In the moment after the sun goes out.

The Earth is in the dark.

In the devil's wings

"Queen, the Earth's sun has gone out."

Atai looked at Morgana next to him and said

""It went out? What happened?"

Morgana was a little surprised.

How could the sun go out?

Could it be Li Ang who did it?

Li Ang had just left the Earth.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Morgana thought it was unlikely.

After all, the Earth was Li Ang's home planet.

Li Ang should not do such a thing....Bar?

"Just after Leon left the Earth, he met the angel Yan, went to the Sun, and entered the core of the Sun. According to our findings, he should have absorbed too much energy, causing the Sun to go out."

"Should we evacuate the Earth?"

Artest looked at Morgana and asked

"Wait for a while. If the sun still goes out, evacuate. Remember to take the rose with you before evacuating.

Morgana pondered for a moment and made a choice.


Yes, Queen.


A series of alarms sounded from the Giant Gorge.

"Denor III detected that the sun was extinguished! It is very likely that the Taotie Legion used technological means! All units should be prepared for combat at any time!"


As the broadcast sounded throughout the Giant Gorge, all 483 people on the Giant Gorge were mobilized.

They took their weapons and followed the broadcast instructions to go to their respective defense positions in an orderly manner.

The Xiongbing Company, which was originally conducting daily training, also stopped training.

They all looked up at the sky in disbelief.

At this time, the sky no longer had the sun as before.

The whole sky was pitch black.

It was as if it was night now.

Even the temperature around them had dropped by several degrees.

"No? What's going on? Aliens are coming so soon?"

Ge Xiaolun said with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

Although before joining the Super God Academy,

Qiangwei and others had already said that the purpose of forming the Heroic Army was to resist alien invasion.

But, isn't this too fast?

He is not ready yet.

"My goodness, the sun is gone."

Liu Chuang looked at the dark sky with a shocked expression.

"What's the point of fighting? Even their sun has gone out. How can we fight them?"

Zhao Xin said weakly with a look of despair on his face.

They haven't even seen the aliens.

The sun of the earth has gone out.

Are we going to fight them with our heads?

(aeci) No, no! As a space-class civilization, the Taotie civilization should not have such technological means, unless the Styx Galaxy helps them."After seeing this scene, Lena frowned.

Want to extinguish the sun.

Only the god-making civilization has the ability to do it.

The Taotie civilization is just a space-class civilization.

It has no dark energy attack methods at all.

Not to mention extinguishing the sun.

Unless the Styx Galaxy, a god-making civilization, takes action.

However, there are angels on Earth.

How dare the Styx Galaxy violate the order of justice established by Holy Kesha in front of the angels?

In interstellar wars, star-destroying weapons are not allowed to be used.

This seriously violates the Shenhe morality set by the order of justice.

Unless something happened that Lena didn't know about.

Qilin and others were also holding their weapons, with a hint of despair on their faces.

In the command room of the Giant Canyon

"Lianfeng, have you investigated the cause? Why did the sun suddenly go out? Was it someone from the Styx Galaxy who did it?"

Dukao looked at Lianfeng with a gloomy expression and asked

"No, according to the detection of Denor III, the Taotie civilization has not yet arrived at the Chiwu star system."

"Two people appeared on the surface of the sun, one was Dr. Leon and the other was Angel Yan."

Leon and Angel Yan did not hide their whereabouts.

That's why they were observed by Denor III.

Lian Feng's hands quickly clicked on the virtual keyboard in front of him, opened a piece of data, and opened an image, and continued:"Please see, five minutes after Dr. Leon entered the core of the sun, the sun went out."

"It should be because after entering the core of the sun, Li Ang over-extracted the sun's energy, which caused it to extinguish."

In the video, there are two figures on the surface of the sun.

They are Li Ang and Angel Yan. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then, Li Ang entered the sun alone.

Angel Yan did not enter with him.

"Is there a way to contact Leon?"

Dukao was relieved and asked in a deep voice.

As long as it wasn't the invasion of the Taotie civilization, it would be fine.

However, Leon's strength was beyond his imagination. He was able to enter the core of the sun.

However, the most important thing now is not to think about this problem.

But to solve the problem of the sun.

If the sun goes out for a long time, the earth will be destroyed by itself without the arrival of the Taotie army.

"There is no way, we don't know about Dr. Li Ang's dark plane communication."

Lian Feng shook his head, and then said solemnly:"If the sun goes out for more than an hour, most of the world's electronic equipment will lose its effect."

"If it lasts more than 24 hours, all plants will lose photosynthesis and the oxygen content on Earth will decrease."[]

"In a week, the temperature of the earth's surface will drop by 17 degrees."

"One month later, the continental plates and seawater, due to the lack of sunlight, will trigger the movement of the continental plates, causing natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes........"

At this point, Lian Feng stopped talking.

If the sun goes out for more than a month, most of the world's human race will be destroyed.

The humans who survived will be wiped out.���I'm afraid there are only some super soldiers

"Be prepared for the worst."

After taking a deep breath, Dukao realized the seriousness of the matter and said in a deep voice.


Due to the disappearance of the sun.

The whole country will be in chaos.

There will be burning, killing and looting everywhere.

"Fuck! Is the world ending?"

"I don't want to die yet!! I'm only twenty years old!"

"Hahaha! Everybody has to die! Let's party together!"


There were cries of crying, cries for help, and sounds of killing.

"Amaterasu! Is this the wrath of the gods?"

"God is going to punish the world!"

"The world is ending! We are all going to die! This is punishment!"


Everyone in the country, from high officials to ordinary people, all looked desperate.

Not only them, but also all countries around the world, China, Russia, Hamburger Country, Kimchi Country, etc.

After the sun went out, fear enveloped everyone.

Except for China, which was methodically comforting the people.

People in most countries were in panic.

They all thought that the end of the world was coming.

It seemed like the end of the world.

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