Styx Star System Dead Song Academy.

In a study room in an old castle

"It's really a perfect creation."

In front of a desk, Karl the God of Death slowly opened his eyes, muttered to himself with an obsessed look.

After meeting Leon,

Karl the God of Death has been using the big clock to simulate, deduce, and analyze the blood data that Leon had given him before.

As for the blood, it disappeared from the molecular level one hour after leaving Leon's body.

Even if Karl the God of Death used all the technologies in his hands, there was still no way to prevent the collapse of the blood. However, he still kept the specific data about Leon's blood.

"Snow, do you know? I have simulated it with the big clock. Sir Leon's blood is compatible with almost all the super genes nowadays. Do you know what this means?"

After a long sigh of relief, the God of Death Carl looked at Snow beside him, and his voice did not hide the surprise at all.

Whether it is Jilan's three major god-making projects, the light of the sun, the power of the galaxy, and the god of war of the star of No, or the angel genes of the angel civilization, or the super genes from other civilizations.

Through the simulation of the big clock, the God of Death Carl discovered that Leon's blood is extremely compatible with all the super genes in the known universe.

Even some of the void creatures he captured from the void can be perfectly compatible.

It's incredible!

""My God Carl, maybe it's because Lord Leon's super gene is too strong? Or is there some kind of compatibility?"

Snow pondered for a moment, and answered honestly with his limited knowledge. Snow didn't know about the conversation between Death Carl and Leon on Earth. It was just that after Death Carl came back from Earth, he fell into a state of madness and obsession. This puzzled Snow.

"That's right, after all, you are not a scholar and cannot understand this kind of question."

Death Karl frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with Snow's answer, slowly walked to the bookshelf next to him, took down a book, and explained lightly:"Sir Leon does not have a super gene. The ability in his body is something from a high-level civilization, or something from another dimension."

After the research of Death Karl, he is very sure that Leon does not have the so-called super gene.

The source of Leon's abilities should come from an unknown high-level civilization.

Or from a world with a higher dimension than the known universe.

Perhaps it comes from the void, or it may be a dimension similar to the void world.

Even a dimension beyond the void world is not impossible.

As for where Leon got it from?

Did he have it himself?

Or did he enter a certain dimension on Earth and gain the ability.

Or was it given by someone.

Death Karl is still under research.

He has carefully checked Leon's life experience hundreds of times.

Leon from From small to large, the place where they live.

It's just a small pre-nuclear civilization like Earth.

Theoretically, they shouldn't have such ability at all.

Or Leon has left Earth.

However, due to some technical means that he couldn't understand, his detection was blocked.

As a result, he made a wrong judgment on all the information about Leon.

This is not impossible.

On the road of the void, Death Karl is at the forefront.

But on this unknown road that is almost the same as the void.

Even beyond the void.

He knows nothing about it.

This also makes the scholar Death Karl even more obsessed. He can't wait to crack all these unknown things.

"No super genes? ?"

Snow's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face showed shock.

How could there be no super genes? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Li Ang obviously has such a strong strength.

How could there be no super genes?

"Lord Leon can perfectly integrate various super genes, and can also absorb energy from various material levels without limit, if my judgment is correct."

When the God of Death Carl said this, his tone became a little excited,"Give Lord Leon a certain amount of time, he can even become a true god in the universe! An omniscient and omnipotent god! Instead of the so-called third-generation and fourth-generation gods now." The gods in the known universe.

Including the Holy Kesha, the king of gods.

Asking for flowers is only called a god with the help of technology.

If it relies on its own strength. It ca n't even destroy a planet.

Rather than calling it a god.

It's better to say it's a genetic life.

But Leon can do this.

In the deduction of the God of Death Carl, as long as Leon continues to absorb energy like he is now.

His physical fitness will become stronger without limit, and some abilities hidden in the body will also appear one by one.[]

In the future, Leon will use his own power to destroy a galaxy, a universe.

Maybe he can really do it.

The most powerful god of war in the mainstream universe, Holy Kesha, can only destroy a galaxy even if he has the most advanced knowledge. He must use astronomical computers and various cutting-edge knowledge to do it.

As for destroying the universe?

No one in the known universe can do it.

But Leon has this potential.

"The omniscient and omnipotent God?"

Snow had no doubts about what Karl the God of Death said, but out of concern for Karl's safety, he couldn't help but make a suggestion:"My God Karl, why don't we kill Lord Leon before he grows up, so that he won't pose a threat to you in the future."

"In fact, when I was on Earth, Lord Leon also asked me this question."

Recalling that Leon's question was exactly the same as Snow's, Death Karl turned around and walked slowly forward. When he reached the corner, he stopped and said lightly:"In the pursuit of the unknown truth, death will never stop me."

"I am very sure that Mr. Leon will definitely have the power to kill me in the future, but I will not be afraid of this."

"If I could witness the appearance of an omniscient and omnipotent God, I would not be afraid even if I died."

"Snow, death is not terrible, fear is the most terrible"

"Moreover, isn’t the world after death also an unknown knowledge?"

"I am a scholar, and the truth will accompany me throughout my life."

Snow's body trembled, and he bowed in the direction of the God of Death Carl, and shouted with a fanatical look:"My God Carl, you are the strongest scholar beggar in the known universe!"

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