Under Teacher Yan's diligent teaching, Lu Li quickly digested the basic science of the Super God Universe.

It is said to be basic science, but it is also the core technology of post-nuclear civilization.

In the origin laboratory

"It seems that I guessed wrong before. Lu

Li muttered to himself as he looked at the data in front of him. He had always thought that the so-called dark plane was a virtual space built based on the dark energy in the universe.

This guess cannot be said to be wrong, it can only be said to be right. There are not many.

The so-called dark plane is actually a dimension formed by the projection of dark energy in the universe. The Kamigawa Civilization studied dark energy in depth and discovered this special dimension. At first, the

Kamigawa Civilization just wanted to build in this latitude. A platform, the interface is linked to the main universe and used as a storage space.

In the end, it was found that the cost was too high and it was too useless, so it was abandoned. After the breakthrough of super genes, it was discovered that the human body has reached the end of the third generation of super warriors.

After all, the total capacity and limit of the human body It was there that I remembered that the dark plane construction technology can be combined with super soldiers, and all the technological crystallization of the entire civilization, such as weapons, equipment, medical treatment, etc., can be put into the dark plane.

Super soldiers are the connectors, allowing them to achieve unlimited energy and unlimited life. , immortal, omniscient, and omnipotent, this was the later divine body technology.

With the advancement of science and technology, divine body technology was also played out, and only one generation, two generations, three generations, and four generations were divided, and then one generation and two generations were cost-effective. It was too bad, so it was eliminated. After the third generation of super warriors, it started as the third generation of divine bodies.

(This setting comes from the popular science of a certain boss in the book review area. It feels more reliable than the author's setting, so the author shamelessly used it as the basic setting. deal)

"dark plane……"

Lu Li thought of another world similar to Super God - Marvel!

The Marvel Universe also has dimensional settings. The dimensional settings of the Marvel Universe should be the settings closest to the dimensions of the Super God Universe.

But one characteristic of the dimensions of the Marvel Universe is that each dimension has its own master, and with the help of the power of the dimensions, one can become ridiculously strong, and even have the power to destroy multiple universes.

But the dark plane is different. This thing is a bit like a public dimension, and everyone seems to have the right to use it.

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly flashed in Lu Li's mind.

For a moment, Lu Li even had a shuddering feeling, and a name appeared in his mind.

The space principal... the space principal who is integrated with the dark energy of the universe is probably following the path of the dimensional lord, right?

Opening super seminaries all over the universe, and then sharing the god-making technology very generously, isn't this just borrowing a chicken to lay an egg?

Use the resources of other civilizations to build the dark plane, and then finally move into the dark plane yourself.

As a leader of civilization, sometimes you have to have a little conspiracy theory.

Because even if it is just a possibility, it is fatal to a civilization.

Lu Li squinted his eyes and said to himself:"I hope it's not what I thought, Space Principal……"

Judging from the current performance of the Super Seminary, the main god's combat effectiveness is only at the Nebula level. If the space principal is really what he thinks.

The space principal finally successfully enters the dark plane and becomes the master of the entire dark plane. The space principal's strength will reach the multiverse level!

Directly cross the single universe and become a multiverse-level existence!

Of course, this is all just a guess.

But necessary precautions are still necessary

"You cannot let yourself become the interface of the dark plane, you must use tools. If the guess is true, then as the interface, you will definitely be controlled by the dark plane, and you may even be tricked."

Lu Li frowned and kept tapping on the experimental table.

"there is another way……"

Lu Li stopped tapping and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Assuming that the speculation is true, then why can't he control the dark plane before the space principal?

The current situation in the dark plane is that almost all super elite warriors have interfaces to the dark plane. If the dark plane is regarded as a company, all super soldiers are equivalent to shareholders and workers.

As the chairman of the board, if the Space Principal wants to take complete control of the company, the best way is to collect everyone's shares or kick everyone out of the company.

The first method is obviously impossible. The space principal does not have that strength. After all, he is just a wise man, and there is no such existence in the entire universe.

So Karl appeared, introduced the void, that is, external power, used the void to clean out those shareholders, and then took the opportunity to control the entire company.

The more he thought about it, the more his imagination grew. Lu Li then thought of the three angel kings who actively wanted to die.

Could it be that the three of them knew about the space principal's conspiracy, so they voluntarily gave up their inner bodies and went to the dark plane to compete for shares?

So this mess ended up being the space principal and the three angel kings competing for shares, and then Carl became the tool man?

Damn it!

This is too imaginative.

Lu Li felt that he should calm down.

Morgana doesn't look like the kind of person who can act in a 30,000-year drama.

"So in the end, we can only take one step at a time?"

"The best way now is to find a tool person to serve as the interface to the dark plane, and this person should know some time and space technology, and it would be even better if he has time and space genes."

"Use time and space technology to establish advantages in the dark plane, participate in the carving up of the dark plane, and finally kill other shareholders, monopolize power, and even completely control the entire dark plane."

Then who will be this tool?

After all, there is a risk of failure, and he can't help much. He doesn't know anything about the dark plane, and he doesn't dare to try it himself.

A crimson-haired figure suddenly appeared in Lu Li's mind.

Time and Space - Qiangwei!

Qiangwei's studies are not very good, at least her emotional intelligence is not high. In the original plot, it seems that Qiangwei was sent to the army by her father to receive technical instruction from the Super Seminary before she even went to college.

Such a person They generally have a characteristic. They will have a special admiration for their country, and are even willing to give up everything and sacrifice everything for it, and their political consciousness and IQ are not high. The same is true for Qiangwei in the plot.

She forgave her father for the sake of China. The enemy even willingly fell into the company of the devil.

But in fact, no matter how much the masters of Blue Star could curse her and despise her, one thing cannot be denied.

That is that she saved the world and took away the source of cholera from Blue Star.

As for Qiangwei finally becoming the king of demonic civilization with peace of mind?

That can only be said to be tit for tat, Morgana's PUA method is powerful.


Morgana deceived me, Lu Li can't deceive me?

What is this? reason?

…………ps: Rose (picture)

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