Super God

Chapter 1078: Is this day coming?

Endless Star Hanoi.

An old man in purple robe sat cross-legged, without any fluctuations in his body, but revealed a dreadful momentum.

Obviously, it was Yun Feiyang's cheap master, who claimed to be Taiwu.

"call out!"

A trace of soul flew from the void.

He slowly opened his eyes and said, "Replace the bones of others, my good disciple, you really think of it."


"So disturbing the laws of heaven and earth."

"Future achievements in the future, and the experience of the Heaven Tribulation, will only be stronger."

Taiwu shook his head and said, "Being a teacher can only help you avoid being stared at by the immortal emperor, and you can only face the road you yourself take."


A warm wind blew, carrying a soft, water-like voice and said: "Taiwu, I'll let you bother."

"Ms. Yun, Mo Yao is so polite, that kid is also my disciple. To what level will he grow up in the future, and I as a master also look forward to it."

"What level will I grow up to?" The soft voice murmured: "Will he surpass his father?"

Tai Wu smiled and said, "It is only a matter of time as long as he can reshape the God Realm, gain immeasurable merits, and become an Immortal Emperor."

"With your words, I can rest assured."

The gentle watery voice gradually blurred, and it seemed to have gone.

Tai Wu pondered a little, his body gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared into the galaxy.


Flying over the mainland.

Luo Mu and others have been completely fixed, have completely replaced the corpse, and are experiencing painful fusion.


Lin Yifeng fell to the ground with sweat, breathing quickly, changing bones for so many people, for him, it was too much test of the mind.

This is still light.

The most tragic reminder is Yun Feiyang.

At the moment, although he was suspended in the air, he was collapsed.

Every time Lin Yifeng changes his bones, the laws of heaven and earth from the outside world will be a strong one. As the master of this world, Yun Feiyang is very painful to contend with it.


Finally resisted.

Luo Mu and others did not fall because of the passing of life in the bone replacement phase.


After a short rest, Yun Fei Yang fell and said, "After a while, I will change your bones."

Lin Yifeng said: "My mind is spending too much, at least one year later."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

He left the formation and thought secretly: "It seems that it is impossible to replace the bones of the spirit soldiers in batches."

It was only a dozen or so changes, and I was tossed and collapsed, carrying out hundreds to thousands of conversions. I am afraid I could be crushed alive by the laws of heaven and earth.

"When I enter the Supreme Realm, or higher, I should be able to more easily contend with the laws of heaven and earth."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Thinking room.

He appeared in the main palace of the city and stopped in front of Liang Yin's room. There was a trace of guilt in his eyes. He had promised him and found it a few days later. As a result, it was almost a month.


Yun Feiyang gently pushed open the door and walked in. The faint fragrance filled the air and made people intoxicated.

Liang Yin realized that someone came in and stood up ‘brushing’, nervously saying, “You... why are you here?”

"Can't I come?"

Yun Feiyang had come, and gently took her little hand.

Liang Yin flung away immediately, retreated towards the back, and finally stuck to the wall, like a frightened white rabbit.

"What are you running?"

Yun Feiyang came.

"Don't...don't come over."

Liang Yindao.

Yun Feiyang stopped, he said: "Are you afraid of me?"

Liang Yin also seemed to realize that her emotions were a little chaotic. She calmed down a little and said, "I'm sorry, I..."


At this moment, Yun Feiyang rushed forward with one arrow, leaned on the wall with one hand, and kissed him with a crooked head.


Liang Yin's eyes were wide, but his body was soft and flirty, and his cheeks turned red, as if he had cooked apples.

this day.

Still coming?

Facing Yun Feiyang's offensive, Liang Yin's defense line collapsed and hugged him tightly.

at the same time.

Pieces of past memories emerge in the sea of ​​knowledge.

There are pictures of meeting for the first time in Dishan Town, and there are pictures of tit-for-tat in front of Dongling Academy.

There are pictures of him walking into the mysterious ancient temple in the wild, and there are pictures of robbing the robber one by one for himself.

very many.

What makes Liang Yin remember the most is that when he was in the palace of life and death, he thought of Yun Feiyang and regretted it for the first time.

The three-county alliance attacked the Iron Bone City and witnessed his injury, shouting the sentence: "Yun Feiyang, I regret it, I want to marry you!"

and also.

Outside the Iron Bone City, kiss in the sunset.

It can be said.

Among Yun Feiyang's so many women, the love and hatred with Liang Yin is the most complicated and the most ups and downs.


Tears fell from the corners of his eyes and splashed on the floor.

Yun Feiyang withdrew his body, looked at the woman's tears in front of her, and felt distressed: "Is angry?"

Liang Yin looked at him, biting his thin lips and said, "In Tiegu City, you said you would marry me, how many years have passed?"

Yun Feiyang was silent.

Liang Yin wiped her tears and wept: "I know that you have a mission in your body. I don't expect to be with me every day. I only hope that you don't forget me, don't forget the promises you made."

Yun Feiyang picked Liang Yin's hair and stroked her pretty face, saying, "I owe you too much, and I will make up for it later in my life."

Liang Yin said: "Don't lie to me."

"Will not."

Yun Feiyang seriously said: "When I reshape the God Realm and kill the little God Lord, I will take you back to the hidden forest."


Liang Yin whispered: "You, you guys, are really big-hearted carrots."


Yun Feiyang hugged her and smiled, "It is imperative that the priority is to help you break through the anti-natural tactics first."

Liang Yin shook his head in shame and his heart thumped.

Only Yun Feiyang was in her heart, so she was ready for the day to come.


When it is about to happen, it is inevitable to be afraid and cautious.



The array emerged and enveloped the entire room, isolating everything.

Liang Yin was lying on the soft bed gently, his eyes closed tightly, his breath was short, and the peaks of the mountain were ups and downs.

"take it easy."

Yun Feiyang said softly.

He is a battle-hardened They are still big girls in yellow flowers, and they really stand and speak without back pain.

Yun Fei Yang reached out gently and lifted Liang Yin Qingsha.

Soon, a flawless ketone body appeared in front of eyes.

The white skin and perfect figure, especially the two mountain peaks, are quite upright, which makes Yunfei Yang's blood veins spread.


It seemed to realize that Yun Feiyang was peering over his body, Liang Yin hurriedly tossed over the bedding, covering his body, jade hand tightly pulling his back, trembling slightly.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and smiled.

He pulled away the bedding, covered the quilt with himself, and kissed Liang Yin's thin lips gently.

A pair of men and women gradually merged in water and milk, experiencing the most wonderful things in the world.

This night, the spring is infinite.

Also doomed... omit 500 words.

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