Super God

Chapter 1155: Go to war!

The three monks of wine and meat and the old black robe, first came over.

The three Tianzun-level strongmen are a great force, which makes the martial arts of all circles believe that it is easier for Yunfeiyang to break through the Tianxiong City.



Yun Feiyang didn't let them help.

The three monks of wine and meat also looked stunned. They stopped in the air and looked at each other with an awkward expression on their faces.


Appeared too late.

This young man has been disheartened, so he will not accept his own assistance.


The monk of wine and meat sighed, and immediately fell to the distance, saying: "Don't say Yun, since this is said, the family can only watch the battle."

The old robes of the black robe and the heavenly deity of the Sword Sect have also fallen.

Out of respect for Yun Feiyang, they chose to watch the battle.

of course.

I was thinking about it.

If Tianxiong City is strong, it will still help if necessary. After all, Yun Feiyang represents Little God Realm.

Within Tianxiong City.

Tianzun, the two spirit martial priests, were desperate immediately after witnessing the appearance of the wine and meat monk, but they were overjoyed when they heard what Yun Feiyang said.

The three Tianzun did not participate in the war, but just watched the guests, undoubtedly reducing the burden.

Yun Feiyang not only does not need the assistance of the three Tianzun, but then, all the major family forces from the mad evil city are stopped by him.

Only half an hour.

There are as many as hundreds of thousands of Little God Realm warriors gathered outside the war zone. They are staring at each other with big eyes, and their hearts are very collapsed.

"Lying trough."

"This kid is so dangling!"

The martial arts world.

Three Tianzun, more than half a million martial arts.

This force exploded. Once joined in the war, the siege of Tianxiong City for half a year was no problem.

But nowadays, it is all blocked and becomes a spectator, which is a bit wasteful.


Yun Feiyang didn't feel it.

Since he laid down his rhetoric and wanted to wash the Tianxiong City, he must rely on his own strength to solve it.

At the same time, he also proved to the Little God Realm that he has the ability to resist the Lingwu Realm!


Lingwu Realm sneered.

Nearly 70% to 80% of the top powers of the Lingwu Realm are transferred to the Tianxiong City. With your 300,000 alien warriors and 100 Supreme Masters, do you want to contend?

Acting little **** Lord is very happy.

Since this guy does not accept the assistance of everyone and uses his own strength to resist the Lingwu Realm, then he will take a good look at how he and his men are wiped out.


Two days later.

The warriors from the Little God Realm have gathered a million, and they are just spectators.

"Fuck, this Yunfeiyang is too crazy to accept my assistance!"

"Although his strength is very strong, how can such a large-scale engagement be solved by one person alone!"

The warriors of the Little God Realm are unhappy.

Faced with these voices, Yun Feiyang seemed to be unheard of. He stood on a high platform in the barracks and smiled, "Do you have the confidence to win this battle?"

Zhuge Jinmei's eyes flashed their desire for war, saying: "I have faith."

Since entering the flying continent, this woman has been training Spirit soldiers for a long time without leading the battle.

The siege of Tianxiong City, for her, was a time to prove her ability.


Zhuge Jin added: "The premise is that you can solve the Supreme Realm of Lingwu Realm."

She is confident that she can lead 300,000 Ling clan soldiers and fight against the Lingwu world army.

But if the opponent sends a higher level of supremacy, under that kind of terrorist power, no matter how strong the tactics can only be bombarded as a target.

"Do not worry."

Yun Fei raised his gaze to the thousands of supreme being assembled in Tianxiong City, and said coldly: "As long as they dare to come out, the result is death."

Zhuge Jin was relieved.

There is no supreme level of trouble, even if there are more martial arts sent by the spirit martial arts world, it will only come to die.


Within Tianxiong City.

Thousands of supremes, headed by the Qinglingzong Tianzun, have been assembled.

This force is quite strong. The Supreme has achieved a total of 20, the Supreme 100, and the Supreme in the early and middle stages accounted for more than 800.

Of course, any one, in front of Yun Feiyang, is not afraid, but when they condense together, the power of the explosion must be extremely strong!


The outside warrior said: "So many supremes, if you shoot together, can Yunfeiyang and those one hundred supremes, be able to bear it?"

"A little dangling."

Many people worry.

"In my opinion, the three Goddess of Little God Realm will definitely not watch it all the time, and will definitely shoot when necessary."

"Not bad."

Everyone agrees.

Since then, they are more inclined to Yunfei.

I hope he can really do it, besiege Tianxiong City for half a year, and break his defense.


Because this is a feat that has never appeared since the battlefield outside the territory opened.

If you succeed, then you are a witness to making history!


Outside the city of Tianxiong, the army of 300,000 Ling clan headed by Yun Feiyang, and the 10,000 remnants of the **** realm, have already made preparations before the war and are ready to go.

In the city of Tianxiong, a million martial arts warriors headed by two Heavenly Venerables have also formulated combat plans.

The war has not yet begun.

The repressive breath that condenses on the battlefield outside the territory is getting stronger and stronger.

The martial arts of all circles, even if they are not in it, can smell the air of the killing.

Everyone believes that once the Lingwu world launches an offensive, it will be a shocking war!



At this moment, thousands of supreme in Tianxiong City exploded and flew out of the city.

"It's war!"

The warriors from all walks of life suddenly became excited.


Yun Feiyang's colorful lightsaber flew out, drawing a swordlight, and said coldly: "Prepare for war!"



Luo Mu and others flew, and the magical power condensed in the body was in an explosive state at any time.



They stood in front of the supreme princes such as Hai Rusheng, their eyes flashed with fierce fighting intent.

The warriors of all circles saw their mouths twitched.

This group of warriors who did not reach the **** realm actually stood in front of a group of Supreme Consummation. Do they have to fight against the Thousand Supreme Masters?

Just as they guessed, the supreme members of the Lingwu Realm had rushed out of the city, and a terrorist spirit broke out all over the body.


Thousands of Supreme Masters roared and quickly rushed towards Yunfei.

According to the plan made by them, once out of the city, Yun Feiyang was surrounded and bombed!

This is a very wise decision.

But if you want to rush to Yun Feiyang, you must first pass Luo Mu and others!


Luo Mu took the With his arms spread, a roaring ape emerged from behind, turning into a tremendous height.


The great hands of the Vajra God, with the thunderous power, rushed to the Thousand Supremes, and a powerful force broke out, making the space twisted and broken!



Two big hands slammed into the crowd.

More than a dozen Supremes were swept away, and two Supremes died on the spot at the beginning!


At this moment, Murong Zhan, the awakener of the killing god, shot with both palms, and the gloomy killing gas turned into a roaring beast.


In the early days of a supreme priest in the Lingwu world, he was suddenly bombarded with that disturbing and terrifying killing gas.

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