Super God

Chapter 1160: Eagle spreads its wings

In a short period of time, nearly half a million troops came out of the city of Tianxiong.

In the vanguard, after the two hundred thousand warriors were killed in battle, the rest were dominated by fear and finally chose to retreat.

However, wouldn't Yun Feiyang let them go back and immediately use the Nine Towers to block in front of the city gate.

Since so.

The remaining 300,000 spirit martial arts warriors were all trapped in the danger zone.

Waiting for them is a brave and warlike spirit warrior who is full of bravery!



The roar rumbled between heaven and earth, revealing a dark atmosphere.

"To be wiped out."

When the warriors of various circles shook their heads, they turned their eyes away and could not bear to look at it.

They just watched the war through the light curtain, while the monks and wine monks and others were immersive.

"The donor Yun Yun is so terrible!"

"No wonder, don't let me wait for the shot. It turns out that he has absolute self-confidence and can fight the Lingwu world!"

The old robe in the black robe and Tianzun, who stepped on the sword sect, showed bitterness on his face.

The Little God Realm Warriors condensed outside the battlefield are also ashamed.

Previously, they believed that without the help of others, Yun Feiyang wanted to besiege the Tianxiong City, it was impossible.

Now it seems that he is too overestimating himself, too little to look at that guy.


Half an hour.

Only half an hour!

The 300,000 spirit martial warriors trapped in the danger zone all died under the murderous spirit soldiers.

Ten miles away.

There are corpses of stumped limbs and **** flesh everywhere, and blood gathers to form a pool of blood.

There was a pungent, **** smell in the air, and ordinary people were in it, and it certainly vomited.


The Zhuge Jin flag was waving.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The spirited soldiers who had been ordered returned to the barracks in an orderly manner.

In this battle, 300,000 Ling clan soldiers wiped out 500,000 Lingwu martial warriors at the cost of 10,000 deaths and injuries.

that is.

There were an average of 50 casualties among the soldiers in the Lingwu world, and they were killed and wounded by a soldier of the Ling clan.

"Horrible, horrible!"

The warriors from all circles were shocked.

Such a sturdy army is simply a meat grinder on the battlefield, and it is simply invincible, invincible!

The spirit soldiers made their debut for the first time since the World of Ten Thousand Continents, and the combat effectiveness they showed completely shocked all circles.

Of course, it also deeply stimulated Lingwu Realm Lord and Little God Lord.

The two now have the same expression, angry and irritable!

Especially the Lingwu Realm Lord, roared angrily: "The warriors in the Tianxiong City will kill the Lord!"

Anger occupies his reason, and there is only one thought in his heart, no matter how much the price is paid, Yun Feiyang must be killed!


Within Tianxiong City.

The two Heavenly Venerables received orders from the Realm Master, and their faces were very ugly. After all, the other party was so powerful.

But in the end, he still obeyed the order of the Lord of the World, and immediately dispatched a million soldiers of the spirit race in the city to launch a second attack.

this time.

800,000 were dispatched directly.

And, with previous failures, the martial arts of the Lingwu world became smart.

They didn't stun them, but they took the lead with thousands of famous gods.



Thousands of enlightened **** realms broke out one after another, forming a defensive enchantment in front of them, and finally connected together, moving forward step by step.

They are responsible for resisting the bombardment of the sky bombers and shielding more warriors from the city.

As long as the 800,000 troops are all safe and not broken down by all, they will certainly be able to kill the abominable group of alien warriors.

The deployment of the Lingwu world has been recognized by many outside warriors who understand military affairs.


Still not optimistic.

Because they have long seen that the female general who is always manipulating the battle flag is definitely an excellent military genius.

Such a tactic of protecting oneself, all dispatched, forming a circle of envelopment, wouldn't it be seen through?

"If it is me, I will definitely send the Supreme Power, and the defensive enchantment team will be scattered in the front."




Suddenly, Yun Feiyang's supreme strongmen flew away one after another.

The warrior smiled.

However, the smile quickly solidified, because the group of Supremes flew out, but did not bombard the Great Realm, but retreated to the rear.

"what's the situation?"

The warriors from all walks of life were stunned.


Luo Mu and the others fell behind the barracks. They were either standing in the air or sitting on the boulder as if they were watching a movie.

The warriors of all realms collapsed thinking one by one: "Does Yun Feiyang believe that 300,000 alien warriors can contend with 800,000 spirit martial warriors before they retreat and watch the battle?"

It is not denied that the spirit soldiers are powerful, but they know that the spirit martial arts attacked for the first time and was defeated so simply.

It was because of all the charges, and was cut off by the opposing army, and finally fell to each end.

If the two sides are really fighting.

Five hundred thousand to three hundred thousand, even if the alien warrior is strong, there must be a great price to pay.

Nowadays, in the Lingwu world, Yuhua Shenjing Dayuan is opening the way. Once all 800,000 troops are out of the city, they will attack in a field of vision, which will inevitably form a strong impact.

By then.

Even if the 300,000 Spirit Clan soldiers are tough, even if they can win the final victory, they will inevitably pay a terrible price!

This result.

The warriors of all circles can see that Zhuge Jin can naturally think of it, but she is not afraid at all, because it is her attention to let the Supreme withdraw!

Watching the enemy troops keep coming out of the city, Zhuge Jin said earnestly: "The warriors who do not have a high level of war participate in the war and win less with less, so they deserve the title of my **** of war."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Today, you will be famous."


The red flag behind him flew out and landed in his hands. Zhugejin crossed his hands, and the yellow and red flags changed directions.



The spirit soldiers were ordered and assembled one after another, and they were immediately arranged neatly.



Nearly 300,000 spirit soldiers walked step by step, and finally stopped in the open space outside the barracks. They quickly set up a formation. From the light curtain, the scattered soldiers formed an eagle wingspan formation.

Yun Fei, suspended in midair, witnessed this formation, and his eyes showed a bit of bitterness.

He knew that this formation was called the Eagle Spread Wings Formation. At that time, he was in God Realm, fighting with his Tianwei Army.

Although this kind of formation was not the reason for the final defeat of the Tianwei Army, it also caused Yun Feiyang's men to suffer a lot.


The eagle spread its wings, and the army of 300,000 spirits is ready to go. In the Lingwu world, the strong man opened the way ahead, and 800,000 troops also successfully emerged from the Tianxiong City.

On the light curtain.

On the one hand, there are 300,000 alien warriors who are waiting for the battle, and on the other hand, there are densely packed 800,000 spirit martial forces.

The martial arts from various circles witnessed and held their breath.


Suddenly, Zhuge Jin on the high platform, her eyes cold and cold, then waved the double chess.



Three hundred thousand spirit soldiers, according to a fixed route, charged in an orderly manner, from the height of the sky, it seems that an eagle is flying its wings!

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