some information.

"Also, who do you think is responsible for so many strange murders since the new century?"

"For example: In some gutters, mummified corpses like bacon are often found. Although the New York Police Department always said that it was a serial perverted murderer, noble, everyone understands it!"

Sending a contemptuous look to Zou Jin, the weasel complained:

"Besides, I don't owe you half a penny! You brat, don't try to lie to me about the old man's coffin book.

With an awkward laugh, Zou Jin simply stopped talking.

It was Wade who thought of something.

Looking at Zou Jin with burning eyes:

"Brother, why don't you do the commission of the one million magnesium sword you promised now! Anyway, Blade's sand sculpture will be sacrificed in three days."

After a little thought, Zou Jin immediately agreed.

Hands out, but Wade gleefully tied them with a shoelace.

The weasel watched the two leave with a stupefied look.

The whole person is stupid.

Are there any cheating employers like you!?

And, you did that in front of me, the job broker!?

Above the pitch-black sky, gloomy black clouds cover the whiteness.

The city in the shadows and the colorful lights cannot dispel the lifeless West Midtown.

One light and one dark, such a stark contrast, like heaven and hell, separated by the Hudson River.

This is the cradle of criminals, the notorious Hell's Kitchen.

On the quiet street, several black luxury cars were parked at the corner.

A group of Russians headed by Vladimir got out of the car one after another, and they saw Wesley in a suit and leather shoes standing in front of an iron gate, followed by several black-clothed bodyguards.

There was a cold light in Vladimir's eyes, and there was a circle around the ring.

An indifferent but murderous voice sounded:

"Where is that damned attacker!?"

"Don't worry, since you and I have reached a cooperation, my employer's promise to you will naturally come to a successful conclusion.

Wesley had a friendly smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the bodyguards in black nodded, and the bodyguards in black immediately opened the iron gate behind them.


The heavy iron door was pushed open amidst the tormenting sound of friction, and a faint smell of blood came to the face.

The indoor space is very small, surrounded by iron walls.

On the iron wall, all kinds of instruments of torture should be complete, and all of them are blood-stained, and some are still dripping with blood.

…… Ask for flowers…………

Located in the very center of the Warehouse is a burly and strong man.

His hands, feet, and even his lower back were wrapped in iron chains, and his whole body was tied to a small seat.

As if it had just been fished out of a pool of blood, it was covered in scarlet blood...

Some of these bloodstains have dried up.

Some are still bleeding.

But judging from the large and small wounds on his body, these bloodstains should not all belong to him.

At least, the amount of bleeding will not match!

Seeing the strong man in front of him, Leslie couldn't help sighing:

"He is the famous punisher. In order to lure him out, we paid the price of hundreds of masters!"

"Even if we were besieged, in order to catch him, we lost at least 50 people. The total loss before and after, shows how terrible the Punisher is.


"But please rest assured, according to our agreement, he is yours now, so we didn't torture him.

Vladimir didn't answer, just stared at Frank in front of him.

He knows that Jin Bin's manpower has suffered a lot recently.

But he doesn't care!

At the beginning, the Russian gang also sent a large number of people to arrest this guy, but every time they acted, they encountered various obstacles, which eventually led to the failure of the operation.

Vladimir is no fool.

Definitely guessed that someone was trying to stop him from catching Frank.

Forced to be helpless, Vladimir finally agreed to Wesley's suggestion, giving up Anatoli's former territory and handing it over to Jin Bin's people to take over, and their people fully assisted in the arrest operation.

Not long after.

Vladimir received the news that Frank had been caught.

Vladimir walked up to Frank and asked in a cold voice:

"It was you who killed Anatole?"

Frank looked up and looked at Vladimir calmly.

He knew Vladimir, he was on his must-kill list, and he was also the leader of the Russian gang.

Curling his lips in disdain, Frank definitely knew who the real murderer of Anatole was, but he didn't care at all, and he didn't care that he was blamed.

With Frank's pissing nature, the gunfire always talks, and the others rarely beep the door. .

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