Super God

Chapter 1080: Yun donor, long gone!

Bamboo forest.

Yun Fei Yang stood in the Baicao Dan furnace, a ground fire emerged from the left hand, and a purple lotus industry fire emerged from the right hand.

"Rouer, how are you?"

This guy is acting! There are two extremely strong flames, this guy has the qualification to pretend.

Liu Rou said with a shock: "You... you are Zilian Yehuo!"

"Zilian Yehuo?"

Yun Feiyang only knew it was Yehuo. Zilian Yehuo heard for the first time: "Is it very powerful?"


Liu Rong said solemnly: "Yehuo is the sacred flame in the Buddha's door, and Zilian Yehuo is the strongest!"

"How powerful is it?"

Yun Fei was interested.

Liu Roudao: "Understand the purple lotus industry fire to the extreme, its power is enough to burn **** and purify all evil spirits."

"so smart?"

Yun Feiyang stunned.

In his understanding, to achieve this, only the real power of Buddhism and Taoism, but I did not expect that the purple lotus industry fire can be!


Liu Judao: "This sacred purple lotus industry fire, used for alchemy, has a better effect than earth fire!"

Earth fire alchemy is also acceptable, but its role is mainly reflected in refining weapons and armor.

Zilian Yehuo is the best choice for refining elixirs, because the sacred breath of Buddha can promote the perfect volatilization of medicinal materials.

Thereby, the quality is improved to the next level.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It seems that I with this kind of flame does not practice Dan Dao.

Liu Judao: "Yes."

How many alchemy masters dreamed of getting a powerful flame, but Yun Feiyang, a guy who didn't plan on alchemy, had it.

have to say.

I can really envy many alchemists!

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Rou'er, listening to you, I have the idea to try the effect."

"call out!"

During the speech, a strain of medicinal material appeared on the stone platform. Obviously, it was the material for refining the breakthrough pill.

Before refining the breakthrough pill, he needed to call Liang Yin for soul fusion assistance. After he had Zilian Yehuo, he planned to try it for himself.

of course.

He only has a strong flame, and he does not refine the anti-sky immortality of the Taoist realm, so Liu Rou still has to dominate.

"let's start."

Liu Judo.

Yun Feiyang nodded his head and manipulated his mind to make the Baicao Dan furnace hung in the air.


A purple lotus flower appeared and flew towards the Dan furnace, placed at the bottom of the Dan furnace, and began to burn.

Not to mention that Zilian Yehuo did not reveal a hot breath, but once it came into contact with the Dan furnace, it quickly heated up.

This kind of heating is just right, Yun Feiyang does not need to deliberately control, more convenient than ground fire.


Yun Feiyang was surprised.

Zilian Yehuo can control its own temperature, it is just for alchemy!


After the temperature of the dan furnace is moderate, Liu Rou puts the medicinal materials one by one, and observes the inside at all times, making fine adjustments.

It didn't take long.


There was a sound from the red furnace, and a ray of black smoke appeared immediately. Obviously, this was the failure of alchemy.

Yun Feiyang frowned: "Rouer, no, I'm very difficult to control by myself."

Liu Judao: "Your purple lotus industry is too weak to fire this immortality, it simply won't work."

Yun Fei said: "I just got it, I haven't had time to cultivate it."

"You can try it, mainly with ground fire, supplemented by purple lotus fire." Liu Judao.

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang was about to clean out the medicine residue in the dan furnace and began the second refining.

Don't say it.

Relying on the ground fire and supplemented by the purple lotus industry fire, it is easier to refine.



Before long, a clear sound came from the Dan furnace, indicating that Dan Cheng!

After retrieving the flame, Yun Feiyang opened the Dan furnace, and saw ten breakthrough Dan lying quietly in it!

Yun Feiyang smiled.

If a person controls fire, the first successful alchemy is Mandan, which is quite fulfilling.

Liu Rou said: "Natural Mandan was released because of the fire of purple lotus."

"This kind of flame can be promoted into a pill?" Yun Feiyang said in amazement.

"Of course."

Liu Judo.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "It's really a good fire system attribute."

Liu Judao: "The combination of two kinds of flame refining may allow Baicao Dan Furnace to derive more."

"I think so too." Yun Feiyang said as he opened the dark grid, and suddenly he was happy.

Because, in the dark box, there are fifty elixirs lying quietly, ten more than before!


The combination of the two kinds of flames once again stimulated the derivative effect of the Bai herbal medicine road, making it a lifetime of six!

Ten more than the previous total, seemingly inconspicuous, but it needs to be refined in large quantities to realize the value!

"Try the effect of Elixir."

Yun Feiyang picked up a breakthrough pill, and after absorption, he was immediately delighted and said, "After being assisted by Zilian Yehuo, the pill effect is at least 20% or 30% stronger than before!"

Liu Judao: "Waiting for you to cultivate the purple lotus industry fire to the level of the ground fire will definitely inspire the higher derivation and immortality effect of Danlu."

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang thinks so.


How can it be cultivated?

"That's right!" Yun Fei raised his eyes and said, "Shen's Jiulong Ban!"

The power of the fire dragon in the Kowloon Forbidden Array contains the pure and perfect fire attributes.

At that time Yun Feiyang practiced in it, which not only tempered the flesh, but also promoted and comprehensively evolved the ground fire.

"After returning to the Little God Realm, go to the girl Shen, and break into the Kowloon ban again!" Yun Fei said.

The fourth level of the ban, failed to comprehend Tianlei Kendo within the prescribed time, and was eliminated.

The arrogant Yun Feiyang is definitely difficult to accept, so it is necessary to go there once.


He was curious, what exactly was the next five bans, and what benefits could he bring to himself?


In the next few days, Yun Feiyang invested in alchemy, not only to refine breakthrough Dan, but also to refine Super Huiyuan Dan.

There is a medicine garden, and there are so many materials.


One day, in the formation on the vast abyss, a magnificent divine power appeared, flooding the world!

"What a breath!"

After a long time in this world, the warrior of the mainland of the world, after feeling the divine power, awe appeared in his eyes.

Repair is low.

There is even the urge to kneel down and worship!

Yun Feiyang was also aware of this breath for the first time and was overjoyed: "Someone wants the soul to wake up!"

Not bad.

Someone will wake up.

This man is a Francis who is completely fused with the corpse of God. At this moment, he is in the formation, the word "卍" between his brows and hearts flashes divine light!


A gurgling and pure divine power ~ ~ emerged from the body, covering the Franciscan, his eyes closed, lurking deep in the body, the sleeping soul was gradually awakening.

"A familiar breath."

Luo Mu, who was about to merge perfectly with the corpse of the gods, tried to open his eyes and looked at the covered Franciscan, his eyes stunned.

The wandering divine power made him feel cordial.

The condensed divine power began to transform. Soon, a huge Buddha body was formed with three heads and six arms, revealing a solemn and divine atmosphere!

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang appeared in the array, looked at the Buddha body, and immediately smiled and said: "Sure enough it is Mahabo!"


Suddenly, Fazi opened his eyes, revealing a rich Buddha's light, saying: "Amitabha, Lord Yun, has been out for a long time."

ps: 5 more, long gone

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