Super God

Chapter 1178: All-round divinity!

Yun Feiyang has a total of 206 God-patterned lines in his body. Once fully awakened to form a complete Godhead, it is the true God of War!

By that time.

He can condense the divine power, and evolve the energy core into the **** core, free to practice any kind of martial art skills in memory.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Each divine personality awakened after instilling divine power, until one hour, Yun Feiyang's 206 divine personality fully awakened.

"Boom! Boom!"

All the dignity, which appeared on Yunfeiyang's skin, began to connect quickly and form a golden skeleton.

This is the complete God of War personality!

"Father, why is there a golden light flashing on Uncle Yun." Shen Xiaoyu looked at the light curtain without asking.

Shen Linfeng groaned slightly, saying: "If you guess right, Brother Yun should have awakened the dignity."

Shen Linyuan said: "I have long heard that the strongest of God Realm can condense a special kind of bone, but I did not expect to be fortunate to witness it."


Shen Linfeng said: "Father once said that the unique personality of God Realm is not weaker than the rare physique. Once condensed, the body and strength will be greatly improved."

Yun Feiyang breaks through the supremacy, and is condensing the once complete personality. The two are more looking forward to how strong he will become.


Shen Xiaoyu said with a sneer: "No matter how strong, can you pass me."

The little girl is quite confident in herself, after all, the Kowloon property left by grandpa is sealed.


Yun Fei, who was suppressed for thousands of years, suffered severe damage to his body and bones. Today, he awakens his dignity, transforms into a complete skeleton, and begins to merge.

this process.

It is even more painful than the bone replacement that Luo Mu and others have experienced!


The violent tearing came from all over the body, Yun Fei Yang cold sweat, as if, a piece of meat was pulled off hard.

"Hold back, hold back!"

Yun Feiyang gritted his teeth, and while suffering great pain, he felt the fusion of golden spirit and bones.

Three days later.

The bones in the body are re-incubated and become stronger than before, and every muscle is more resilient than before.


Yun Feiyang took a long sigh of relief, but a smile appeared on his sweaty face.

Now, he has the soul strength at the peak of the previous life, and the **** of war's personality has also been completely restored!

The only regret is that the state of martial arts has not yet reached the level of the peak.

However, it does not matter.

In Yun Feiyang's guess, breaking through the Supreme, the God of War **** awakening, the strength has been improved, and in the later days of the Battle of Heaven, absolutely no problem!

Even if you don’t use the Taixu platinum battle armor and the nine towers, you can resist the power of the previous condemnation that is comparable to the great consummation of Tianzun!

"It's not far from the peak of the previous life." Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Returning to the top is not the end.

He wants to become stronger, strong enough to kill the landlord, enough to board the real martial arts domain, and fight against the so-called fairy emperor!


After the awakening of the personality.

Yun Feiyang did not leave the accelerating space, but carefully adjusted and adapted to the strengthened body.

A year later, he came out from the inside, counting the time, just a month.


Accelerate the disintegration of space, disappear without trace, and the formation leading to the ninth layer gradually emerges.


Yun Feiyang took a step forward, disappeared into the formation, and was transported to the ninth weight.


The ninth weight of the Kowloon Forbidden Array is a void, similar to the space of the universe.

Yun Feiyang walked out of the array, looking around, surrounded by stars and meteorites.


Suddenly, a desolate voice came: "Congratulations, through the first eight layers, to the last one, the eternal trial."

"Eternal trial?"

Yun Feiyang was slightly startled.

The desolate voice continued to come: "Come, what do you know for eternity?"

Yun Fei said: "Eternal life is immortality."

"Not bad."

The desolate voice said: "If you don't die, you are eternal, but how many people can be eternal and immortal between heaven and earth?"

Yun Feiyang was silent.

No one can live forever, and sooner or later, Shou Yuan will be exhausted and fall.

"Come, are you willing to experience eternity?" Desolate voice said.

Yun Feiyang slightly stunned, but all laughed: "willing."

"call out!"

As soon as the words fell, his knowledge of the sea was instantly eroded by a certain force, and the whole person's expression was suddenly stiff.



A light breeze blew, and Yun Feiyang opened his eyes violently, and found that within the field of vision was a blue sky, white clouds fluttering, and the wind and the sun were beautiful.

He wanted to stand up, but he couldn't move, as if bound by some kind of power.

"what happened?"

Yun Fei Yang Yuannian was released, and his heart was shocked, because he found that he was not a person, but a stone!

"Humans cannot be eternal, but stones can exist forever." Desolate voice said.

Yun Feiyang collapsed.

Let yourself be turned into a stone to experience eternal immortality. This girl is pitting people!


The clouds that turned into stones fluttered and stood in the grassland. They could not move, talk, or even practice. They could only experience wind and rain.

At the beginning, he could bear it, but after hundreds of years, or even tens of thousands of years, his mentality began to collapse.

What is even more crashing is.

Under the erosion of wind and rain, the big rock began to crack, and his vision gradually narrowed.

Until the end, it turned into a small stone and could only look at the grass in front of it, sprouting again and again, withering away.


One day, Yun Feiyang ushered in a turnaround, he was picked up by a passing child.

A long-lost wide field of vision!

Yun Feiyang was taken away, and came to a lake. He took his child and slammed it against the surface of the water.

"Your uncle!"

Yun Feiyang scolded in his heart, then ‘popped’ and fell into the lake and sank to the bottom of the lake.

The environment has changed, and at the bottom of the lake he can see many fish and many plants.

But I don't know how long after that, his body was covered with mud and his eyes were dark.

Centuries, millennia, tens of thousands of years, and even hundreds of thousands, millions of years.

Although Yun Feiyang has thought and is alive, he is still in the dark, suffering loneliness and loneliness.

He secretly smiled bitterly: "If this is eternal, I would rather choose death..."

"call out!"

Suddenly His vision changes rapidly, and he takes control of his body again.

Yun Feiyang came out of immortality, experienced millions of years of solitude and torture, looked at everything around him again, and looked at his active hands and feet.

He is content and contented!

"Many people yearn for eternity, but how can they feel the loneliness and loneliness that they have to endure in the endless years." Desolate voice came.

Yun Feiyang was silent.

Once, he thought about immortality and thought of being alive forever, but he made a stone and experienced it for millions of years. It was really unbearable.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and whispered: "It turns into a stone, immortal, not the eternity I want."

Desolate voice said: "What is the eternity you want?"

Yun Fei raised his eyes firmly and said: "The eternity I want is to accompany my loved ones, women, and brothers to live forever without loneliness and loneliness."

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