Super God

Chapter 1170: 1 large calabash

The Five Spirits in the Five Spirit Excalibur have been waiting since the birth of Condensation, waiting for the innate Five Elements.

Today, I finally waited for the warrior who was enough to make me use the Excalibur perfectly, so I was so active, so eager to recognize the Lord.

The warrior needs to find a sword that matches his own attributes. Similarly, the sword spirit also hopes to find a warrior who can inspire himself and his weapon.

"call out!"

With the integration of soul power, Yun Feiyang established a master-servant contract with Jian Ling. Because he did not resist and cooperate, it was only half an hour, and it was easy to get it done.

"the host!"

Wu Ling said excitedly: "Hurry up and draw me, take me to kill, I want to fight urgently, and experience the feeling that the master's innate five elements attribute into the sword body!"


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

This little guy is quite belligerent, but it fits his appetite.


He grabbed the hilt, the sword was unsheathed, flashing the sword light, which carried a strong five-element attribute.

Only succeeded in controlling Wuling Excalibur, without instilling attributes to further inspire, Yun Feiyang felt a handy feeling.

"With this sword in hand, even if there is no outbreak of the three changes of the God of War soul and no use of divine power, you can also fight against Tianzun in the early stage!"

Yun Feiyang self-channel.

"call out!"

During the speech, the innate five-element attribute in Dantian came out and blended into the Five Spirit Excalibur, making it shine with colorful light.

Wuling, who was in the body of the sword and was inspired by the innate nature of the five elements, immediately exclaimed: "It's cool!"

Yun Feiyang is also very cool.

Because, after inspiring the congenital five-element attribute, the match between you and the sword is higher, and you can certainly play a stronger power.

If you don’t use other cards, you can easily kill Tianzun in the early stages!


After successfully controlling the Five Spirits Excalibur, Yun Feiyang's strength must have been greatly improved.

of course.

Now, it is impossible for him to go out to kill with a sword, but to put the sword into the sheath and start to sign a contract with another treasure, Ziyu Xianhu.

Unlike the sword spirit in the Five Spirit Excalibur, the instrument spirit in the Ziyuxian Gourd is an old man with white whiskers.

As soon as Yun Feiyang walked in, he heard him first say: "Young man, you are too weak to be my master for the time being."

This old man, with a slight contempt in his voice, looked like Yun Lei in the previous Thunder Dragon's fist.

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a gurgling powerful soul swept over and enveloped the elder of the fairy fairy bone.

Qi Ling was shocked.

He could feel that the strength of the soul power that enveloped him, at least above the late Tianzun!

"You obviously only have the fivefold Nirvana period, why is there such a strong soul!"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Now, can you be your master?"

During the talk, the soul power is full of offensiveness. Obviously, as long as the other party refuses, it will force the contract between the master and the servant.

The old man could also detect that he was threatened and said helplessly: "Yes."

In the face of this powerful soul power, resistance will only let yourself experience painful torture.

Compromise is the wise choice.

On the other hand, Yun Feiyang's powerful soul power has also been recognized by Qiling and is qualified to be his own master.


Because of the realm, Yun Feiyang and Xianhuqiling signed a contract, which took seven or eight days to succeed.


With Tianjie's first-grade Wuling Excalibur, Tianjie's high-grade purple jade fairy gourd, Yun Feiyang's combat power and defensive power, absolutely skyrocketed.

As for how strong it is, it needs to go through actual combat before it can be perfectly displayed.

However, you can be sure.

With the Excalibur, Yun Feiyang does not explode divine power and combat skills. When he encounters the Fifth Chase, a Heavenly Venerable Powerless Master with no Celestial Rank, he can be killed.

After believing.

Yun Feiyang put his mind on the remnants of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword obtained from the merit room.

The second fragment, which is a little longer than before, belongs to the middle section of the sword body.

"There are only seven films left." Yun Feiyang murmured: "I don't know, is there in the sword mound?"

He hadn't explored all of it in Jianzuo before, because he was aware of the difficulties of the World of Continent, he left early.

"After the practice of the Jiulong Ban, we can find out more fragments in the past," Yun Feiyang secretly said.


After the appreciation of the treasure, Yun Feiyang did not stay in Feiyang mainland, and returned to Xiaoshen Realm with Shen Xiaoyu.

"call out!"

With a big wave of his hand, the purple jade fairy gourd flew out and hung in midair, instantly changing from two punches to a few feet.


Yun Feiyang jumped up, waved to Shen Xiaoyu and smiled, "Girl, come up, I will take you for a ride."


Shen Xiaoyu jumped up.

Yun Fei Yang communicated with the fairy gourd spirit, looked at the sky, and said enthusiastically: "Start!"

"call out!"

The purple jade fairy gourd turned into a purple light, and slowly flew towards the sky.

to be frank.

This speed is very slow, even Dabai, much faster than it!

But Yun Feiyang knows that the real role of Ziyu Xianhu can only be reflected in the vast universe!

Because, in the plane like Little God Realm, due to the restricted space barrier and the influence of gravity, the speed will be greatly reduced.

Entering the universe without any restraints, Ziyu Xianhu can fully fire!

of course.

Flying a purple jade fairy gourd in the plane also has a bigger advantage, that is, pulling the wind!

"call out!"

The purple light crossed, filling the sky, which has not disappeared for a long time, and exudes a daunting breath.

"what is that!"

"A big... big gourd?"

Ziyu Xianlu flew over the city, causing many martial artists to widen their eyes.

"A strong breath, this is absolutely a treasure of heavenly order!" a martial arts warrior shocked.

"Sky Rank?"

"Oh my God!"

Many low-level warriors, looking at the big gourd driving slowly, looked deeply envious.

For them, it is also a lucky thing to be able to witness the treasures of the heavenly class in their lifetime!


The powerful god-like person, seeing a man and a woman standing on the big gourd, startled: "Yun Feiyang!"

"it's him!"

More people recognized Yun Feiyang, his eyes flashing complex emotions.

The war between the two realms started because of him, and the warriors of the Little God Realm humiliated and hated him.

The battle between the two realms ended in advance because of him, but the warrior of the small **** realm respected and feared him.

This complex emotion makes them very tangled.

Hate him in the end.

Or should he be grateful?


Yun Feiyang took Shen Xiaoyu and flew in the sky of Little God Realm for a long time. As long as he passed by a certain city, it would set off an uproar.


Through the light curtain watching Yun Feiyang swinging and flying in his plane, acting as the agent of Little God Realm was unstoppable.

no way.

Can only watch like this.

Not to mention the limitation of a hundred-year contract, he was afraid to start with Shen Xiaoyu alone.


Undoubtedly very painful.

It's a pity that Yun Feiyang didn't know that such a swaggering flight would make the little **** Lord angry, and he couldn't take himself.

Otherwise, it will not stop, and will fly under his eyes for three years and five years!


Landing in an open area, Yun Feiyang withdrew Ziyu Xianhu and said, "Take me to your Shen's house."

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