Super God

Chapter 1115: tonic!

No one would think.

In the face of the five supreme late bodies with innate five elements, Yun Feiyang will suddenly shoot.

No one would think.

In the face of Yun Feiyang's sudden shot, the attacked Supreme later made a return in a very short time, condensed the roaring fire dragon, and engulfed it!

"This is the strong!"

The warriors from all walks of life lamented.

Many supreme late, very ashamed.

Because, in the face of Yun Feiyang's sudden shot, they are absolutely impossible to make a perfect counterattack like Huo De.


"That kid was shrouded in real fire!"

Seeing Yun Feiyang engulfed by a strong flame, the martial artists of the Lingwu world shouted excitedly.


Are you very bullish?

Now that it has been engulfed by real fire, it is slowly melting the void in endless pain, it must be very cool!

They guessed right!

Yun Feiyang is really cool, so cool.

Of course, not painful coolness, but absorbed coolness!


He was placed in the real fire, ingesting pure fire attributes frantically, refining it by relying on the heaven-defying tactics, and cultivating the weak purple lotus industry fire!

Although this real fire can't be comparable to the fire dragon power of the Kowloon Forbidden Array, but it was condensed in the later stage of the Supreme, so Yun Feiyang is really cool! Cool! Cool!


Huo De's face changed and he was startled: "He is absorbing my true fire!"


During the speech, a big hand waved, trying to take back the real fire attribute that broke out.

But because of the thought, it was ejected fiercely.

Yun Feiyang, who was unscrupulously absorbed, sneered secretly: "How can the supplements sent back be recovered."


As he released powerful spiritual thoughts, shrouded in pure fire, he absorbed frantically.

Just a moment.

The real fire that filled more than ten miles gradually subsided, and Yun Feiyang's body finally appeared in midair.

"call out!"

The last real fire turned into a streamer and merged into Yun Feiyang's mouth. He licked his lips, meaning he never said: "Come on again, I haven't eaten enough."

After absorbing the real fire, the purple lotus industry fire has been rapidly increased, and now the strength has reached the level of Wushen consummation.

If the true fire energy in the Huo De Zhenlong core is fully absorbed, the purple lotus industry fire will be properly raised to the strength of the same realm!

"This... this guy ate the flames?"

Witnessing the scene of Yun Feiyang swallowing the flames, the warriors from all walks of life almost shocked their chin!

Fire attributes.

Can be absorbed by the warrior!

But that is the attribute of others' cohesion. If it is not me, once absorbed, it will directly explode and die!

And why is this kid safe?

The warriors from all walks of life were deeply shocked by the pictures of Yunfei Yang swallowing real fire, and even overturned their previous knowledge of martial arts!

"This guy……"

Acting for the little god, his eyes gloomed: "Are there any martial arts that absorb the attributes of others?"

To say the most calm.

It must be Shen Linfeng, after all, after seeing it with his own eyes, Yun Fei Yang devoured the power of the dragon of the Kowloon Forbidden Array.

"Brother Yun experienced the power of fire dragon, without fear of any fire department, and the innate fire spirit body's supreme late stage will not cause any harm to him."

"in contrast."

"It will only become a tonic!"


"You can actually absorb my real fire!"

Huo De's gaze looked at Yun Feiyang with horror and disbelief.


Suddenly, Yun Fei Yang rushed and raised his fist to say: "Come on, release your flames, fight me well!"

Huo De is not a fool.

Realizing that this person can absorb real fire, it will definitely not be released again, and it is impossible to fight him!


He cast his body and retreated backward.

At the same time, the nearest Shui De hurried over, and his jade hand waved, and waves of water quickly condensed!


Yun Feiyang's fists slammed into the water waves, and the powerful force was completely resolved, as if hitting a sponge.

"This is against the water, and has the ability to vent!"

Yun Feiyang secretly startled.


Shui De swinging the enchanting body, Huazhi Zhan smiled and said: "You hate it, dare to absorb my brother's real fire."

This woman has a beautiful appearance, a hot figure, and two groups of her chest, and she dances rhythmically under the shaking of her body, as if she wants to jump out at any time.

Yun Feiyang is shameless.

So, those eyes, naturally, were attracted by the beating.

Not only was Shui De not angry, he also shivered in coordination, and charmingly smiled, "Is it big?"


Yun Feiyang didn't deny it and said, "How much fabric would be wasted to wrap it."

Shui De blinked and smiled: "Want to play with my sister?"

"playing what?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Shui De twisted her body and said, "Of course it's a game on the bed."

Yun Fei raised a corner of his mouth.

Mom, brother is already shameless, but I didn't expect that this woman is shameless than herself!

If the beautiful women under the world are all so unrestrained to themselves, it is really...thinking about the series.

Yun Feiyang looked right: "Sorry, I am very principled, and I will not play games with strange women in bed casually."


Shui De laughed.

But the beautiful eyes flashed a hint of murder, and said, "Boy, do you think the old lady will play bed games with a dead man?"


Layers of waves screamed out, as if rushing towards Yunfei like a row of mountains.

"Cutting blade!"

On the other side, Jin De waved his hands, sharpened the gold attributes, and turned them into two giant wheels.

The Five Elements Supreme came together against the enemy.

Jin De made trouble from the back, and the martial artists of all circles were not surprised.


Yun Feiyang rushed towards the incoming headwaters and was eventually engulfed in layers of waves, but he also successfully avoided the sharp sharp wheel that was attacked.


Shui De laughed: "Boy, entering my backwaters is equivalent to entering a cage, no matter how strong you are..."

The voice came to an abrupt stop, and the smile froze.

Because, she clearly felt that her condensed backwater began to disappear madly after wrapping the clouds and flying, as if ingested!

"not good!"

Shui De shrieked in a sharp voice: "He can absorb my backwaters!"


In a blink of an eye, the backwater that filled the sky was completely absorbed by Yun Feiyang.

After he was relieved, he grinned and said, "Do you think this kind of attribute can trap me as handsome as a man?"

Seeing Yun Feiyang absorb the attributes of the water system again, the warriors of all circles almost fell to the ground in shock.

Two extremely rare and powerful properties of water and fire, which can be absorbed unscrupulously. There is nothing at all, where is he?



Suddenly, the light curtain of UU reading shivered slightly.

In the picture, the crimson ground quickly cracked, and slender vine branches soared into the sky.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Fujie flew to Yun Feiyang, wrapped it around his hands and feet, and heard Mu De crying coldly: "Bundle!"


The vine branches shrank violently, and immediately **** Yunfeiyang's five flowers.

He smiled and said, "It's tonic again!"


Suddenly, the vine branches that bound Yunfei fluttered and quickly shattered into energy.

Mu De was shocked and said: "He can also absorb my attributes!"

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