Super God

Chapter 1176: 0 times faster

The seventh trial of the Kowloon Forbidden Array is the test of death. The warriors in it are going to experience a terrifying atmosphere of death.


This is a torture of the soul level.

Although Yun Feiyang has the anti-Sky tactics and powerful soul power, he still bears a strong sense of death.

"Ah!" He hugged his head, screaming in pain, sounded terrified.


The cloudy wind blew into the sea, making Yun Feiyang's face more and more cruel.

that moment.

He felt as if he was dead, with three souls and seven souls out of control, with the possibility of flying out of the body.

Outside, Shen Xiaoyu, seeing Yun Fei's unbearable face, powder fists clenched, distressed.

"Death experience cannibalize a person's state of mind. The stronger the state of mind, the stronger the suffering of death."

Shen Linfeng said solemnly.

Shen Linyuan said: "From the pain of Brother Yun, the state of mind is very strong!"


Yun Feiyang was still screaming. Not only did his soul endure torture, but his body also experienced great pain. His thinking was gradually confused, and he bent down in pain, as if he was about to fall.

Shen Xiaoyu clenched his fists and said nervously: "Uncle Yun, don't fall, you will lose when you fall!"


Yun Feiyang roared, struggling to straighten his waist with strong willpower and state of mind.

Can't fall.

Never fall.

Yun Feiyang, who endured the pain and torture, always insisted that he was not knocked down by the pain.

Time gradually passed.

An hour.

Five hours.

one day.

Two days.

Until the third day comes.

The erosion of death is getting stronger and stronger. Although Yun Feiyang is still standing, the expression on his face has been twisted to the extreme.

Over the course of three days, he endured ‘death’ time after time, experiencing time and again despair and fear.

to be frank.

If this is to change to others, let alone three days, even if it lasts one day, it will already fall down and be eliminated.


When the time was over three days and three nights, the breath of horror and death surrounding him disappeared, and the expression on Yun Feiyang's face eased down.


Yun Feiyang put his hands on his knees, bent over and breathed heavily, and the chaotic thinking gradually became clear.

"Dad, Uncle Yun broke through!"

Shen Xiaoyu jumped happily.

In the eyes of Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan, admiration emerged. After all, Yun Feiyang's breath of death was much stronger than himself in the same realm!

"After experiencing death, Brother Yun's soul strength should be greatly improved." Shen Linyuan said.


After three days and three nights and repeated'death', Yun Feiyang's soul strength was sublimated.

Before him, the strength was probably at the later level of Tianzun. Now, it has broken through to Tianzun's consummation!

What concept?

That is to say, only the cloud flying in the Nirvana period, the soul strength, has been comparable to the peak state of the previous life!

Before stepping into the Great Perfection of the Divine Realm, he has the soul strength of Tianzun Great Consummation, which is absolutely against the sky. This must be passed on, and no one will believe it!

"Now, I already have the soul strength of the previous life." After a little breathing, Yun Fei raised his eyes firmly and said, "The next step is to let the strength reach the peak state!"


During the speech, he walked and stood in the streamer array method leading to the eighth level.


The streamer flashed, Yun Feiyang's body disappeared, and immediately appeared in the eighth level of experience.


The desolate sound mechanized came: "Congratulations, you have successfully passed the first seven tests. As a reward, you can enjoy thousands of times of acceleration here."

"Thousand times faster?"

Yun Feiyang opened his mouth wide.

Shen Xiaoyu shocked: "So high!"

The eighth level of the Kowloon Forbidden Array does not require the warriors to endure some kind of discipline, but a treasure cultivation ground.

Shen Xiaoyu, who had crossed the top seven before, came here and gained 200 times the acceleration.

This is the only way to break from the Void Realm to the Supreme in the shortest time.

The eighth time multiple of time reward is determined based on the previous performance of the passer.

Yun Feiyang is 800 times more than Shen Xiaoyu, which proves that he was very powerful in the first seven levels!

"Brothers Yun got a thousand times faster, really deserved." Shen Lin Feng said.

"Not bad."

Shen Linyuan agreed.


Yun Feiyang learned that he had gained a thousand times time to accelerate, and there was a ecstasy on his face. This is to practice here for a year, isn't it equal to a thousand years of cultivation!

With such a horrible acceleration, breaking through the supreme is simply a breeze!

"Of course." The voice continued: "According to outside time, you can only practice for one month."

Outside for a month.

Eighty-three years have passed here!


Yun Fei said.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the surrounding space is suddenly blurred, dreamlike, and this represents a thousand times time to open.


The pure world attributes emerged.

Among them are the fire, ice, thunder, stone, sword, and very rare life and death attributes!

no doubt.

These attributes come from the top seven of the Kowloon ban.

Yun Fei was overjoyed.

There are thousands of times to accelerate, and there are so many pure attributes. After decades of practice, the realm will definitely advance by leaps and bounds!


Yun Feiyang immediately sat down and began to enter a state of cultivation and absorption.

"In the acceleration of a thousand times, one month of cultivation, Brother Yun should have a great improvement." Shen Linfeng said.

Shen Linyuan said: "Break through the supreme, there should be no problem."

As Yun Feiyang needed to practice for a month, the two returned to their residence, each busy.

Shen Xiaoyu didn't leave, always looking at the light curtain and Yunfei Yang's cultivation.


Time passed by.

Yun Feiyang, like an old monk, has been keeping his mind calm and cultivating.

Three years later.

His realm went smoothly from the eighth level of the Nirvana period to the nineth level of the Nirvana period. It was only one step away from the Great Consummation!

outside world.

Less than a day passed!

After the breakthrough, Yun Feiyang did not return to the state of cultivation, but continued to enlighten.

This realization is ten years.


One day Yun Fei, who was always sitting cross-legged, showed a breath of breakthrough throughout his body, and finally successfully entered the perfection.

Ten years, fast?


According to Yun Feiyang's calculations, even if he enters the Feiyang mainland, he can accelerate 50 times, and it is impossible to break through within ten years.


Because, in the Kowloon forbidden array, the most valuable thing is not a thousand-fold acceleration, but the kind of supreme martial arts contained in it.

This is what Shen Hao, the imperial warlord Shen Hao left behind, is an indescribable treasure of martial arts.

"Continue to understand."

Yun Feiyang stabilized his mind, once again entered the state of cultivation, and released his soul into the world, to feel the profound martial arts of the forbidden array.


He wants to break through, supreme!

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