Super God Undead Lord

Chapter 84 Snow Ape Commander

Indeed, Yang Tian is also a member of Blue Moon Studio.

According to the contract, Yang Tian must also participate when organizing actions...

But he is participating now, and it is not just an ordinary participation, he is basically leading them to upgrade...

Yang Tian has done what he should do, and far exceeded it. As for the benefits, Lan Yue really doesn't dare to dream about it.

"Don't be so entangled, we are all on our own, just take it if you need it." Yang Tian shrugged, touched the little wolf cub that followed him, and said with a smile: "Look, this little white, I also I'm not polite to you."

"That's right! Yueyue, don't be polite to this guy... He is so powerful. He must already have gold equipment. He doesn't care about this mere silver equipment." Blue Cat yelled from the side.

Yang Tian blinked his eyes, noncommittal.

"Well, you're welcome then." Lan Yue nodded with a red face, took the velvet coat from Yang Tian, ​​and then put it on directly.

Lan Yue has extremely beautiful appearance, tall height, and cold temperament. Now, under the velvet coat, she looks even more spotless, like a little fairy who came down from the sky.

In the silver treasure chest, in addition to the velvet coat, there are more than 20 silver coins.

Yang Tian adjusted to free mode again and gave the more than 20 silver coins to Leng Feng. He helped open the silver treasure chest, so he had to pay for his hard work, right?

Lengfeng thanked him repeatedly and happily went up to search for the silver coins.

For Yang Tian, ​​more than 20 silver coins are nothing, but for ordinary players like Leng Feng, they are very precious.

According to the current ratio of game coins, more than 20 silver coins are equivalent to 50 RMB, which is equivalent to half a day's salary of an ordinary worker. How can Leng Feng be unhappy.

A few minutes later, Yang Tian completed the supplies and led the team into the third and final level of "Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain - Difficult Level".

In that snowy mountain, there is a freezing cold wind, which seems to be the "full screen" ice wind skill.

Yang Tian and others just appeared, and except for Lan Yue, everyone else turned into big ice cubes...

Blue Moon's velvet coat increases ice resistance by a full 100 points, making it immune to this icy wind.

[Team Channel - Muddy Waters]: Khan, Lan Yue, you'd better lend me your velvet coat first...

After the player is controlled, he cannot speak, but he still has vision and can chat with each other.

"Yeah." Lan Yue nodded, immediately took off the snow velvet coat and threw it at Yang Tian's feet.

The next second, Lan Yue, who had lost her velvet coat, was frozen into ice...

A full three seconds passed, and Yang Tian was released from the frozen state, bowed, picked up, and changed his clothes in one go.

The equipment in "Taixu" automatically identifies men and women, height, short, fat and thin, and fits the size.

After gaining ice resistance, Yang Tian felt a lot more comfortable. He didn't care about Lan Yue and other ice sculptures, and walked into the depths of the ice wind with Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai is the cub of the Snow Wolf King. Of course it has ice resistance.

Not long after, Yang Tian discovered the culprit that created the full-screen ice wind, which was a huge snow ape with blue and white fur.

When it is on all fours, it is nearly three meters high. If it stands up, it is at least five meters high!

Its upper body is extremely tall and majestic, and it is also covered with a black breastplate, which makes it even more powerful and domineering. It was just singing and emitting a full-screen icy wind.

Fortunately, the effect of this ice wind is not strong. As long as you have 10 points of ice resistance, you have a certain chance of resistance, and if you have 50 points of ice resistance, you can be completely immune.

And, just interrupt it and it will stop singing.

【Snow Monkey Commander】(Boss Boss)

Level 20

HP: 100,000/100,000

Skill? ? ?

There is only one BOSS in this last level and there are no other mobs, which makes it easier for Yang Tian to defeat.

Because in this way, the attack power of his undead army will be concentrated at one point.

After singing for a second, Yang Tian placed a green summoning array at the feet of the Snow Ape Commander. Immediately, man-eating grass grew quickly, entangled the Snow Ape Commander and interrupted his singing.

However, the ice wind did not disappear immediately. After a full second, the sky became quiet.

And in just such a second, the icy wind froze the man-eating grass into ice cubes... and because the man-eating grass entangled the Snow Ape Commander, it also froze the Snow Ape Commander into ice cubes.


Yang Tian smiled, first summoned three resentful spirits next to the Snow Ape Commander, ordered them to possess them one after another, and then began to summon them crazily.

A few seconds later, the undead army began to focus their fire on the Snow Ape Commander, inflicting damage one after another, causing the Snow Ape Commander to scream in agony.


The leader of the snow ape roared loudly and slammed his hands on the ground, causing waves of snow to fly——







With just one move, most of the undead were wiped out.

Yang Tian was unmoved and continued to summon. When he summoned all the undead, he transformed into a skeleton archer.

No matter what kind of undead Yang Tian transforms into, he has his own attributes, only skills are changeable.

Obviously, the Werewolf Zombie King has the strongest skills and the most power.

And if it's just a normal attack, it's the same.

The skeleton archer's normal attack is long-range archery, which is more coquettish.

So, the Skeleton Archer is a transformation object that Yang Tian likes very much.

The Snow Ape Commander is too strong. Yang Tian dare not transform into the Werewolf Zombie King to fight him, because if he does that, he will probably be killed in one move.

He only has 10,000 HP, and does not have the high HP, high armor, and high speed of the real Werewolf Zombie King.

Yang Tian switches between the Skeleton Archer and the Skeleton Mage, and uses his skills to output.

Yang Tian has a very high burst, with a DPS of over 10,000, that is, he can output at least 10,000 points in one second, of course, without calculating the mana consumption and the crazy use of skills.

And if Yang Tian transforms into a Skeleton Archer and shoots arrows after using his skills, his DPS against the Snow Ape Commander is only about 3,000 points.

After a few seconds, the Snow Ape Commander's HP has been reduced by more than half by Yang Tian and the Undead Legion.

At the same time, the Snow Ape Commander almost slaughtered the Undead Legion, leaving only the Werewolf Zombie King and the Steel Cannon Cart with residual HP.

You should know that the Iron Cannon Cart is very powerful. It is a super tank of the Undead Mage. It has high health, high defense, and high stiffness. Ordinary people can't hit it at all...

Also, although its output is not high, its skill [Air Cannon] has a built-in hatred effect, which is the same as the Shield Warrior's [Taunt], which can firmly hold the hatred of monsters!

If the Iron Cannon Cart did not have the taunt effect, with Yang Tian's terrifying output, I believe the Snow Ape Commander would have abandoned it long ago and chased Yang Tian madly.

This shows how powerful the Iron Cannon Cart is. In the future, Yang Tian will increase the skill level, summon multiple Iron Cannon Carts, and fight BOSSes. He can just close his eyes and fight blindly.


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