Super God

Chapter 1134: God's call!

"Spiritual warriors in the spirit martial world, if they dare to hurt the sect master, I will fly the blood to the heavenly city!"

A voice full of anger, passed on the battlefield outside the territory, but also in all circles, making many warriors look dull.

They could see and hear that Yun Feiyang, who flew out of the mad city at a very high speed, was very angry, as if he had gone away!


Faintly has a feeling.

If the warrior of the Lingwu Realm really hurts the patriarch he said in his mouth, I am afraid that there will be a disaster of blood washing!

Yun Feiyang.

Have the ability to wash the Celestial City?

The warriors from all walks of life calmed down and laughed at themselves one after another. How could they feel that incredible feeling?

this time.

No one laughed at Yun Feiyang.

Because, in their view, if Yun Feiyang entered the Tianxiong City, he could indeed have a massacre.


If you want to enter Tianxiong City, you must first gather 100,000 warriors and block Tianxiong for half a year, so that they will not dare to come out.

Yun Feiyang can't do it alone, and he hopes that the forces and warriors in the Little God Realm will have no hope.

In summary, the warriors from all walks of life have overcome that strange hunch and believe in rational analysis.


Rely on Yunfei to raise a person.

It is impossible to get stuck in Tianxiong City.

The warriors of the Little God Realm on the battlefield outside the territory, one by one, can't protect themselves, allowing them to encircle the Tianxiong City, without ability and courage.


The warriors of all circles do not know.

In Yun Feiyang's body, there is a huge plane.

There are millions of spirit soldiers in it, and there is a group of spirit awakeners who are not too high, but powerful!


Mad City, Danfang.

Hearing Yun Feiyang's voice, Yao Wanzhen realized immediately that the Sect Master Sect was arrogant, and I'm afraid it was in trouble.


He immediately closed his eyes.

With Danzong's unique communication martial arts, he contacted the elder Danzong of Little God Realm and said, "Send my Zongqiang quickly to enter the extraterritorial battlefield."

"Understood, Sect Master!"

The elder Danzong got up immediately, sounded the big bell on the Danzong tower, and summoned many elders in the Zongzong.

After a quarter of an hour.



Dozens of supreme powerhouses in Danzong flew out at a rapid speed towards the formation leading to the battlefield outside the region.

Immediately afterwards, there are more than 500 famous gods.

Although Danzong is dominated by alchemy, although it is only a first-class force, its strength is unfathomable. It sent more than a dozen supremes and hundreds of gods, which can be seen.

"Young Master Yun."

Yao Wanzhen solemnly said: "While my Danzong doesn't have heavenly respect for the powerful, but if you want to blood wash the Tianxiong City, the old will definitely do its best!"

This old man, yes.


More than ten supreme, more than five hundred gods, seems a little weak.


After the Danzong strongmen poured into the formation leading to the extraterritorial battlefield, a group of warriors also came from all directions.

Strength is supreme, there is a divine realm, and there is also a void realm, but it is not a local of the small **** realm.

They come from the high plane that was once ruled by God Realm.

They are warriors who are not willing to succumb to the Little God Realm.

They are waiting for the call of God!

Two months ago.

Yun Feiyang battled the five elements supreme, and displayed the three changes of the God of War soul, so that these people suddenly affirmed that that is the magic skill!

Magic skills.

Only God can perform it.

That is to say, this young man named Yun Feiyang is the **** he has to wait for!

that moment.

Many warriors who were dormant in the Little God Realm burst into tears, and their blood was boiling.

They are still waiting.

Waiting, God's call!

"Spiritual warriors in the spirit martial world, if they dare to hurt the sect master, I will fly the blood to the heavenly city!"

This sentence came into their ears and finally realized that God was angry and God needed us.

And this is the call of God!



Streams of light flew from all directions.

They finally condensed before the teleportation formation, the number was not less than tens of thousands, the Supreme alone had thousands!

These warriors have lived in the Little God Realm for a long time, and even lived for several generations, but they will never forget, the ancestors told, they will not forget God.

This is faith.

This is waiting hard!


Little God Main City.

Acting as the little **** master, he witnessed a group of martial arts flying out, rushing towards the formation, and sneered: "Have you a group of remnants attached to God Realm, finally showing up?"

"call out!"

Soul appeared in the sky, gathered horror hands, said lightly: "Today, all must die!"

"call out"

Shen Linfeng appeared in the void.

He stood under the hands of horror and laughed: "The master of the whole world, killing the weak by hand, is it shameful to pass it out?"

"Shen Linfeng!"

Acting little **** Lord was furious.

However, the big hands did not suppress it for a long time, and only witnessed a remnant who stepped on the formation and were sent to the battlefield outside the territory.

Shen Linfeng smiled and said: "Remember, our 100-year contract."

After all, his body disappeared.


Acting as the **** of the little god, he withdrew his soul and smashed his throne with anger.


Bloody Canyon, the deepest.

Thousands of warriors from the Lingwu world could not drain the water around a cave.

The cave is not big.

Only two people can be accommodated.

At this moment, a warrior covered in blood stood at the entrance of the cave. Although his clothes were broken and there were many wounds on his body, he stood proudly.

He is a demon belief, Ashura.

Inside the cave, the arrogant sky was pale and leaned against the wall. Zuo Siou and Dou Bi were there, but they were all seriously injured.

Their mad sect was the first force to enter the battlefield outside the territory, and it was naturally the first to encounter danger.


There is Ashura.

They can live until now.

But after months of fierce fighting, the man had fought a hundred battles and had already overdrawn his physical strength.

Kuangtiantian weakly said: "Go, don't be implicated in you because of us."

"Mad Sect Master."

Asura stood at the entrance of the cave, like a towering mountain, saying, "I said, I want to keep you safe."

The arrogant days are bitter.

That sentence just now, he has said it a thousand times in the past few months, and he has to come back with such an answer every time.

"Oh shit!"

Outside the cave, a God of Reality met with great anger: "Obviously only the strength of the return period, why is it so powerful!"

"This guy is the end of a strong crossbow. I will slowly kill him when I slowly consume it!"

"Not bad!"

Everyone agrees.

They did not rush in.

After all, has forced this little warrior of the realm to a dead end, and it is only a matter of time before it is killed.

At this moment, a distant roar came from the sky: "If the martial warriors of the spirit martial world, if they dare to hurt the sect master, I will fly to the sky and wash the sky!"


"Yes... it's the four brothers!"

Dou Bi, who heard Yun Feiyang's voice, flashed with excitement in his eyes, and in the semi-coma, Lan Shou and Xiang Yuan also woke up suddenly.

The three brothers are very happy.

However, Kuangtiantian was not happy at all, but instead frowned, shook his head and sighed.

He knew that Yun Feiyang had an enmity with the Lingwu Realm and entered the extraterritorial battlefield, there must be danger.

At the end of the day, the disciple's safety is considered, not his own. This master is very qualified!

It's no wonder that Yun Feiyang cares so much, and even releases the harsh words of Tianxiongcheng.

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