Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 1 Rebirth

"Hmm? I'm still alive?"

Yang Tian jumped up from the bed and looked at the familiar yet strange room, with deep doubts in his eyes.

What happened?

Didn't I break the void a long time ago, fight against the fierce Zerg on behalf of mankind, and then die of exhaustion?

How come I am alive now?

This place doesn't look like heaven?


Yang Tian is not a middle school patient. He starts dreaming as soon as he wakes up. Everything he thinks in his mind is true!

He is not a so-called cultivator. The reason why he can break the void is entirely because of the virtual game "Taixu".

In 2135, the fifth year of the global release of "Taixu", a disaster broke out, countless star Zerg invaded the earth, and the human beings on earth ushered in an unprecedented catastrophe.

For some reason, perhaps it was the mercy of the Creator-

The players of "Taixu" in reality suddenly have the abilities of the characters in the game!

With this group of players as the main force, humans began to fight back against the Zerg. As a god-level assassin, Yang Tian took the lead and flew out of the earth and headed for the planet where the Zerg was in the vast universe.

Yang Tian was too impulsive after all. He did not expect that the star giant worms that invaded the earth were just the worst of the Zerg. On that planet, every Zerg had power no less than that of a god, and some even condensed into human form.

Yang Tian's strength was very strong. It was very simple and easy to fight a god-level Zerg alone, but he was besieged by the Zerg and soon died of exhaustion.

While recalling, Yang Tian felt more and more incredible. Am I reborn?

Seeing the calendar hanging on the opposite wall, Yang Tian jumped out of bed and rushed over to take a look--

2130, September 2!

"Damn, I'm really reborn!" Yang Tian shouted in surprise.

"Xiaotian, are you up? Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth. Breakfast is ready." The voice of a middle-aged woman sounded outside the door.


Yang Tian's nose was sore and his eyes were red instantly.

In his previous life, Yang Tian's parents were not players of "Taixu". When the disaster broke out, Yang Tian watched his parents being swallowed by ugly giant insects and was powerless to save the situation.

This has always been a thorn in Yang Tian's heart. The bloody scene was like a nightmare that tortured him for many years.

Now he was reborn five years ago today. His parents are still alive. He was indescribably moved.

After washing up, Yang Tian walked out of the bedroom and came to the living room.

I saw a middle-aged woman carrying porridge and fried eggs to the table, and then wiped her hands on the light blue apron, turned her head to see Yang Tian, ​​and smiled slightly.

She was about 45 years old, dignified and virtuous. She was Yang Tian's mother Wang Jing.


While washing up, the emotions that had been stable obviously surged again when he saw his mother's familiar voice and smile. Yang Tian rushed forward regardless of everything and hugged his mother tightly, tears that could not be suppressed also slid down his eyes.

"Xiaotian, you are so old, why are you still acting like a spoiled child to your mother?" Wang Jing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and patted Yang Tian's back.

"Where's my dad?" Yang Tian asked, holding back his tears.

"He went to the construction site. He's been busy lately."


Yang Tian nodded. His father's name is Yang Donglei, a construction worker. To put it nicely, he is a construction worker, but in fact, he is just a brick mover, and it's very hard.

Yang Tian didn't do filial piety in his last life. In this life, he said that he would let his parents enjoy the taste of wealth and glory!


Half a minute later, Wang Jing pushed Yang Tian away and scolded him with a smile: "Okay, stop acting like a spoiled child. Eat breakfast quickly. It won't taste good if it gets cold."


Yang Tian smiled and nodded, and the surging emotions in his heart gradually calmed down.

"Go find a job after dinner. You've graduated for more than two months. You can't just stay at home all the time. Even if your mother is willing to support you, you have to find a wife and live your own life in the future." Wang Jing said earnestly.


Yang Tian smiled. Do I still need to find a job?

On August 8, 2130, "Taixu" was released worldwide. Today is September 2, and it has been more than half a month since the game was launched.

With the experience of a god-level assassin in his previous life, if Yang Tian enters the game, he will definitely reach new heights!

In this life, Yang Tian not only has the consciousness and skills of a god-level assassin, but also a game prophet. He knows all the strategies of many dungeons, the weaknesses of the BOSS, the coordinates of the treasure chest... He knows them all clearly.

Using the game, it is not difficult for him to become a billionaire, so why does he need to find a job!

But he can't tell his mother what he thinks in his heart.

There is no need to say it. When he makes money, he will naturally use practical actions and white money to let his parents live a rich life.

After breakfast, Yang Tian went out.

Walking on the street, you can see advertisements for "Taixu" everywhere.

As the first virtual game running globally, the popularity of "Taixu" is self-evident, attracting major capitals, clubs, and guilds to register and make money.

"Taixu" has been launched for more than half a month, and Yang Tian is already one step late. The most urgent task is to get a virtual device and quickly enter the game.

The cheapest virtual helmet also costs 10,000 yuan. Yang Tian has no job, so it is not easy for him to ask his parents for this money.

But no money is not a problem for Yang Tian. He can just find a studio that provides game helmets for free. He can even not ask for a salary, because he can make money as long as he enters the game.

With this thought, Yang Tian planned to go to the recruitment market.

"Ding Ding Ding~~~" The phone rang suddenly.

Yang Tian took out his phone from his pocket and saw Huang Xiaolong, his old classmate and best friend.

In his previous life, when the disaster broke out, Yang Tian had fought side by side with him and had a close relationship.

"Xiaotian, you haven't found a job yet? Don't look for it anymore, come and play games with me." The phone was connected, and Huang Xiaolong's mean voice sounded. Through the phone, Yang Tian could imagine Huang Xiaolong's expression of asking for a beating at this time.

"We brothers should settle accounts clearly. If you join our union, as long as you complete the basic daily tasks, you will get a monthly salary of 6,000, including food and accommodation." Huang Xiaolong said in a flurry.

Yang Tian felt warm in his heart when he heard it.

Unlike Yang Tian, ​​Huang Xiaolong is a rich second-generation who has no worries about food and clothing. His brother is the president of the [Demon God] Guild. Huang Xiaolong relied on his relationship to easily get a position as a captain.

According to the time in this life, Yang Tian is 22 years old this year, has just graduated from college, and has not found a job yet. Huang Xiaolong still cares about him, and this feeling is worth cherishing.

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