Super God

Chapter 1113: Here comes another meritorious service!

In the battlefield of life and death.

There is an area lined with strange stones.

At this moment, a great martial arts warrior in Lingwu Realm stood on the boulder, with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth.

At his feet, step on a Void Warrior.

Under the boulder, there are four Void Warriors from the Little God Realm, who have been wounded on the ground, and their eyes are deeply angry.


The warrior of the Lingwu world laughed: "It's this look, I like it the most!"


The Void Warrior headed, shouting with fists, shouted, "Why don't you give us a break, why should we humiliate us so much!"

With their strength, they could not have a complete battle with Huashen Realm.

Dead, they recognized.

But it was unacceptable, and was played for a whole hour!

The weakest warrior also has dignity.

This kind of killing and killing, high-handed play, undoubtedly very much against dignity.

The Great God of Reality stepped on the warrior's face again and grinned: "Because you are rubbish, you have to be stepped on by your feet, playing like a mouse."


The trampled marauder shouted: "I want to die with him!"


Starlight appeared around him, it was the soul burning, it was ready to explode!

"Third brother, no..."


The rocks shattered and the dust was flying!

The warrior was unbearably humiliated and ended his life in a way that his soul exploded, but it did not hurt the perfection of the Divine Realm.

The spirit martial arts warriors walked out of the smoke.

He gently patted the dust off his shoulders and smiled faintly: "It's really boring that his soul exploded."


The elder brother's warrior roared, condensed the last power in the body, and rushed over like crazy.


The warrior of the Lingwu world gently raised his hand, understated his fist, and disdain Gu said: "I said, you are just garbage."


A punch hit his chest and knocked it down.

Raised his feet and stepped on his face, a gloomy smile appeared.

This feeling of stepping on the opponent's feet will make this Lingwu Martial Artist very cool.

Yun Feiyang also likes to step on people.

But it’s the one who stepped on it.

This kind of stepping on people's faces for no reason, only two words can describe change and attitude!

"Big...Big Brother..."


The three warriors who fell to the ground clenched their fists, their eyes hatred even more.

Unfortunately, the state is too low, they can do nothing, even if the soul explodes, it does not help.

This is absolute suppression in the realm, and this is strength!


The warrior of the Lingwu world raised his foot and stepped on the face of the big brother, saying lightly: "You can also explode your soul."


Suddenly, he frowned slightly, raised his eyes and looked forward, and then saw a martial artist walking slowly.

The warrior trampled on his feet looked stunned, and then anger appeared.

Because, this man who came was the culprit of himself and his brethren who had to enter the battlefield outside the territory!

Not bad.

The comer is Yun Feiyang.

He walked step by step, over the three wounded martial arts, stopped within ten steps of the martial arts in the Lingwu world.


The warrior of the Lingwu world smiled and said, "Another meritorious service!"

As soon as this statement came out, the warriors of Lingwu Realm and Little God Realm twitched their mouths.

Standing in front of you is a sword that kills twenty supreme super cattlemen. Are you sure he sent the merits instead of you?

Everyone is convinced that if this person witnesses Yun Feiyang beheading many supreme scenes, he will definitely be scared or paralyzed on the spot!


The warriors of the Lingwu world did not witness.

Therefore, he believes that the young man in front of him, with the highest strength but no void, is a gift!

Yun Fei said: "You still have a last word."


The martial arts in the Lingwu Realm were stunned.


Yun Feiyang appeared on his face, a powerful fist banged on his chest, and a powerful force burst out, destroying his meridians completely!

The speed was so fast that the four wounded soldiers didn't even notice it!

"Forgot to tell you."

Yun Feiyang withdrew his fist: "A word is also a sentence."


The perverted warrior of the spirit martial world, opened his mouth to keep speaking, fell down suddenly, his eyes hollow, and completely fell.

he died.

But he was not stepped on.

Because such a person has no qualification to let Yun Feiyang step on.

This pervert, the dead are also very sad reminder.

After all, the last words are not a sentence, but a word, what!

"Dead... dead?"

Witnessing the transformation of the corpse into the realm of perfection, the eyes of several warriors of the Little God Realm almost glared out.

Once in the genius, only the disciples of the mad ancestors in the true dragon period were so powerful that they punched out the **** realm with a punch!


Yun Feiyang waved his hand, earned the merit card, and earned twelve merits. He said lightly: "I killed him not to save you, but to merit points."

to be frank.

This guy doesn't have any affection for Little God Realm Warrior.

If there are no restrictions, you can't grab the meritorious service cards of warriors in the same world, you have already started!


The elder brother lay on the ground and screamed with fists: "The battle of the world started because of you, and the death of my brother is because of you!"

Yun Feiyang stopped and said: "So, do you want to avenge your brother?"

The warrior grinned: "I only hope that you can kill me!"

He and his brother had severely damaged meridians, even if they did not die in the hands of metamorphosis and perversion, they would die in the hands of others.

Rather than being killed by the martial artists of the Lingwu world, it is better to die in the hands of Yun Feiyang, at least to keep the merit badge and the last dignity!

Yun Fei said: "I will fulfill you."

He gently raised his hand, four streamers flew by, but the four immortals fell on the crowd.

"This is poison."

After that, Yun Feiyang started to leave and merged into the strange stone forest.

Big Brother pinched the Elixir and whispered: "Youngest, don't go too fast, a few brothers are here to accompany you!"


Swallow the Elixir in one bite.

The other three warriors swallowed the poison without any hesitation.


What surprised them was.

After taking the panacea, not only is it okay, but the damaged meridians are recovering quickly!

The elder brother exclaimed: "This is not poison!" This is not a poison.

This is a healing medicine containing the attributes of life.

Even Danzong's most superior healing medicine will be overshadowed by this kind of medicine.

"It's easy to die, hard to live."

"Why not live alive and kill more enemies?"

Yun Feiyang's voice came from the strange stone forest.

Big Brother looked startled.

Suddenly, he laughed, and he laughed madly. Then he got up and shouted to Yunfeiyang where he left: "Yunfeiyang, my four brothers from the Jiang family, owe you a life!"

The sound passes through the light curtain and passes through the sky of the Little God Realm, which makes many martial artists fall into silence.

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