Super God

Chapter 1174: Don't you have to be ridiculous?

Pull out this sword and listen to you.

Jian Fei said Yun Fei was overjoyed.

In his view, although his strength is far inferior to the spirit of the sword, but his comprehension of kendo is also extremely high. There is no problem in pulling out this sword!

"keep your word?"

Yun Fei said.

"I am the Dragon Soul Battle Emperor's Sword Soul, and I'll talk to you!" Sword Soul proudly said.

"it is good!"

Yun Feiyang clasped his fists and said, "I'll draw the sword!"

"No, Uncle Yun wants to draw a sword?" Shen Ming and Shen Hui widened their eyes.

The Longyan sword left by Shen Hao made them very eye-catching. They had tried to pull the sword. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they used or how they communicated, they couldn't shake a trace.

It was as if there was a powerful force that pressed the dragon sword.

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan shook their heads.

The juniors could not pull out the Dragon Flame Sword, neither of them could pull out.

In the words of my father, I pulled out the Dragon Flame Sword and saw the comprehension of kendo and the fate with this sword.


Shen Xiaoyu said: "Uncle Yun can comprehend Tianlei Sword Dao, and maybe he can pull out the Dragon Flame Sword."

"Hard to say."

Shen Linfeng said solemnly.



Yun Feiyang clenched his fists, and there was a little seriousness on his face.


He reached out his hand, caught on the hilt of Longyan Sword, and immediately felt the heat.

At the same time, a special breath flowed out from within the sword, striking Yunfei and admiring the sea.

Picture after picture, flashing constantly, began to reorganize and sort.

In the picture, he saw Shen Hao, saw the picture of holding the Dragon Flame Sword and fighting with the enemy again and again.

Yun Feiyang was shocked.

Because the powerful force erupted by Shen Hao holding the Dragon Sword is terrifying!


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang recovered from his memory and looked at the Dragon Sword standing in front of him, his eyes glowing.

In those pictures, the Dragon Sword is the absolute protagonist, and helps Shen Hao to kill the Quartet, and if he can control this sword, he will definitely increase his combat power.


The soul of the sword said impatiently: "Hurry up and draw the sword."


Yun Feiyang took a deep breath, immediately clenched his five fingers, clutching the sword handle of Longyan Sword.

This is accumulating energy.

Shen Xiaoyu looked at the light curtain and cheered: "Uncle Yun, we must pull it out!"

Xiao Nizi now especially hopes that Yun Feiyang can pull out the Dragon Sword!

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan are also watching. They are looking forward to seeing Brother Yun, can he come to pull out the sword left by his father.


Yun Feiyang shouted.

"It's time to pull the sword!"

Everyone looked intently.


What makes them crash is.

After Yun Feiyang didn't pull his sword, he released his hand and turned around the Dragon Sword.

"Boy, you pull it!"

The soul of the sword is in a hurry.


Yun Feiyang held the sword hilt again, his hands exploded, but at the sound of "Bang", his coat shattered and his strong muscles were revealed.

Don't ask why the pants are not broken.


Yun Feiyang shouted, and the muscles contracted, and the green bars were clearly visible.


At a critical moment, this guy suddenly loosened the hilt again, surrounded the Dragon Sword, and turned on tiptoe.


Shen Ming and Shen Hui almost fell from the tree.

I thought, Uncle Yun, you don’t ‘ha’ ‘ah’, you pull it out!

to be frank.

Yun Feiyang continued to shout like this and continuously withdrew his hands, which was really tormenting.


It was caught on the hilt again.


He shouted again and withdrew his hand again.





On the light curtain, Yun Feiyang's voice kept coming, and he withdrew his hands again and again, wandering around the Dragon Flame Sword again and again.

Rao is Shen Linyuan and Shen Linfeng, and the corners of his mouth are slightly drawn, thinking to myself, is this guy pulling a sword or amusing everyone to play?

The spirit of the sword soul was already irritable, and Yun Feiyang continued to ‘ha’ for half a day, and the whole fire came up.


In the end, it was unbearable, and he said angrily: "If you don't draw a sword again, just get out, don't waste it..."

Yun Feiyang's eyes flashed over a trace of fine awn, and he immediately caught on the Dragon Flame Sword, exhausted all his strength, and pulled out the sword suddenly.


The sound of the sword coming out of the sheath was passed through the forbidden array and the Shen family. It was clear and loud!


After the Longyan sword came out of the sheath, the scorching flames erupted like a wave, and the temperature of the fourth forbidden array suddenly increased!

The sword spirit transformed into a human form, maintaining the expression of the speech just now, but the deep eyes are full of dullness.

Shen family.

Shen Xiaoyu, Shen Linyuan and others were stunned one after another. After all, pulling a sword in Yunfei Yang was too cold, too sudden!



The flames rose and became extremely hot.

Yun Fei Yang stood proudly, with one hand holding the dragon sword out of the sheath, and let the flames cover the whole body.

that moment.

He is very handsome, to a new height.

Even more handsome.

Holding the Dragon Flame Sword, the ground fire, true fire, and purple lotus industry fire are excited to the strongest state in Dantian.

They are very excited and want to rush out and merge with the Dragon Sword to burst out.

Yun Feiyang satisfies their request, rises into the sky, his eyes burst into flames, and suddenly swings the Dragon Flame Sword.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Three kinds of flames in the body, such as flood flooding, whizzing along the meridians, and finally poured into the Dragon Sword.


After merging the three attributes, the hot flame emerged again, like a sea like a wave, and formed a flaming sword gas.

"call out"

The flame sword burst into flames, chopping to the ground, and with a bang, a long sword mark was cut.


Yun Fei Yang landed on the ground, his eyes shocked.

Because, in the sword just now, he just used three kinds of flames, just chopped at random, but the power he carried reached 30 million!

In other words, Yun Feiyang can easily kill the early days of Tianzun simply by wielding his sword!

"so amazing."

Yun Feiyang shocked and said: "Slightly exploded a little bit of power, killing Tianzun in the middle period, I am afraid it is also easy."


After being out of the sheath, Long Yanjian's strong performance made Yun Feiyang ecstatic.

He calmed down, looked at Jianhun, and said with a smile: "I pulled it out, you have to keep the promise."

The soul of the sword is very angry.

As the sword spirit of Longyan Sword, he can control the sword without being pulled out by Yun Feiyang.


This little guy is shameless, while he speaks suddenly draws his sword.

Yun Feiyang is not a fool.

He naturally knew that whether he could pull out the sword depended on the soul of the sword, so he would keep walking back and forth ‘hah’ and let him relax his vigilance.


Even though it was the old oil head, in front of this kind of routine king of Yunfeiyang, Jianhun was defeated.

"What promise?"

The soul of the sword pretended to be confused.

Yun Fei raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Aren't you going to slap it?"


Sword Soul laughed: "Yes, I just play!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, a huge suction force was generated, and Yun Feiyang's hand was flying out of the Dragon Flame Sword, and Qiang's clang fell into the sheath.

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