Fast forward and it's the next day!

Su Xiaoli looked at Su Yun who was sleeping beside him.

The beautiful eyes are full of pampering and distress.

Last night, the two played until the early hours of the morning.

No, exactly.

It was Su Yun who played until the early hours of the morning.

Su Xiaoci didn't sleep all night.

Because she found out when she was fighting Su Yun.

Something about Su Yun.

You can actually improve your strength.

Although as early as a few days ago, when interacting with Su Yun, Su Xiaoci received a similar prompt tone.


Not every time you interact with Su Yun, you can improve your strength.

The odds are on the low side.

On the contrary, last night, she found that when Su Yun's energy entered her body, her chances of improving her strength greatly increased.

She knew that after this evening, she still wanted to enjoy Su Yun alone, but she would have to wait for at least nine days.

How could Su Xiaoli, who had already tasted the sweetness, endure this kind of torment.

Therefore, in the second half of the night, Su Yun fell asleep, and she didn't let Su Yun go.

I brushed myself with a good wave of strength.

Su Yun himself has nothing to say.

Succubus body, do you have a purpose for seducing women?

No, no, no, the body of the succubus also has the property of unlimited energy and energy.

After squeezing for a night, Su Yun said that he was not panicking at all.

He sleeps with his.

Su Xiaoci pressed Su Xiaoci.

Not a big problem!

Su Yun was still sleeping, and his slightly curved eyelashes twitched from time to time.

That cute appearance fell into Su Xiaoxi's eyes, which made her heart melt.

I originally wanted to call Su Yun up.

12 But after thinking about it, I still forget it.

Su Xiaoci leaned down and pecked Su Yun lightly.

"Good work, my little husband. "

After that, Su Xiaoxi tiptoed up.

Take out the white silk scarf that is under your buttocks.

Look at the dots of plum on it.

Su Xiaoxi's pretty face flashed with a happy smile.

Then he folded it and put it in the secret compartment of his wardrobe like a treasure.

"This is the most precious gift I gave to Xiao Yunyun, I must keep it!"

Then Su Xiaoli dragged his body that was about to fall apart and entered the bathroom.

After washing up, she opened the door.

As a result, as soon as she went out, she bumped into Qi Lin and Du Rose head-on.

Looking at the few people gathered outside the door.

Su Xiaoli was a little speechless: "What are you doing?"

Qi Lin bypassed Su Xiaoli and looked into the room: "Where's Xiao Yunyun, haven't you gotten up yet?"

Su Xiaoxi stretched out his index finger and made a small gesture.

"Xiao Yunyun is tired, let him rest more!"


Qi Lin, Du Qiang Rose and the others glanced at each other.

Can you get tired just by sleeping?

Hmph, Su Xiaoci, a bad woman, I'm afraid she didn't do anything good!

Closing the door, Su Xiaoli walked towards the restaurant.

The way she walked, let the women hammer Su Xiaoxi for not doing a good job.

Qi Lin and He Weilan are both from the past.

All understand what's going on.

Du Rose, Rena also understands.

But I feel a little envious, jealous, and hateful.

Damn, damn it!

Obviously, they knew Su Yun before Su Xiaoxi.

How did you let Su Xiaoci overtake in the corner and taste the sweetness first?

It's uncomfortable.

Su Yun hadn't woken up yet, and Du Qiangrose and the others couldn't force their way in.

They all sat down for breakfast.

When they had eaten and drunk their fill, they dispersed and went about their own business.

Qi Lin and He Weilan went to work at the police station.

Rena and Du Rose drive back to the Hypertheologue in a helicopter.

Angel Hiko, Angel Chase, routinely patrols the world once a day.

Finally, Rui Mengmeng and Su Xiaoci.

The two are responsible for taking care of Su Yun's daily life.

As well as being responsible for the hygiene of the villa.

On Su Yun's side, it was already three poles in the sun, and he woke up slowly.

But when he woke up, he didn't leave the room as soon as possible.

Instead, he opened the succubus mall in his own mind.

It was a crazy night last night.

made Su Yun brush a lot of succubus points.

Plus the inventory of the previous nearly month.

Up to now, Su Yun's succubus point balance has exceeded 2 million points.

It reached 2.01 million.

If the succubus point is in place, then it's time to start a new round of shopping.

This time, there was only one thing that Su Yun added to the cart.

It's called Devouring Body.

In the setting of the Supergod Universe, super soldiers can equip various gods.

The most common third-generation god body, with stronger healing ability and resistance to blows.

The fourth-generation god body, as long as it does not die, the injured body can instantly return to the original set appearance.

A little special.

There is also Ge Xiaolun, the undefeated body chased by angels.

