"any solution?"

Qiangwei looked at Lena excitedly. After experiencing the last ranking reward, Qiangwei didn't dare to regard the crazy woman in front of her as a lunatic.

Although Lena does things erratically, she doesn't look like a civilized main god at all. Although she has power, It’s not certain yet, but the strength is now through the sky.

After seeing that Qiangwei was finally fooled, Reina joked maliciously:"Marrying with the origin civilization, I think the origin king is quite handsome, and he should not be too old. , I can help you say goodbye."

After hearing this, Qiangwei's face darkened instantly when she realized that she had been tricked.

Qiangwei rolled her eyes at Reina and had no intention of competing with this crazy woman. She continued to focus on the people on the sky screen, staring at her intently.

Next is the last place.

Will it be that familiar name?

Almost all the audience in front of the sky have already guessed that the champion will be the mysterious origin civilization, but many civilizations do not want it to be the origin civilization.

【First place: Origin Civilization! 】

Kesha, who had expected it, sighed:"It is indeed the origin."

"How could it be the origin civilization?"

Both Karl and Morgana looked at the sky in disbelief.

Is their analysis wrong?


If the Origin Civilization has mastered void technology, it will indeed be invincible in the space field.

But why?

Origin Civilization has such advanced space technology, why has it never expanded into the universe?

Is it because it knows that it is not strong enough? Or are there other reasons?

The brains of the two top wise men in the universe are running at super speed, and they cannot think of an origin civilization that does not expand into the universe. The reason for expansion.

Is it really just peace-loving?

How is that possible?

How could a civilization with such advanced technology have no intention of expansion? How could a civilization have so much desire if it doesn’t even have the desire to expand its living space ? Desire to develop technology?

As we all know, the progress of science and technology is actually the progress of desire. If a civilized people are low-desire creatures, then the technology of this civilization will never be developed.

This is another paradox.


【Styx - King Taotie: It is actually the origin of civilization. With such advanced space technology, before the sky falls, there is no news about this civilization in the known universe.】

【Blue Star-Ge Xiaolun: Isn’t this too outrageous? Such a low-key and civilized boss?】

【Blue Star-Dukao: This is illogical. The origin civilization’s space technology is more advanced than the angel civilization. So why didn’t the origin civilization develop into the universe?】

【Karl: The Origin Civilization is really a contradictory civilization. @LuLi, the existence known as the Lord of Finality, can you please explain it? 】

Even Karl, who likes to hide in the dark and sinister, jumped out on his own initiative.

The main gods of these ancestral civilizations were indeed shown off by the operations of the origin civilization.


Origin of civilization.

Zhi Xin also looked at Lu Li curiously. It was not just Karl and the others who were so curious, she was also so curious.

The origin civilization’s technology is obviously so advanced, why not explore the universe? Instead, he is hiding in his own star system?

"Are you curious?"

Lu Li looked at the little angel next to him with a smile.

Zhi Xin nodded cutely. There is almost no wise man who would not be interested in such an illogical thing.

"The behavior of the origin civilization is very inconsistent with biological logic. Even our angel civilization wants to expand its influence in the universe. The strength of the origin civilization is not weaker than that of the angel civilization. Why is it willing to... just stay on its own planet? Zhi Xin originally wanted to say" shrink", but considering that this word was not very polite, Zhi Xin changed her words.

Lu Li couldn't help but chuckled:"It seems that the entire universe is very interested in the behavior of the origin civilization. It would be a bit rude not to explain it now."

【Origin - Final Lord - Lu Li: Because I am not interested. 】

Lu Li answered all civilization’s doubts very sincerely.

Lu Li's answer was very brief, only 4 words. not interested!

But these four words are not enough to convince other questions

【Styx - King Taotie: Master Yan, you have gone too far. If you don’t want to say something, just say it. Why are you deceiving us like this?】

【Morgana: The person above is right. Who will believe your excuse? What if your civilization is underdeveloped? Your space technology is the best in the universe, but you are not interested in the universe? Then why does your space technology need to be advanced? Is the difficulty just for the tech tree?】

【Styx-Karl: Although the Demon Queen’s words are rough, they do make sense. If the origin civilization is not interested in the universe, why is space technology so developed?】

【Lieyang-Pan Zhen: Isn't it because of fear? Are you afraid to explore outside because of insufficient war potential? 】

Pan Zhen deliberately provoked the general in the barrage.

【Origin-Final Lord-Lu Li: I don’t understand why you people like to think about things in complicated directions. ]

Lu Li curled his lips and did not explain further.

The reason why he was willing to explain just now was purely because he wanted to.

I don’t want to explain it now, it’s just because I don’t want to


"Do you believe what he said?"

He Xi looked at Kesha next to him.

Kesha shook her head and said:"The emergence of any technology has a causal relationship. No technology has no cause but only effect."

He Xi nodded with deep sympathy.

He also didn't believe Lu Li's explanation. As one of the top scientists in the universe, He Xi knew very well the laws of cause and effect for the emergence of technology. To put it bluntly, technology is a tool for realizing wishes.

If not Wishes, that tool cannot appear for no reason.

If human beings do not want to soar in the sky, then no flying tools can appear.

If the origin civilization does not want to travel the universe, then the space legend technology cannot be so advanced.


"You see, no one believes me when I tell the truth."Lu Li smiled evilly at the little angel next to him.

The corner of Zhi Xin's mouth twitched, but he did not expose Lu Li's perfunctory. After all, we are still in the place where civilization originated, and we still have to take care of the feelings of the owner here.

…………ps: I beg you all for your support! The lowest six updates I made today are so sincere. Could you please give me some monthly tickets for flowers or something like that? Also comes with a hot heart (picture)

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