Super God

Chapter 1126: Disobedience, come quickly!

Breaking through the Nirvana period, Yun Fei, who gained the congenital five elements, possessed nearly 7 million heavy dragons.

among them.

The increase in the strength of the five elements alone is probably over two million.

This is very scary.

At least in all realms, no one can be at this level, at this level.


It is a bit difficult to overcome the early days of Tianzun.

Because, the strong men in the early days of Tianzun Realm, even if they don't talk about it, also have the power of thousands of true dragons.

If Yun Feiyang didn't want to fight, or broke out various cards, it was very difficult for Tianzun to kill him early.

This is the Nirvana period!

If anyone knows, if they can break their wrists with Tianzun in the early days, they will definitely collapse completely.


After testing his strength, Yun Feiyang appeared on the mountain where the spirits of the Five Elements were displayed.

"call out!"

With a big wave of his hand, the innate nature of the five elements quickly emerged and merged into the spirit of the five elements.


Soon, the original five-element attribute in the spirit of the five elements was replaced by the innate five-element attribute, and continued to show a multicolored light rotation.

The richer attributes gradually spread and drift toward the flying mainland.

"There are congenital five-element attributes to replace the previous five-element attributes, and the strength of the condensed attributes is stronger than that."

Yun Fei said.

According to his inference.

The strength of the attributes condensed by the congenital five elements is at least fifty times that of the attributes of the Little God Realm, which is infinitely close to the strength of divine power.


At this moment, Yun Feiyang accidentally discovered that at the same time the congenital five-element attributes condensed, the two attributes of Taiyin and Sun also shone brightly.

It seems stronger than before.

He closed his eyes, his soul merged into the flying continent, his heart moved, and the speed of time was easily increased from 20 times to 50 times!


Yun Feiyang excitedly said: "The higher five-element attribute stimulates the lunar sun and makes it burst out into a stronger state."

The five elements of yin and yang are interdependent, and the infusion of the congenital five elements drives the two attributes of Taiyin and Sun to increase their strength.

This is not the limit.

With the improvement of Yunfeiyang's realm, after the congenital five elements are stronger, the lunar sun still has a level of improvement, and the time flow rate will be faster.


Yun Fei, who condenses the body of the congenital five elements, instills the spirit of the five elements with the congenital five elements, unexpectedly excites the lunar sun, and thus speeds up time by fifty times!

This is very cool.

Because in the fifty days of flying the mainland, the outside world has only passed by!

Yun Feiyang wants to become stronger, this time acceleration is undoubtedly crucial.

"It's time to go out."

As soon as his thoughts moved, Yun Feiyang appeared on the extraterritorial battlefield, and after flying on the mainland for more than four years, the time passed by the outside world was only two months.

Two months, not long.

However, due to the decline of many Supreme and Five Elements Supreme, Lingwu Realm launched a more brutal attack on Little God Realm.

Half a month ago.

The spirit martial arts warriors assembled and launched a large-scale offensive, pressing the little **** realm warriors against the mad evil city and daring not to go out.

This is not.

Five hundred miles away from the Mad City, the martial arts of the Lingwu Realm gathered more than 100,000 people and blocked the way out. Their strength reached the void realm on average, and there were no fewer than dozens of supreme-level strongmen.


The Tianzun powerful man also sat among them.

His name is Ouyang Si.

It's very uncomfortable now, because I came to the extraterritorial battlefield for more than two months under the order of the Lord of the Boundary, and I never found Yun Feiyang.

Judging by the judgment, the kid might have hid in Mad City, so he came here.


Ouyang stood on a mountain peak, staring coldly at the crazy city hundreds of miles away, and said, "Boy, you can only live for half a year."

According to the rules of engagement.

If one of the base camps is under siege by the enemy's 100,000 warriors, and for half a year, the unarmed warriors will leave the city to gain merit points, and the city defense will be eliminated.

If Crazy City has no defensive enchantment.

Will directly face the total attack of the enemy warrior, once the city is occupied or destroyed, it will completely declare failure.

The warriors of the Little God Realm flinched in the madness of the city, each with a sad face.

They don't care about victory or defeat, but as the city defenses disappear, they will also be killed by enemy warriors and fall!

Seeing the Lingwu Realm, one hundred thousand warriors blocked the way out of the mad evil city, and the warriors from all walks of life shook their heads.

"It was only two months ago that Yun Feiyang had an amazing performance. The other warriors of Little God Realm were only suppressed."

"Weird to say."

"Since the guy beheaded the Five Elements Supreme, it seems that the world has evaporated. Is it really hidden in the crazy city?"

"In my opinion, killing the Five Elements Supreme, he has also paid a terrible price, and is now closed to recuperate."

Everyone talked about it.

At this moment, someone accidentally glanced at a light curtain and exclaimed: "Look, it's Yunfeiyang!"



Many warriors quickly changed their gaze.

When they locked on the light curtain at the side, they saw that on the dusty red ground, a heroic martial man walked slowly.

Impressive, it is Yun Feiyang!


"Why is this guy still on the battlefield of life and death, instead of mad at the city?"

Everyone is puzzled.


Suddenly, Yun Fei raised her toes a little, hung on the light curtain of the sky, flicked her black hair gently, and smiled, "Do you miss me?"


The warriors of all circles fell together.

Don't say it.

Many people really want Yun Feiyang to think, what kind of splendid battle will this guy perform in the battlefield of life and death?

to be frank.

The warriors of the Little God Realm were completely suppressed, and the top families always did not send strong men to the venue, making the half-year battle between the two realms meaningless.

in contrast.

Yun Feiyang appeared.

Killing 20 Supreme Masters with one sword, with the horrible big hand, thwarted the Five Elements Supreme in the invincible Supreme Realm, making them look very enjoyable.

This is the real battle.

This is interesting!


Yun Feiyang fell, lucked Dantian, shouted with a long voice: "I am Yun Feiyang here, those who disobey, come quickly to fight!"

Acoustic shocks spread everywhere.

He heard his voice in most of the battlefields outside the domain.

"It's Yunfeiyang!"

The warriors of the Lingwu world condensed outside the mad evil city were furious.

"call out!"

The streamer flashes extremely quickly.

At the fastest speed, Ouyang Yang spread his voice to Yunfei and traveled to the area.

He said angrily: "It turns out that this son has been on the battlefield of life and death, and the deity is squatting for half a month outside the city of Kuangsha!"

"I rely on This guy is too bullish to dare to shout so brazenly to reveal his position!"

The warriors of all circles admire Yun Fei's courage, and at the same time, they are also excited, because the Heaven and Supreme of Lingwu Realm have killed the past!

Wonderful battle, to be staged again?

Or was this arrogant guy slapped to death by Tianzun?

Just as everyone guessed.

On the sky above the light curtain, seven streamers flew extremely fast, and stopped above Yunfei.


After the streamer disappeared, Zonghuai laughed: "Yun Feiyang, today is your death!"

The lost fairy stands beside.

Her beautiful eyes flickered coldly, her small mouth slightly tilted and smiled faintly.

Seeing two familiar faces, Yun Feiyang wondered: "How come you all come in?"

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