Super God

Chapter 1091: dead!

Yun Feiyang and Yinfei faced each other with a slight injury, while the other party was seriously injured. The net is worth your collection of LX50.

If it weren't for the preemptive prejudice, bombarding Yun Fei with the yin phoenix, I am afraid that the injury will be more serious.

As can be seen.

Using such a killing trick like turning the sky, Yun Feiyang already has the strength not to fear the Supreme later!

If divine power is used, the three changes of Soul of the God of War will be exhibited, I am afraid that it can kill Yin Yin in seconds!


Suffering a heavy injury, she spit out blood, and in her weak eyes, there is incredible.

The strong man watching the battle was also ignorant.

It is really hard for them to think that the young predators can actually beat the Supreme Master in such awkward state!

Zonghuai shocked: "He is so strong?"

As the son of the realm of the realm, his strength is only in the early stage of the Supreme, and witnessing a warrior of the same generation hit the late stage of the Supreme, he was immediately hit.

The lost fairy is also surprised.

"Unexpectedly, this guy will be so strong, but unfortunately, first get enemies, otherwise, it must be well drawn, for my use." She secretly said.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang appeared in front of the wounded guilty, grabbed one hand, and said coldly: "Dead!"

"Boy, get mad!"

Standing a short distance away, Yang took a step forward, a strong right fist blasted into the void, and ripples rippled.


Yun Feiyang took a fist with a fist in the void, and his body suddenly exploded until he retreated a hundred feet before stabilizing his body.

"Old Yang, kill him!"

Zonghuai said coldly.

Yun Feiyang's performance was so good that he felt ashamed and at the same time he had a strong murderous opportunity.

The missing fairy thinks so too.

Since it cannot be used by me, then it must die, otherwise it will be a scourge.


The sun is flying, and dense fist shadows emerge in the universe!

Yun Feiyang stabilized his body, Ye Kai mad fist suddenly opened, one by one resolved the burst of fist from the shot.


Yang deficiency is obviously stronger than Yin loss, and it has been infinitely close to the Supreme Consummation. Yun Feiyang is very difficult to resolve each time.


"If you fight like this, you will definitely be hit hard by him." Yun Feiyang realized that it was not good.


After breaking the fist shadow again, Yun Feiyang grabbed the gap, flew out, and shouted, "Cannon!"

Luo Mu and others on the warship were ordered to push out the skyrockets.

It seems to realize that Brother Feiyang has fought against two Supremes successively and is at a disadvantage. He launched a hundred bombardments!



Hundreds of skyrockets were mounted on the side of the ship, and thousands of shells were prepared.

"It's the blasting gun of the Lingwu world. I heard that a shell can reach tens of thousands!" Wu Dao, who was watching from a distance.

"Stay away, so as not to be affected." Many warriors retreated immediately.


Zonghuai clenched his fists: "How can he have so many sky-rockets!"

Yang Fei, who was sticking to Yun Feiyang's pursuit, also witnessed a hundred bombardments, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

This stuff.

One or two doesn't matter.

However, the tens of hundreds of bombardments, even the Supreme Consummation, dare not fight hard.

"Nine Yang Magic Boxing!"

Yang Zi raised his right fist and slammed into the void. The powerful Yang Qi fist, like a wave, rushed towards the Feiyang.

Obviously, the ship should be completely destroyed before firing.


When the rippling fist wave came, Lin Yifeng flew and hung over the ship, saying: "Fifty layers of space bound!"




Layers of space are bound together, emerging on the only way that Jiuyang Shenquan fought!

From the end of the genius to the present, Lin Yifeng is also growing up, directly condensing fifty layers of space enchantment with divine power, which is the best proof!


Faced with a punch in the late Supreme Age, the fifty-story space is bounded, and it is a bit difficult to resist it.


At this moment, Luo Mu flew out, standing behind the space boundary, raising his hands!


Shen Qing also rushed over. He stood behind Luo Mu and pressed with one hand, the giant shield appeared.

Fifty layers of space are at the front, Luo Mu inspires the strongest defense in the body, Shen Qing condenses the shield of defense at the back.

Three people.

Go face to face.

Jiuyang Shenquan which has reached half a million in weight!

Although Yunli and others also wanted to go up to help, they knew that they didn't have a strong physical body, and it didn't help.

"This group of voids is crazy!"

Many warriors stunned.

Of the three people, the highest is the Void Realm, and they dare to hard-wire the 500,000 heavy fists of the late Supreme Master!


Luo Mu they are crazy!

Even if you die, you must stop it, because, at this time, Yun Feiyang has no time to rush over. If you don’t stop in front, you will end up, the ship is destroyed, everyone falls together!

"Oh shit!"

Yun Feiyang scolded angrily, his eyes crimson, his black hair instantly turned into gold, and his gurgling power shrouded.

Three changes of the God of War soul.

The first change, the golden body!

Undoubtedly, the divine personality awakened a lot of him, and once again displayed this divine skill, its power is even more terrifying!


When Yun Feiyang was using divine power to transform the golden body, Nine Yang Shenquan, who was deficient in Yang, had collided with the frontal space boundary.




In an instant, the enclave of more than ten layers of space was broken, and Lin Yifeng's inner body as a exhibitor was seriously frustrated.

He didn't fall, because he still had to bless the ensuing space enchantment to resolve even the slightest power!



In the end, the fifty layers of the enchantment were all broken, and Lin Yifeng spurted blood and fell to the battleship like fallen leaves!

Yunli and others hurriedly caught him and looked up at the sky, because, next, Luo Mu would resist the remaining Yu Wei!

"bring it on!"

Luo Mu roared, and the original Vajra God roared out, arms spread out, carrying Shenwei, and grabbed the Nine Yang Fist!


The great ape catches a strong fist.

However, the skin on Luo Mu's arms was ruptured by the shock, the blood was flowing, and the person vomited blood and exploded backwards.

Shen Qingli stood on the void, clenched his fists, and shouted, "Master, Uncle Luo, I will protect the Flying Horn!"


Pure divine power emerged from Shen Qing's body, turning into a giant, as if standing in a deep sleep, raising his right arm and grabbing on the giant shield.

This is the God of War candle dragon that guards the magic valley and faces many demons, but does not retreat.


Shen Qing, who holds the spirit of God of War, will not retreat!


In the end, the Jiuyang God fisted on the aegis held by the giant, and suddenly a wave of energy ripples rippling.

"Kaka Kaka!"

In front of absolute power, the giant shield transformed into divine power eventually collapsed, and the original body of the candle dragon gradually disappeared.


The boxing skills condensed by a supreme late were also dissipated due to energy exhaustion.

When he realized that the fist wave had disappeared, Shen Qing, who was seriously injured, fell down and a smile appeared.


Guer didn't let you down.


When Shen Qing fell, in this universe, a raging rage burst out.

Everyone looked down the air.

Seeing that Yang was not far away, the predator, with his blond hair and eyes, showed the murderous intention of the dead!


Yun Fei's big hands of Jinhua suddenly grabbed Xiangyang's loss, and the anger that appeared in his eyes seemed to burn the world and everything!

PS, Chapter 2 of the supplement, is a bit slow, but it is also the beginning of the runaway.

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