Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 29 Level 10

"Good stuff!"

Looking at the blue steel broadsword and the special skills, Yang Tian's eyes were red with excitement.

At this stage, silver equipment is extremely rare and the price is also very expensive.

Any level 10 silver equipment is at least 10,000 silver coins, and this blue steel broadsword has a great effect. Yang Tian estimates that someone will want it even if it is sold for 50,000 silver coins.

As for the special skills, it is even more expensive...

Yang Tian estimates that if he sells these two things, he will get nearly 300,000 RMB...

But he doesn't want to sell them.

It's okay for garbage equipment, but if there are good things, Yang Tian is willing to keep them for Xiao Jin.

Of course, Xiao Jin's level is not high enough now, so Yang Tian collected them.


Next, Yang Tian and his brothers continued to swipe monsters and upgrade in the first and second levels.

Elites and above are all BOSS monsters, and their refresh rate is about the same as that of treasure chests. So Yang Tian doesn't need to go to the third level at all, because the skeleton leader will not refresh for a long time.

The same is true for the Skeleton Captain in the second level. As an elite, it will be randomly refreshed within three days.

"Xiao Jin's upgrade is too slow. Let me upgrade first. When I reach level 10, I will take it to the dungeon!" Yang Tian touched his chin and pondered.

There is only one dungeon in Dark Moon Village, and it is a level 10 dungeon. Only players at level 10 and above are eligible to enter.

Upgrading by brushing the dungeon is very fast, because in addition to the experience of the monsters in the dungeon, you will also get extra experience points after clearing the dungeon.

If Yang Tian brushes it alone, the experience points will be amazing.

If Xiao Jin wants to upgrade from level 5 to level 10, it will probably take several days to brush monsters on the ground in this hidden map...

And if Yang Tian takes it to brush the level 10 dungeon alone, it will be very fast. The monsters in the level 10 dungeon are all level 10 or above, and Xiao Jin can also receive experience bonuses. And there are extra experience points for clearing the dungeon!


Of course, Xiao Jin is only level 5, and it cannot enter the level 10 dungeon by itself.

But Yang Tian can put it into the pet space first, and then release it after entering the dungeon... This is a very high-end operation...

"Okay, let's do it." Yang Tian lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, and then began to modify the team's experience acquisition method-

Team leader Hunshui, get 99% experience value!

Team member Golden Skeleton King, get 1% experience value!


After the adjustment, the effect is immediate.

Xiao Jin can kill a group of skeletons with a fierce collision, and Yang Tian's experience value increases like a tide...

A few hours later, Yang Tian reached level 10.

At this time, Yang Tian can leave the Novice Village, choose the Empire, and go to the corresponding main city.

But he obviously won't leave. Master Mo Fan has a hidden task in his hand, which is related to Yang Tian's job transfer to the Undead Overlord!

Only after completing this task can Yang Tian leave the Novice Village.

But the trigger condition of this task is-Xiao Jin reaches level 10.

"Okay, Xiao Jin, Captain, you guys go kill monsters here first, I'll leave for a while and come back to find you later." Yang Tian looked at the time and it was already half past eight in the morning, so he told Xiao Jin and the captain and went offline.


After washing up, Yang Tian came to the living room. Lan Yue's blue cat Xiao Feng had already prepared breakfast, so Yang Tian went to the table and started eating.

"By the way, Boss Lan Yue, I think we can hire a nanny to take care of our three meals a day, so that we can devote ourselves to the game." Yang Tian took a sip of porridge and proposed to Lan Yue.

Hearing this, Lan Mao Xiao Feng was silent, and Lan Yue also frowned and said awkwardly: "Full-time nannies are very expensive. Since you can cook, Yang Tian, ​​I will give you an extra salary. Isn't that good?"

Lan Yue was born in a wealthy family, but this time she chose to enter the game development without the support of her family, and was even opposed.

No matter how much money her family has, she can't get it, so she can only use the savings she has accumulated on weekdays.

And these savings, she has to pay rent, pay salaries, and invest in games... It's really very restrained.

"Oh, I'll hire a nanny and pay the salary." Yang Tian said with a smile. He has already earned 3 million, and paid 300,000 to Huang Xiaolong, and there are still 2.7 million, more than enough to hire a nanny.

Even if he leaves the Blue Moon Studio now and moves out, he still has to hire a nanny.

But now he suddenly doesn't want to move out, people are always a kind of social animal, sometimes really need some friends around to avoid loneliness. What's more... There are two beautiful women in this studio?

It's impossible for Yang Tian to say that he has no idea about the two beautiful women of Blue Moon and Blue Cat... It's a man's nature!

"Wow, Yang Tian, ​​you lied to me... Didn't you say you were desperate? Are you the illegitimate son of the boss of a listed group, deliberately hiding your name, but actually rich enough to rival a country?" Blue Cat's beautiful eyes were shining with stars, and he said with a brainwave.

Yang Tian immediately frowned and said calmly: "That's not the case, I just made some money playing games."

Hearing this, the three were shocked, and Xiao Feng was the most exaggerated. His hand shook, and the porcelain bowl fell on the table with a clang, and all the porridge spilled.

Yang Tian said that he made money playing games, which shocked the three people as much as Yang Tian admitted Lan Mao's imagination! Even more...

"Impossible!" Xiao Feng lost his composure and yelled, "What a joke! Yang Tian, ​​you just entered the game yesterday at noon. If your level exceeds level 6 now, I lose! How can you make money?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm already level 10." Yang Tian said lightly.

"You're dreaming!" Xiao Feng said angrily.

Even Lan Yue and Lan Mao began to re-examine Yang Tian's character.

"If you don't believe me, check it out. Log in to the official website of "Taixu" with your mobile phone, enter ID query, and enter muddy water." Yang Tian smiled.

Hearing this, the three were shocked again.

Will ordinary newcomers really pay attention to the official website? And Yang Tian seems to know Taixu's official website very well!

"Check it out." Lan Yue gestured to Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng didn't believe it, and immediately took out his mobile phone to log in to Taixu's official website. After checking——

[Muddy water, level 10, the rest of the information is not visible. 】

Xiaofeng's mouth twitched, and his heart was in a mess...

Taking Xiaofeng's exaggerated expression in her eyes, Lan Yue's curiosity gradually rose, and she urged: "How is it?"

Xiaofeng glanced at her, but did not reply. Instead, he turned his head to look at Yangtian and said sarcastically: "Tsk, who knows if Hunshui is you? You can just reveal a level 10 ID at will."

Yangtian rolled his eyes and was too lazy to explain.

Looking at Yangtian's expression, Xiaofeng blushed. He also knew that his doubts were a bit far-fetched. Everyone lived under the same roof, and Yangtian had no reason to lie about this.

Because it can be found out at any time whether it is true or false, is Yangtian willing to be slapped in the face just to pretend to be so powerful?

In other words, Xiaofeng has already believed in his heart that Hunshui is Yangtian! A terrifying existence who has just entered the game for more than ten hours, but has already reached level 10!


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