Super God

Chapter 1089: Lost Fairy

At the edge of the sixth dark area, there are at least a few hundred warriors.

They come from different planes, the purpose is to wait for the formation to be eliminated, enter into it, and look for the tree of life.

There is a tree of life in the starting place of each realm, which is not a secret in the eyes of the warriors in all realms.


Yun Feiyang is very upset. After all, so many people gather here to get the tree of life, it is very difficult!


Chu Tianhe smiled and said: "Your surname?"

Yun Feiyang said uncomfortably: "Zhen Deshuai."

When walking around, you must use a pseudonym if necessary.

Chu Tianhe seemed to know something about the Lingwu world and smiled: "Should you be a predator?"

Yun Feiyang was undecided.

"There can be such a luxurious warship, if you want to come, the level is very high." Chu Tianhe said.

Despite this question, he has the answer in his heart. He who seems to be younger than himself must be above third grade.

Yun Feiyang perfunctoryly said: "General."

At this moment, he was thinking about whether he would use the night ghosts to take full control of these martial artists and find the tree of life by himself.

"Brother Zhen."

Chu Tianhe said: "This time I came to find the supreme of the tree of life. There are 23 people. You and I are better to join hands."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

Chu Tianhe continued: "The area where the tree of life is bred is dangerous and it is safer to enter together."


Yun Feiyang preached.

He felt that this guy, Chu Tianhe, seemed to know the tree of life very well, and walking with him was not a bad thing.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a colorful streamer flew in the distance and stopped at the edge of the darkness. A beautiful woman stood in the pavilion.

Under this female foot, there is a rotating cloud lotus with a faint purple light, which makes the whole person's temperament look very noble.


Chu Tianhe said: "The wandering fairy in the wandering world has also come. It seems that it is more difficult to get the fruit of life."

Yun Feiyang frowned.

He was not attracted by the woman's appearance, but kept staring at Yunlian under his feet!

"This is one of the treasures of the goddess of the Nine Heavens, colorful Yunlian!" Yun Feiyang secretly said.

"In the mysterious stone cave of Fanjie, there was a picture of the demise of God Realm, and the lotus and the scroll of the Nine Heavens Goddess collapsed into nothingness."


"Will be under this female foot?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Chu Tianhe whispered: "Brother Zhen, the treasure under the foot of this woman, named colorful cloud lotus, is said to be the artifact held by the goddess of the Jiu Jiu Tian."


"Nine Heavens Goddess?"

Yun Feiyang looked confused.

Chu Tianhe explained: "This delusion is the **** realm once isolated from the world."


It is God Realm.

It is also condemned by other circles, and its meaning refers to a group of arrogant warriors.

Yun Feiyang understood.

He looked at the colorful cloud lotus again, his eyes cold and secretly said: "This thing, others are not qualified to own."

Yun Feiyang has always speculated that Lin Zhixi is the goddess of the Nine Heavens, so the colorful Yunlian, only her, is qualified to control.


Fairy Fairy seemed to perceive something. She turned her head gently, her beautiful eyes looked towards Yun Fei, and Dai Mei frowned slightly, saying, "What is your eyes?"

Yun Feiyang withdrew his cold eyes and smiled: "Of course it's just looking at the beautiful girl's downcast eyes."

"Shameless thief."

The fairy fairy jade waved his hand, and the power of the magnificent real dragon quickly condensed into a big hand to suppress it.

Seeing this, Chu Tianhe immediately changed his face, driving the flying sword under his feet and evading to the side.

At the same time secretly admire, this handsome Zhen De, dare to ridicule even the arrogant daughter of the lost world!

The warriors in the fringe area looked at it with interest, thinking, fight, fight, kill one, one less.


The big hand slammed down, and the power it carried reached hundreds of thousands, which surprised Yun Feiyang.

"Unexpectedly, a generation of female streamers, with a wave of hand, could explode such a powerful force."

Yun Fei Yang flew out of the battleship, and fist up to the big hand.


The loud noise was rippling, and the big hand that had reached the power of 300,000 true dragons was crushed by a punch.

Clean and neat!

Chu Tianhe stood still and secretly said: "It seems that this person's strength has at least reached the mid-term of supremacy."

The lost fairy is also slightly surprised, she always thinks that this person's strength, but glimpse of the days of Jiuzhong.

"It turns out." She said coldly: "You hide the realm."

Yun Feiyang laughed and said nothing.

He certainly won't explain it. In fact, he really just peeped into Jiuzhong, and didn't hide anything.

"Girl, it's just a sentence, don't you use such a strong force?" Yun Fei said.

The missing fairy ignored him and locked his eyes in the dark area, and under the purple light of the colorful cloud lotus, it looked like a noble peacock.

For others, she is very noble.

But for Yunfeiyang.

Even if there is an artifact blessing such as the colorful cloud lotus, this woman's nobleness cannot be compared with the nine-day goddess.

To be precise, it was a spike.

"No one is qualified to control the colorful cloud lotus." Yun Feiyang secretly said: "For the goddess of the Nine Heavens, I will also grab this thing!"

Now he.

Very unhappy about missing a fairy.

If it's not a fear, this woman's strength has reached the Supreme Consummation, and she may just **** it.

"Wait into the dark area, think of a way." Yun Feiyang secretly said.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Several streamers flew again.

When the light dissipated, three people emerged, of which the head was a handsome young man, and the other two were white-haired old men.

"This person's name is Zong Huai, the son of the owner of the lost world." Chu Tianhe said: "It is also one of the pursuers of the lost fairy."

Yun Feiyang said nothing.


Zong Huai approached the missing fairy with a smiling face.

"You came just right." The wandering fairy pointed to Yun Feiyang and said, "This shameless thief teases me."

Many warriors shook their heads and laughed, thinking that predators from the spirit martial world were afraid they would be out of luck.


Zonghuai was furious.

He looked towards Yun Feiyang, his eyes full of murderous intentions, and said: "Boy, the woman who is less fancy, you dare to tease, live impatiently!"

Chu Tianhe hurriedly drove Feijian and flew to one side. Obviously, he had to keep a distance from Yun Feiyang to avoid being treated as a gang.

I also said that I joined forces at Now, realizing that the situation is not good, it is enough to run away immediately.

Yun Feiyang is not accidental. After all, if you are not close to your family, who will be intimate with you?

He said lightly: "The woman in this world, no one, I dare not molested."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Lying trough.

These words are really hanging!


Yun Feiyang looked at the missing fairy and shook his head: "This kind of thing, I can't look down on it, and I'm not in a mood to make fun of it."

A trace of killer flashed in the beautiful eyes of the missing fairy.

Zong Huai was also intolerable. He used ‘this kind of thing’ to describe the woman he liked, and immediately hated the voice: “Yin and Yang are old, kill him!”

PS, 0:2 change, make up 2 more during the day

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