It's hard, you can't kill, and even if you are mortally wounded, you can still continue to fight after a while.

A little more advanced, Keisha, Hexi's divine body.

Composed of sacred atoms, immortal and indestructible.

Even if it is blasted to pieces, it can be resurrected by the divine atoms that locate and merge with each other.

But it takes a certain amount of time and a lot of energy.

And Carl's phantom. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Immune to any damage.

If you can't even take the damage, how can you be killed?

And Su Yun, the divine body he wants to buy now, is called the Devouring Body.

【Devouring Body】

Price: 2,000,000 Succubus Points[]

Description: It can devour all energy attacks that hit it, and then store the energy in the body and convert it into energy that can be controlled by itself.

Energy can be used for defense, attack and other operations, and as long as the energy attack does not exceed the critical point of the self, it cannot cause damage to itself, and the critical point of bearing increases with the increase of strength.

This thing was discovered by Su Yun more than ten days ago and added to the shopping cart.

Then keep accumulating succubus points ready to buy.

Until today, it is finally possible to start.

The price is 2 million succubus points.

One thing to say, it's very expensive.

But the effect is also strong to explode.

Different from the third generation of gods, the fourth generation of gods, the invincible body, the divine body and other passive defenses.

Only two purposes are followed.

You can't kill it if you can't kill it, or you can be resurrected after you die.

The gods themselves do not deal any damage to the enemy.

And the devouring body that Su Yun chose was different.

Its defense is set to eat all attacks that hit it.

As long as you eat it, you will naturally not be able to cause damage to yourself.

Not even injuries.

There is no need for the third-generation god body, and the extremely fast healing effect of the fourth-generation god body.

What's more.

Devouring Body, not only can it eat attacks that hit you.

It can also convert attacks that hit you into energy and store them in your body for your own use.

This is the real horror of the Devouring Body.

Devoured energy, which can be used for defense, can be used for offense, and temporarily increases one's own strength.

So, in a sense.

Su Yun only needs to equip the Devouring Body, even if he is not equipped with battle armor and weapons.

You can also devour your body to keep yourself safe and do good damage.

And this was the reason why Su Yun wanted to buy the Devouring Body.

In his opinion, the practicality of the Devouring Body is stronger than that of the third and fourth generation of the Divine Body.

It's just right for him right now.

After equipping, not to mention being directly invincible.

At least it's enough to save your life.

It can also enhance its own attacks, killing two birds with one stone, perfect.

Thinking of this, Su Yun also directly bought the devouring body.

"You purchased the Devouring Body and cost 2 million Succubus Points. "

The tone falls.

The 2 million succubus points accumulated for a month were emptied in an instant.

Su Yun felt a pain in his flesh.

But when I thought about it, I was relieved.

Now, his big villa is in place.

Qi Lin, He Weilan, Rui Mengmeng, Du Qiangrose, Rena, Su Xiaoci, Angel Yan, Angel Chase, Angel Moy.

A total of nine high-quality women became resident guests.

There is also a Yuqin who will come here from time to time 817 to give Su Yun a physical examination.

That's the 10 big sisters.

It doesn't take long to refarm 2 million succubus points.

Ahem, back to business.

The devouring body was a pale black crystal ball.

Su Yun crushed it.

Black energy instantly poured into his body.

Severe pain hit.

After a few minutes, the Devouring Body fused.

Su Yun felt that there was a huge space in his body.

That's where the energy is stored after it has been devoured.

And every pore on my body.

It's like they've become little black holes.

is greedily devouring the energy in the air.

Unfortunately, there is very little energy in the air.

Not enough to cause any substantial change.

So, Su Yun opened the curtains and let the sunlight shine in and fall on him.

The pores begin to absorb sunlight, and this is a slight change.

It took about a minute to absorb it.

Su Yun exported the energy absorbed in his body.

Flick it in your hand.

Only a thud was heard, and a fireball the size of a marble shot out.

Burn a small hole in the curtain.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun's eyes lit up: "It's really useful." "

"It's so powerful just absorbing sunlight, so if you let Rena recharge me, wouldn't it?"

Rena is the most famous power bank in the Super Divine Academy.

The kind that can directly derive stellar energy.

"Looks like we'll have to find some time to try it out with Sister Rena. Su Yun said secretly in his heart.

Just when Su Yun was testing the power of his devouring body.

Outer Earth's outer space.

Morgana, who thought about Su Yun all night, also started her own plan to grab Su Yun.

Drive the Demon Castle and go straight to Earth.

Eventually stopped somewhere in outer space close to Earth.



(Yanzu, directly explode more than 30,000, begging for flowers and asking for everything!).

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