Super God

Chapter 1101: Surrender to the life elves!

Owning earth fire and purple lotus industry fire now condenses the attributes of life. From Liu Rou's point of view, if Yun Feiyang does not practise the Dao Dao, it is really a brutality.

"Dandao, I will practice sooner or later." Yun Feiyang laughed.

He has already planned.

After resolving the group of warriors outside, return to Xiaoshen Realm, find Shen Xiaoyu, enter the Kowloon Forbidden Array and practice, and then set off for the drug realm.

First, let the dead bones of the **** of medicine return to the roots.

Second, by the way, cultivate Dandao.

When to go to Nine Nether Hell, Yun Feiyang didn't plan for the time being.

After all, with the current strength, even if he took Pauli to kill the past, in the face of Tianzun, and even the stronger martial artists, only the abused part.

"Since the medicine world is dominated by immortality medicine, there should be some immortality medicine that can raise the state faster."

"As long as you find it, refine it and quickly raise the level, it's not too late to kill the Nine Nether Hell."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.


He suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "Rouer, I am outside, I caught a cute fierce beast."


Liu Rou said with a smile: "What fierce beast?"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "I also don't know very well, I learned from the mouth of the Supreme People who chased me, it seems to be called a life elf."


Liu Rou's eyes widened.

Seeing her with such a surprised expression, Yun Fei said: "What's the matter?"

"Quick, take me to see!"

Liu Rou said urgently.


A lush mountain forest.

The life elf caught in by Yun Feiyang floated in mid-air sullenly. During this time, he tried to rush out of the forest many times and was always blocked by the invisible enchantment.

"call out!"

At this moment, the streamer flashes.

Yun Feiyang and Liu Rou appeared in the forest.


Seeing the abominable mankind, the life elf made an angry cry.

However, the energy blessing of the tree of life is lost, the sound is only relatively sharp, without any lethality.


Yun Feiyang pointed at it: "This is the little guy I caught."

Liu Rou looked closely, then covered his mouth, startled: "My God, it's really a life elf!"

Yun Fei said: "Do you know this beast?"

Liu Rou pressed the shock and said, "Brother, this is not a beast, but an elf bred by the tree of life!"


Yun Feiyang understood.

Liu Rou continued: "Do you know the role of this life elf?"

"I don't know."

Yun Feiyang confessed.

Liu Rou explained to him.


Yun Feiyang jumped up and was startled, "Can it transform the tree of life and open up a world?"

Liu Rong said solemnly: "This is what the ancient books say."

Yun Feiyang looked at the little guy and excitedly said: "I have found the treasure!"

If Su Xiangshan and others heard this sentence, he must vomit blood three liters, because, such a hard-to-find life elf, he was easily taken away by him.

"It's more than treasure."

Liu Judao: "It's a great creation!"

Yun Feiyang said: "How to say?"

Liu Judao: "Make a contract with it so that it is rooted in the unexplored universe, and a world is born, and you are the master of the world."

"By then, the laws of heaven and earth in the whole world will be blessed, and you will be cultivated to explode!"

"so smart!"

Yun Feiyang took a breath.

At this moment he finally understood why the group of the Supreme Consummation would chase them crazy. The original thing to be robbed was not the fruit of life, but a life-saving spirit of life!


Yun Feiyang looked at the life elf, his eyes flashed hot, and he walked step by step.

"Little fellow, you have such abilities, so sign a contract with me."


Life Elf glared at him fiercely, and obviously would not agree.

Liu Rou said: "Senior brother, the life elf who signed the contract will turn into a sapling. You have to find the unknown universe suitable for placement first."

"keep the change."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Isn't this flying mainland a ready-made one?"

Liu Rou was stunned.

Yun Feiyang said with a smile: "In my body, there is a world, which is also equal to the unknown universe."

"Not bad."

Liu Rou agreed.

Feiyang Continent exists independently in Yunfeiyang's body, and does not belong to the Little God Realm or the Real Martial God Realm.

The definition of the unknown universe is very correct.

"and so."

Yun Feiyang looked at the life elf, and his whole body burst out with the momentum of the world's master, saying: "In my world, you must obey!"


Powerful coercion, burst out suddenly, enveloped in the tiny body of the life elf, making it difficult to move, eyes flickering and frightened.

Why does this human being have such a terrible breath? Could it be that he is in control of this world?


Cultivation is so low, not even Tianzun.

Why can it control such a powerful plane!


The coercion continued to erupt, and the spirit of the life elf trembling, as if he would be wiped out at any time.

Yun Feiyang said in a deep voice: "A contract with me is your only choice."


The life elf cried in horror.

Under terrible coercion, it had already experienced death.

The life elf closed its eyes, a stream of green streamer appeared around him, and flew towards Yunfei.

Liu Rou said with joy: "It will take the initiative to sign a contract with you!"

Yun Feiyang smiled, withdrew the horror and coercion, and summoned the soul to blend with the floating stream.


Facing the dominance of the plane, the life elf finally compromised and chose to sign a contract.

It is not a bad thing for the life elves to make a contract with a warrior who can only diminish the **** realm but control the whole world.

Because, this represents a promising future.

And when signing the contract, the life elf has realized that this human body has the majestic life attributes, and he was immediately delighted.

After half an hour.

After the signing of the contract, the life elves shrunk into a mass, turned into seeds, and fluttered lightly in Yunfeiyang's hands.

This is the seed of the tree of life.

As long as it is buried in the space of the universe and the plane, it will sprout in time, and it will grow into a tree of life, opening up a whole new world and allowing more planes to form until life is born.

And this is a long process.

Maybe it takes tens of thousands of years, maybe it takes hundreds of thousands of years.

"the host."

"Buried me in the Use the life properties in your body to nurture me and make it germinate faster."

The young voice sounded in Yunfeiyang and the sea, and it was the life elf that turned into a seed.

"it is good."

Yunfei flew up and hung in front of Shenmo Mountain.

With a big wave of his hand, he saw the rocks move away, forming a large open space.

This place is the most central position of the mainland, and it is very good to place the seeds here.

"call out!"

Yunfei landed in the open space, dug a deep pit with his own hands, and buried the vital seeds of life into it.

After doing this, he sat down, raised his palms, and the majestic life attributes emerged, infiltrated into the soil, and began to breed and catalyze the seeds of life.

at the same time.

Streams of light formed around the open space and turned into defensive formations.

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