“Hahahahaha! Samael laughed wildly, full of ridicule and a hint of pity, and said with a sneer.

“Do you know that things like stigmata require special physiques and special opportunities to awaken.

Who do you think you are and how can you get the stigmata? Li

Ang curled his lips,”Of course I know, but my physique seems to be a little different from others.”……”

Samael was startled when he heard this, and then said angrily:”What a bullshit physique, you think you are the chosen one!”

Li Ang sighed and said quietly:”Oh, I also want to be an ordinary person.”.

“nine nine three”

“Humph, just pretending!

Samael smiled ferociously and said,”In that case, let me destroy you myself!”

I will tear you apart, eat every inch of your body, dig out your heart, and drain your marrow!”

He spread his wings, swooped down, and grabbed Li Ang’s neck with his sharp claws.

Li Ang squinted his eyes, moved slightly, and avoided the fatal blow. At the same time, he punched Samael. His chest was sunken, and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

Samael staggered back a few steps, managed to steady his body, and said in surprise:”You, what are you doing?”…”

“There are still many things you don’t know.

Li Ang moved his shoulders and said coldly:”It’s time to send you back to the west.””

He raised his right fist again and swung it towards Samael’s head.

But this punch was delayed.

Because at this time Samael spread out his entire domain and covered the entire mountain top.

Here Within the scope of the domain, Samael’s strength increased tenfold, making him a peerless ferocious beast, and his injuries recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

“Hahahaha, I finally waited for you!”

Samael looked up to the sky and laughed. Hot magma erupted all over his body, like a phoenix bathed in fire, exuding an extremely dangerous aura.

“It seems like you really have two brushes?”

Samael took a deep breath, and a series of piercing screams came from his throat. Then, the flames on his body fluctuated violently, condensed instantly, and turned into a huge flaming sword made of hot flames!

“Balrog…..Fire Demon Slash! Samael shouted angrily, holding the flaming giant sword in both hands, and swung forward.

The flaming giant sword cut through the air, pulled out a blazing trajectory in mid-air, and swept towards Li Ang!

“This is…?”

Li Ang’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately felt a strong life and death crisis!

He hurriedly turned sideways to avoid it, and the flaming sword slashed across his waist, plowing a black ravine on the ground.

The next second, the flaming giant sword disappeared, replaced by Samael’s figure, appearing next to Li Ang.

Samael’s speed increased significantly. After missing a blow, he kicked out his left leg hard and hit Li Ang hard in the abdomen, kicking him away.


Li Ang stopped gliding after breaking several strong trees, rolled a few times, and barely controlled his body shape.

Samael pursued the victory, and his figure flickered, turning into afterimages all over the sky, and galloping towards Li Ang.

“So fast!”

Li Ang cursed secretly, folded his hands on his chest, and muttered:”Saint marks, everything will collapse!”

As the words fell, the skin on his body suddenly swelled, and countless fine lines appeared on the surface, spreading all over the skin like a spider web, and then suddenly cracked, turning into mysterious and complicated symbols. Then, endless metallic The spiritual energy was drawn out and gathered behind Li Ang………

In an instant, Li Ang’s body expanded several times and turned into a golden monster about three meters high!


Li Angyang roared and raised his right arm to block Samael’s slashing knife. Then, he turned from defense to offense, grabbed Samael’s wrist and twisted it violently!

There was a crisp sound, and Samael’s palm broke, and blood flowed violently.

“Damn beast! Samael was furious. He held the dagger in his other hand and stabbed Li Ang in the neck.

Li Ang turned his head away lightly and hit Samael’s temple with his right fist.


Samael Feeling dizzy and almost falling over


Li Ang roared angrily, raised his left knee and pushed it directly against Samael’s lower abdomen, making Samael bend down and unable to maintain his balance.

Taking this opportunity, Li Ang waved his fist wildly, and a series of dull explosions resounded all around. , the punches landed on Samael’s face, stomach, ribs and joints.

Samael’s already weak body could no longer hold up, and he curled up, 4.5 letting out bursts of painful groans.

But Li Ang didn’t have any Pity, but the more he beat, the more excited he became. He swung out his whip leg, kicked Samael in the cheek, kicked him away, and broke several towering ancient trees.

“Cough cough cough!”

Samael got up with difficulty, vomited out a large ball of blood, and his body was shaking.

“Haha, you’re done.”

Li Ang grinned and was about to rush forward to add a few more punches when he saw Samael’s body disappearing directly.

The next second, Samael suddenly appeared next to Li Ang, holding a flaming giant sword in his right hand and falling from the sky. Beheaded towards Li Ang.

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