Super God

Chapter 1128: You are Tianzun!

Lingwu Realm Tianzun appeared, as expected from the warriors of all realms, after all, he was only a few thousand miles away from Yunfeiyang.

But what I didn't expect was.

The Heavenly Venerable Strongman flew at a rapid speed, without a word, condensing the power of a horrible true dragon, and slammed past.

that moment.

Everyone agrees.

Yun Feiyang was seriously injured even if he didn't die.

After all, that force was so strong that it was roaring, and the space shattered rapidly.

Less power.

More than 8 million!

Worthy of heaven.

In the understatement, the condensed power is not comparable to the Five Elements Supreme.


What made everyone unexpected was.

Faced with this terrifying power, instead of avoiding it, Yun Feiyang condensed a Fa-phase!

"Want to let me die?"

Yun Feiyang, who manipulated the Fa, shouted angrily: "You are not qualified!"


A huge fascination condensed by various attributes, his hands flicked violently, greeted the invading giant hand!

The warriors from all walks of life admire Yun Fei's courage, admire his overconfidence!

The son of Zonghuai, the realm of the realm, realized that Tianzun had a slap in the face.

Although the missing fairy can still keep calm, Qiao's face is obviously a little frightened.

For them.

Tianzun is a strong person. It's a very unattainable existence. Don't say counterattack, it's good to stand still.

"This kid is dead!"

A calm smile appeared on Zong Huai's steady mood.

The lost fairy also smiled faintly.

Although, just now Yun Feiyang slapped the Supreme Master's Consummation, which shocked the two, but dare to take the initiative to meet Tianzun, it will definitely die!


The palms of the huge Fa-phase, carrying the stormy waves and roaring away, finally collided with the 8-million-weight nihility hand.


The space oscillated and shattered rapidly.

In the tens of miles where the two forces collided, the ground shattered and everything turned into nothingness.


The light curtains of all circles tremble violently.

The warriors were shocked when they saw it.

How strong is that explosive force that will affect the image formation on the sky.


The light curtain has stabilized, and the energy fluctuations on the screen have also weakened a lot.

Everyone saw that Ouyang Si had fallen on the cracked ground.

Yun Feiyang was still standing proudly in front of him a hundred feet away. Although his feet were deep in the soil, he did not take a step back.

Witness this scene.

Many warriors widened their eyes.

What a joke.

It's incredible that a force of at least 7 million weights is still standing in the same position.

Zonghuai, the missing fairy, and the four Supreme Masters were fully consummated. Seeing Yun Feiyang still standing, his expression changed greatly.

"This... this guy is too strong?"

Zonghuai was terrified and his heart beat.

In the beautiful eyes of the lost fairy, she kept blinking.

Obviously, she did not expect that this guy will have the strength to resist Tianzun!

Ouyang's face was extremely ugly.

As a party, he knew that his nihility hand was directly crushed!

That is to say.

The power of the Fa-Sect just played by this son has exceeded 8 million heavy dragons!

Ouyang Shen said in a deep voice: "You are Tianzun!"

As soon as this statement came out, the warriors who looked at the light curtain looked dull.

You heard it right?

This... this guy is Tianzun?


Two months ago, in the face of the Five Elements Supreme, although it was finally beheaded, it was suppressed in the early stage, and it would be difficult to defeat it if you did not use the increase-level martial arts skills!

There is only one possibility.

This guy is very cheap and shameless.

In the battle against the Five Elements Supreme, he deliberately suppressed the state and strength, and was very passive. In fact, he has reached Heavenly Realm!


When he was fighting against the Five Elements Supreme, there was a Tianzun Ruizhao appearing, which obviously did not enter the Tianzun realm.


In just two months, this guy has stepped into Supreme Realm from Supreme Realm?

It must be like this.

This guy previously had the Supreme Consummation Realm.

Then, Tianzun Ruizhao appeared, and successfully entered Tianzun Realm within two months!

This is also a good explanation.

This child disappeared in the extraterritorial battlefield for two months, and is definitely going all out to break through Tianzun Realm.

Think so far.

Everyone was a little dizzy and couldn't stand.

One Tianzun Realm exclaimed: "It's incredible to enter the Tianzun Realm in just two months!"

As a coming person, after he appeared in Tianzun Ruizhao, he had been fully aware for decades before he stepped into Tianzun's realm.

Two months.

Do it in such a short time.

It can only be stated that this child's talent is against the sky!

Ouyang's words made many warriors imagine.

But in fact, Yun Feiyang's current state is only fivefold during the Nirvana period.

This has to be said.

Sure... no one will believe it!

Yun Feiyang ignored Ouyang's death, his body flashed, and appeared before the nearest Great Constellation.


The strong man who was lost in the realm was suddenly blown into a blood mist with a punch, and the waist card representing the merits fell into the hands of Yun Feiyang.


Everyone took a breath.

The hard fight against the Heavenly Venerable is not only okay, but as before, it is easy to kill a Supreme Consummation, and definitely entered the Heavenly Realm!

No wonder they will provoke the spirit martial masters, no wonder they will not fear the early days of Tianzun!


Really amazing!

The acting little **** Lord in the palace stood up angrily, and said with a fierce light: "This child grows too fast, and if you let it go, it will become a big problem!"

After the genius comparison, he despised Yun Feiyang.

The initial battle on the extraterritorial battlefield and the beheading of the Five Elements Supreme are only a bit of a heart.

Nowadays, in the early days of anti-Tianzun, it is easy to kill the Supreme Consummation, and it is completely seen as a nail in the eye!


Not long ago.

Shen Linfeng appeared in the palace again, reminding him profoundly with a hundred-year contract.

Therefore, even if the killing intention is pervasive, it is difficult to take action.


Yun Feiyang appeared in front of the other three Supreme Dharma Successors one after another, and in the same way, bombarded them into blood mist and snatched meritorious waist cards.

If it were not for Ouyang's sudden appearance, after a delay, five Supreme Masters were killed, only in a very short time!

This is the breakthrough to the Nirvana period, condensing the body of the congenital five elements, with the power of nearly seven million true dragons flying!

Now he.

Strength is really an explosion.

Faced with the early days of Ouyang Si, although it was difficult to kill, it was also very difficult for the other party to kill him.

Witnessing that the five Supreme Masters sent to him by his father were easily bombed, Zong Huaixuan was completely numb in the air.

He never dreamed of it.

This man is so terrible, otherwise, he will not enter the battlefield outside the territory to send death and merit!

Completely stupid, and the missing fairy.

There was a dullness in her beautiful eyes, recalling her alms-like words just now, it turned out to be so ridiculous!



It's ridiculous to think that Yun Feiyang can be killed at will, and he is at his own discretion.

The woman didn't have much time to realize it, and she felt hit hard.

Because, Yun Feiyang appeared in front of her, waved his hand, and buckled on the delicate neck, Leng Sen said: "You have lived for a while, you don't cherish it, but you will die."

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