Super God

Chapter 1087: Have something to say!

Hundred ghosts walking at night?

Yun Feiyang has not heard of it.

In fact, the so-called Hundred Ghosts Night Walk comes from the ghost family of Nine Nether Hell, creating hundreds of different ghosts.

They have no substance, they are transformed by ghost spirits, and they live by ingesting human souls.

The strange breath emanating from the dark room has the ability to ingest soul.

Yun Feiyang's complexion is a bit ugly now.

Because, this kind of ghost gas penetrates into the body, and the anti-tian tactics need some time to refine.

"Ah ha ha!"

Tengu, the head of a hundred ghosts, grumbled: "Boy, don't try to refine our ghost spirit, otherwise, you will die faster!"

Yun Fei said, "Should I be grateful if I let you out?"


"a ha ha ha."

Tengu in a dog-like or cat-like form laughed, as did ghosts in different forms.

As there is no physical existence, they do not understand gratitude, nor human complex emotions.

There is only one purpose.

Absorb the souls of others and strengthen yourself.

Yun Feiyang suppressed the ghost gas and made a mess in the body, saying: "It's funny?"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him, let me get into the body, and ingest his three souls!"


"How can you enjoy this soul alone!"

The ghosts immediately opposed.

Sealed in the box for tens of thousands of years, they are very hungry.

I finally met a human being, and I definitely want to taste it.

"Don't argue."

Tengu smiled and said: "This guy is mine. There are still many humans on the battleship outside. You can divide it yourself."

The ghosts were depressed.

They can feel that the human body in front of them has a very strong soul, which must be delicious if eaten.

"Brother, there is a Buddha's light on the outside of the battleship. We can't get close."

There are ghosts.

Tengu disdain: "How can this kind of Buddha light harm us."


"Big brother can easily crack it!"

Haunted flattery.

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "It seems that this headed ghost has strong strength and is not afraid of the Buddha."


Tengu floated over, stopped in front of him, and smiled: "Mo have to resist, so that the dead will not be too painful."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.

"Hey, is this guy still laughing?"

"Don't realize that ghost spirit has completely integrated into him?"

"As soon as Big Brother shows his power, his soul will be devoured."

The ghosts talked eloquently.

It seems that it has been determined that the class in front of it must be swallowed up.

Tengu said: "Boy, I'm going to enter your body and slowly eat away my soul, making you want to live!"

"call out!"

The voice just fell, turned into a ghost, and merged into Yunfeiyang's body.

"Brother is not hungry."

"This kid, it's time to show a very painful expression."


At this moment, the ghosts found Yun Feiyang's mouth raised, and a smile appeared.

The eldest brother cannibalized his soul, but he still laughed?


"Boy, wait to cry!"

If it wasn't for the eldest brother to have entered the body, they also wanted to go in and torture this annoying human to death.


Yun Feiyang.

Tengu, the head of a hundred ghosts, turned into a ghost, melted in, and wandered unscrupulously.


"The human meridian is so powerful, the soul must be delicious!"

Tengu said.


Soon, he came to Yunfei's Dantian, and was shocked to see the energy core filled with majestic breath.

"Such huge energy, according to the human realm, at least reached the supreme realm."

"Ah ha ha!"

Tengu grinned: "Unexpectedly, after getting out of trouble, the first human encountered will be a big fat sheep!"

"Big fat sheep?"

Yun Feiyang's voice surfaced in his body, revealing coldness.

Tengu said: "Boy, you are very strong, but it is a pity to meet me, only to die!"

No entity.

Just a whiff of ghost gas.

If it exists, even the Supreme Consummation cannot be extinguished. This is also the confidence of Tengu.


Yun Feiyang sneered.

At the same time, a purple light rushed out of the true dragon's core.


The purple light appeared, and the Buddha light appeared in Yunfeiyang's body, and gradually formed a purple lotus!

"not good!"

When Tengu saw this, he was frightened and said, "Zilian Yehuo!"

This kind of ghost has no substance and does not fear the strong, but the most feared thing is the purple lotus industry fire.

Because, the most sacred flame of this Buddhist door is the absolute nemesis of all evil spirits!

"Do not……"

"You... why do you have this flame!"

Tengu said in horror.

After the emergence of Zilian Yehuo, the Buddha light formed completely suppressed its body, making it difficult to move.


Yun Feiyang said coldly: "Is Lao Tzu's body so easy to enter?"

This guy can rely on Zilian Yehuo from the beginning to dispel the ghost in his body, but he didn't do it, just watching him pretend to be quiet.

All right.

It's over, it's time to finish.

Yun Feiyang's purple lotus fire has not been cultivated, but even so, it can completely suppress that ghost spirit and turn it into a Tengu original.

At the moment, it is like a startled bird, shrouded in a stream of pure flame.

"Friend, tell me something!" Tengu's voice shivered. Obviously, he was very afraid of Zilian Yehuo.

"Something to say?"

Yun Feiyang smiled coldly and said, "Don't you just want me to die?"

During the speech, the flame of the cohesion of the purple lotus industry gradually approached, and touched the virtual shadow of Tengu a little, and immediately emitted a faint white smoke.


Tengu screamed.

He stammered: "Friend, I... I'm wrong, please let me go, I'm willing to be a bull and a horse for you!"


Yun Feiyang was speechless.

This Nima was just arrogant just now, but his body was purified a little bit, so he begged for mercy directly.


There is definitely no such ghost.

As long as the opponent is better than himself or in danger, he will surely try his best to protect himself.

Yun Feiyang closed the purple lotus industry fire and said, "Tell me, what value do you have, worthy of being a bull for me."

Seeing the purple lotus industry stop, Tengu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said: "I am the boss of the night ghost, I can let them recognize you as the boss!"

Yun Feiyang shook his said: "Do you think that your brother can fight against the fire of the purple lotus industry?"


Tengu confessed.

"So, without your order, I can let them recognize me as the boss." Yun Fei said.

"If this is your value, it's so useless, so let's die."


Zilian Yehuo approached again.

Tengu said in horror: "Don't! Don't! I can ingest the soul of the Supreme Perfection, and I can control the body of the Supreme Perfection!"

The fire of Zilian Industry stopped.

Yun Feiyang smiled faintly: "It's a bit of a function, and it's worthy of being a bull for me."

Tengu shuddered: "As long as you let me go, I can help you control a Supreme Dharma and work for it!"

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