Originally, in the conception of the God of Death Carl, it was impossible or even impossible for the life forms in the known universe to be born.

However, the appearance of Leon broke his idea.

Leon can absorb all energy almost unlimitedly and convert it into the energy he needs.

After Leon's body strength is enhanced, he can also obtain various abilities like the super genes they created, such as flying, heat rays, flare bombing, magnetic field, etc.

Such abilities, in theory, cannot be integrated into one super gene.

Today's super soldiers are not so much divine bodies as they are interfaces of dark planes.

The power and speed of super soldiers themselves are not strong.

The physical strength may even be only tens of thousands of tons.

Whether it is the third generation divine body or the fourth generation divine body, they are all transformed by energy, and"Five Nine Three" has become more suitable for controlling dark planes and dark energy.

In theory, the third generation divine body, as long as there is energy in the cells of the body, can break through the shackles of life and achieve immortality.

The fourth generation divine body can transform every atom of itself and realize the mutual positioning between atoms.

Most weapons in the known universe are almost unable to kill the fourth generation divine body.

Leon's power is completely opposite.

During the battle, Leon relies only on pure strength, speed, physique, reaction, etc.

, not on dark energy and dark planes.

This is also one of the reasons why the god of death Carl used projection to meet Leon.

""Yes, interesting remarks."

Leon looked at the coherent talk of Grim Reaper Carl, nodded slightly, and said with a smile.

Even Leon had to admit that Grim Reaper Carl was indeed an excellent scholar in a sense. He only spent a short time with Leon and was able to tell that Leon did not have a super gene. Even when He Xi met Leon, she thought that Leon's super gene was hidden too deeply, which led to her not discovering it. She had no idea that Leon did not have such a thing as a super gene.

"Lord Leon, you don't seem to be worried at all that I know this? Do you think I can't analyze your body, so I can't deal with you?"

The Death God Carl asked calmly after seeing that Leon didn't have much emotional fluctuations.

"If you insist on thinking this way, then I can't help it."

Leon shrugged.

Death Karl controls the Great Clock, the most powerful celestial computer in the known universe.

Even when Holy Kesha faced Death Karl, she could only suppress him to a certain extent.

However, Death Karl couldn't even analyze Leon's body structure.

This means that most of the means in his hands have no effect on Leon.

At most, he can only rewrite the space and position around Leon, but he can't teleport Leon to other places.

For example, teleport Leon to a black hole, a white hole, or even a star that is about to explode. Death Karl can't do this.

But, at the same time , it is difficult for Leon to deal with Death Karl.

Death Karl has transformed himself into a phantom.

How can Leon deal with him?

Physical attack?

It can't hurt the phantom at all.

Energy attack?

Same. It can't hurt him either.

As for mental means?

Li Ang didn't master it.

However, when Li Ang's Silver Superman template progresses to unlock the exclusive ability: Wishes Come True.

He will have the means to deal with the God of Death Carl.

And this time is not far away.

Li Ang thought and checked his personal panel.

The first template: Iron Man Template: 100%.

Exclusive abilities: Bio-field, solar flare (7 billion degrees ~ 12 billion degrees).

The second template: Silver Superman Template: 15%. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Strength: 11 trillion tons.

Speed: 750,000 Mach.

Abilities: Energy absorption (passive), bio-field, flight, super strength, super speed, super defense, super brain, heat ray, super hearing, super breathing, super vision, super sneeze

Exclusive ability: Wishes come true (unlocked, create anything by consuming energy.)

Silver Superman's template progress has reached 15%.

The distance to unlocking the exclusive ability is only 25% of the template progress.

After the bug-like ability of Wishes Come True appears

, lack the means to attack the phantom?

Then create one.

As for the energy required? There is not much else in the universe, but there are many stars! [] There are hundreds of billions of stars in the Chiwu star system alone. Not to mention other galaxies. Retracting these thoughts, Leon turned his attention back to the Death God Carl. Leon understood that this projection of the Death God Carl appeared in front of him specifically. There must be a purpose.

"Indeed, I can't harm you."

Death Karl admitted this very frankly, then looked at Leon and said lightly:"I want to give you something, or a technology..."

"Giving me something? The void technology you researched?"

Leon took out the semi-finished void engine that was previously in the Devouring Beast's body and looked at the Death God Carl up and down.

Would this old silver coin be so kind to give him technology?

"No, it's not void technology."

Death God Carl shook his head and said calmly:"It's star drive technology."

Even Morgana has star drive technology.

What about Death God Carl?

"What do you want me to pay?"

Leon looked at the Death God Carl with some surprise and asked.

Star drive technology is indeed very important to Leon now. As long as Leon masters the star drive technology, the template progress will be able to grow rapidly. Moreover, it can also achieve a certain degree of immortality.

"Some of your blood."

Death Karl said calmly.

"No other conditions? You should know that you can't analyze my blood, right? Why do you want to do such a useless thing?"

Leon looked at the Death God Carl deeply.

Even Leon couldn't understand what the Death God Carl wanted to do.

Study him?

Even Leon's body couldn't be analyzed.

What could be analyzed by blood alone?

"I want to see whether Sir Leon can really absorb energy without limit, and whether your body strength will reach the upper limit."

Death Karl said calmly, looking at Leon with exploration and curiosity, and said lightly:"This will be very helpful for my next research. 4.1."

From the beginning to the end, he was just a scholar.

Leon's ability is very interesting.

It has the possibility of unlimited evolution.

Perhaps it has more potential than the super genes in the current mainstream universe. So, can he replicate Leon's ability through research and analysis ? It is true that all this is difficult. But, aren't scholars born to explore unknown difficulties?

"Aren't you afraid that my strength will exceed your expectations and kill you?"

Li Ang smiled and asked back

"On the road of exploring unknown knowledge, even death is another kind of unknown, isn't it?"

Death Karl shook his head, without any fear.

The next moment, Death Karl transmitted all the principles of star drive technology to Li Ang.

"So this is the star drive technology, it's really interesting."

After receiving the star drive technology transmitted by the Death God Carl, Leon smiled and muttered to himself.

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