A licker? How could Ge Xiaolun become a licker?

Although, Ge Xiaolun likes Du Qiangwei very much.

He did admit this.

But, he would never admit the nickname of a licker.

Ge Xiaolun just liked Du Qiangwei from the beginning.

Not a licker.

The nickname of a licker is too embarrassing.

Moreover, it makes people feel too uncomfortable.

After all, he is also the power of the galaxy.

Although he can no longer become the Lord of the Earth Star.

However, it does not mean that he will become a licker.

If he becomes a licker just because he likes Du Qiangwei, then it would be too sad.

Moreover, it would easily make his goddess Du Qiangwei feel disgusted with him.

This is something Ge Xiaolun absolutely cannot tolerate.

If Ge Xiaolun can really tolerate this.

Then, Ge Xiaolun would not become what he is now.

You know, from a certain point of view.

Compared to becoming a licker.

Ge Xiaolun is more inclined to be a person who likes to appreciate beautiful things.

What's more, is there anything wrong with appreciating good things? Anyone in the known universe has the right to pursue beautiful things.

No one will be the slightest exception.

Even he is the same.

Although Li Ang has now become the main god of Earth Star, from a certain perspective, Ge Xiaolun has completely lost the right to become the main god of Earth Star.

However, this does not mean that Ge Xiaolun really has no way to become the main god.

In a sense, he, Ge Xiaolun, still has the potential to become the main god.

From the beginning when he joined the Super God Academy, many people told him one thing, that is, his future must be able to become the main god level.

This point is still very clear in his heart.

If Ge Xiaolun could not even understand such a simple truth, he would not have become what he is now.

What's more, compared with Liu Chuang and Zhao Xin, he is already very good.

Although Liu Chuang's strength has reached the strength of the third generation of super soldiers, from the perspective of development potential, Liu Chuang's strength is still compared to him.

There is still great potential.

There is still a huge gap.

Ge Xiaolun had sparred with Liu Chuang before.

But when facing Liu Chuang, he couldn't beat him at all.

However, whether it was Dukao, the dead man, or Qiangwei, they had told him that the ability of the super gene Galaxy Power in his body was not so simple.

If the ability of the super gene was really so simple, it would not have become what it is now.

In a sense, the reason why the super gene is so powerful is not just because it is the Galaxy Power, but also because of a very special reason, that is, the meaning of the Galaxy Power.

And the meaning of the Galaxy Power, even Ge Xiaolun himself does not understand it very well.

If Ge Xiaolun really understood this meaning, he would not have become what he is now.

From a certain perspective, the Galaxy Power is more potential than Liu Chuang's No Star War God.

If there is really no potential, it would not be worth Dukao, the former Marshal of the Denor Galaxy, to value so much.

Moreover, even Ge Xiaolun himself is very clear about one thing.

That is, General Dukao wanted to bring him and Du Qiangwei together.

Ge Xiaolun knew this very well.

In addition, Ge Xiaolun himself had a very good impression of Du Qiangwei.

Even if General Dukao didn't say it, he would have done it.

The purpose of Ge Xiaolun joining the Super Seminary was also very simple.

(To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) He joined the Super Seminary just for Du Qiangwei.

As for other purposes, there were none at all.

If it weren't for Du Qiangwei in the Super Seminary, Ge Xiaolun didn't even want to join the Super Seminary and the Xiongbing Company.

Maybe some people think that Ge Xiaolun's purpose of joining the Super Seminary is only this one.

It's a bit too sad.

But, they would say such words.

It's just because they don't know Ge Xiaolun.

If they really know Ge Xiaolun, they won't say such words.

From a certain perspective, at least Ge Xiaolun's current conditions and reasons are that simple.

Moreover, after joining the Super Seminary


It's not that no one and no country have come to look for Ge Xiaolun and other people from Xiongbinglian, wanting them to go to them.

Unfortunately, without exception, all of them were rejected by Ge Xiaolun and others.

Although they are just a soldier in Xiongbinglian, and they don't even have any status, but it is precisely because they love this country very much that they made such a choice.

If they don't love this country at all, they would never have achieved what they are now.

From a certain perspective, their current strength is still very good.

As for Zhao Xin, the super gene in his body is still a huge gap compared to Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun.

If it weren't for Zhao Xin's own strength, which has been upgraded to the second-generation super soldier, Zhao Xin would have no way to continue to stay in the Lu Seminary.

You know, Xiongbinglian is a very powerful team.

If you can really join it at will, it would be too terrible.

Moreover, Zhao Xin's current strength is only a second-generation super soldier.

Compared with Ge Xiaolun and the others, there is still a big gap.

Moreover, Zhao Xin's super gene, except for making him run faster, has no benefits at all.

There is no special ability.

From this point of view, it is simply not comparable to the Galaxy Power and the Noxing War God.

It is precisely because of this that Ge Xiaolun looks down on Zhao Xin so much.

If it were not for this reason, how could Zhao Xin become so angry now?

"Oh, I'm going"

"Lord Xin, please don't stop me"

"Xiaolun, this guy, even mocked the two of us"

"Damn it, I'm going to beat him to death"

"I will show him how powerful I am this time."

Liu Chuang said as he walked towards Ge Xiaolun with an unhappy look on his face.

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