Super God

Chapter 1140: Why are you still alive!

Shen Xiaoyu was angry.

Now, she has been completely violent, and the strong breath is comparable to Tianzun's consummation!

This is very scary.

To know.

The level of Tianzun Great Consummation is already a very high level among all realms.

Calculated according to the realm system of God Realm.

It is comparable to the top god, and is not weaker than Yun Feiyang in the peak period!

Since the birth of the extraterritorial battlefield, it has experienced countless frontier battles and has never appeared such a strong player.

No wonder.

When a strong man inferred Shen Xiaoyu's strength from the light curtain, he would be so shocked.

Although the inferior martial artists of all circles can hardly infer Shen Xiaoyu's strength, they flew at a rapid speed and the space of thousands of miles shattered, enough to understand that this female power exploded!

"My God, I didn't expect Little God Realm to actually hide such a terrible strong man!"

"Uncle Yun?"

"Is it Yunfeiyang?"

"It's over, it's over, the spirit martial warriors in the battlefield outside the territory must be unlucky!"

Everyone mourned for the martial artists of the Lingwu world.

After all, the woman’s small face was covered with rich murderous opportunities, which must be started. I am afraid that Shi Bao, the earth will shatter!


Lingwu Realm Lord, dignified look.

He breathed from Shen Xiaoyu's breath and felt that this woman must have something to do with a strong man who shattered his soul before the word'roll'!

If there is a killing ring.

Hundreds of thousands of spirit martial warriors in the battlefield outside the territory will wipe out the whole army!


Lingwu Realm Master fisted: "Unexpectedly, killing a Yunfeiyang will pay such a painful price!"

The loss of a Tianzun has made him very collapsed, and then witnessed the fall of hundreds of thousands of martial artists, it was really a cruel blow.

no way.

He cannot enter the extraterritorial battlefield.

I could only watch Shen Xiaoyu mad like crazy, and flew towards the war zone quickly.


It must be the acting little god.

Yun Feiyang died, and the Shen family's enemies went away, slaughtering the martial artists of the Lingwu world.

Well, this battle may be defeated to victory.



Suddenly, on the sky of all realms, the streamer flashes, and the broken light curtain emerges again.

The image formation in the battlefield outside the territory has a self-healing function, even if it is destroyed by the soul's self-explosion, it will still form again in a period of time.

"The light curtain is back!"

Everyone hurried to see.

And when they witnessed the area where Yunfeiyang and Tianzun were fighting, they all opened their mouths.

On the light curtain.

A deep pit full of five hundred miles appears, and the surrounding space is completely broken.

The cold and turbulent voids, blowing unscrupulously, made this area full of rich and dark atmosphere.

This is the soul of Tianzun's early self-detonation, and everything within a few hundred miles was completely destroyed.

No exaggeration.

In the area where the soul explodes and bombs, no matter how many people there are, as long as the state does not reach the level of Heavenly Venerable, there will be no bones to be blown.

"too frightening!"

"How terrifying this must be to explode such a big pit!"

The warriors from all walks of life were deeply shocked.

to be frank.

This is still enough space barriers in the extraterritorial battlefield.

For other weaker planes, under a powerful explosion, it will definitely be fragmented instantly.


Someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked at the edge of the light curtain.

I saw that at the end of the deep pit, the soil shook slightly, and Ouyang was crawling out of blood, lying on the ground weakly.

The fifth life-hunting soul exploded. Although he escaped early, he was in the center of the explosion and was seriously injured.


Ouyang Si gasped weakly, but his heart was full of luck, and luck, he was still alive!


Thinking of Yun Feiyang, he killed Fifth Chase, forced his soul to explode, and his heart turned upside down.


"Let a Heavenly Venerate be buried with you, your death is also vigorous." Ouyang Si sneered in his heart.

He also believes.

That kid will die.

After all, he was more than ten miles away from the fifth chase, all of them were seriously injured.

The guy is close to him.

To meet the explosion comparable to the mid-day of Tianzun, there must be no bones left!


At this moment, the sound of the cracking of the earth came from afar, and Ouyang's expression was slightly startled.

He turned his head hard and looked in the direction of the sound, and he saw that the soil in the center of the deep pit gradually shattered.

This scene.

The warriors of all circles also saw it.


Suddenly, under the attention of many people, a hand stretched out from the dirt, with a white flash between his fingers and his wrist.


All breathing is still.


Another hand came out of the dirt.

Gradually, the armor shimmering with platinum light appeared in the eyes of the world.


When the white-golden armor stood upright, the messy purple hair flew up and appeared in everyone's field of vision.


"He...he is alive!?"

"how is this possible!"

The powerful men of all circles rounded their eyes and almost did not stand still and fell over.

I was very happy to represent the little **** master, witnessing Yun Feiyang crawling out of the mud, and stood up in shock and said, "He, he is not dead!"

Also shocked.

There is also Lingwu Realm Master.

When he saw Yun Feiyang stand up, he almost spurted blood out of his mouth.

Lose a Tianzun.

That guy, alive, really hit people!


Yun Feiyang is still alive, not dead.

Even when he stood up, he stabilized, with a smile on his face, as if it were nothing wrong.

This is the surface.

Withstand an explosion comparable to that of Tianzun in the middle.

Yun Feiyang's meridians in his body were damaged by many shocks, but it was not a big deal.

"Fortunately, the Taixu Platinum Warframe has been completely remodeled, otherwise, I am afraid that in the face of this explosion, I am already dead."

Yun Feiyang secretly rejoiced.

The Taixu platinum battle armor is in his body, allowing him to withstand the strong bombardment of Tianzun in the middle period, still safe and sound,


Yun Feiyang secretly said: "The soul of Xia Tianzun explodes, and the defense energy in the armor also costs nearly 80%."

The terrifying defense of the Taixu Platinum Warframe is formed by the divine power contained therein.

The defensive power will be reduced sharply when the power is consumed.

"Go back to the mainland and put it in the Divine Power Formation to make a good addition." Yun Feiyang secretly said.


He showed his way and appeared in front of the seriously wounded Ouyang Si, the other side's pupils appeared, horrified.

"You... why are you alive..." Ouyang Di said in horror.

"Is it strange?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The corners of the warriors' mouths twitched.

They could not help shouting together: "Yes, it's weird!!"


Yun Feiyang raised his stepped on Ouyang Di's face and smiled lightly: "Tianzun, let me Yun Feiyang step on."


Ouyang's blood spewed out.

Tang Tianzun was stepped on his face. This kind of blow was very fatal, and hematemesis was light.


Yun Feiyang raised his foot again.

And when he was about to step on it, he felt a sense of terror and swept from afar.

"So strong!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked.

He was about to look up and saw a petite body appearing in his field of vision and fluttering in his arms.

"Uncle Yun, I thought you were dead... woo woo..."

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