Super God

Chapter 1213: You can do it

After more than a month, Yun Feiyang finally refined the Supreme Dan. From the perspective of quality, it must be the perfect quality.

The only regret is that only one was refined.

Very good.

After all, switching to other twelve-level pill masters and refining this ancient heaven-level pill for the first time is certainly difficult once.


After being refined by the purple lotus industry, there are still five Supreme Pills in the dark compartment of the Baicao Dan Furnace.

Yun Feiyang filled the potion and the medicine in the dark box into a bottle and said: "With these Supreme Pills, it means that there are six Supremes."

"Unfortunately, there are not enough dragon fruit, otherwise, we must refine more."

The Supreme Pill is refined, then, it is necessary to experiment with its effect. Yun Feiyang found Lin Yifeng, the strength of this guy, just reached the perfection of the Divine Realm.

"Can't it be a poison pill?"

After taking the Elixir, Lin Yifeng said that since his woman's resurrection, it will be cold and ridiculous.

"Is it poisonous pill, don't you know if you eat it?" Yun Feiyang laughed.


Lin Yifeng didn't think about it, and the entrance of Supreme Dandui, the entrance of immortality medicine, melted and filled with a strong and fragrant flavor.


Suddenly, a gurgling of pure and huge energy exploded in madness, instantly filling the whole body.


That is not energy, it is the mystery between heaven and earth.


Lin Yifeng shook his head in pain.

Suddenly accepting the law of heaven and earth forcibly instilled in the soul and thinking is a huge torture.

Fortunately, it was just torture, and did not break through Dan like that.

The painful torture lasted for half an hour. After dissipation, Lin Yifeng's face stretched uncomfortably, his eyes flashed in shock.

Within half an hour, his meridians and flesh, as well as the true dragon nucleus in Dantian, are stronger than before under the energy cultivation.

"I...I broke through the supreme?" Lin Yifeng said silly.

Yes, half an hour ago, he was still in the perfection of God Realm, and half an hour later, he had stepped into supreme status.

It's incredible!


Lin Yifeng broke through to the Supreme in half an hour, which made Yun Feiyang very happy, and he found Luo Mu, Yunli and Shen Qing, and handed the three Supreme Dans to them.

Knowing this pill, it was easy to break through the supreme, the three immediately left their excitement with excitement, devoted to more crazy practice, and strived to break through to the perfection of the **** realm as soon as possible.

"There are two more, to whom?"

Yun Feiyang tangled.

Because the number is too small to achieve fair distribution, we can only consider the closest person first.

Yun Feiyang first thought of Lin Zhixi and Mu Ying, but the two females were in charge of the mad sect in the small **** realm.

"Yin'er, it should be a breakthrough to the completeness of Huashen Realm?" Yun Feiyang thought, and appeared in Liang Yin's room.


Liang Yin, who is practicing, realized that someone appeared, opened his eyes immediately, and found Yun Feiyang, then he sternly said: "Can't you knock on the door?"

"It's all related. Doesn't knocking on the door seem a bit rusty?" Yun Feiyang leaned over shamelessly and took her small hand and smiled.

Liang Yin said: "Why are you looking for me?"

Yun Fei said: "I didn't do it, just missed you."

Liang Yin pouted: "I don't believe it."

"Uh..." Yun Feiyang said embarrassedly: "Actually, I just want to ask about your recent cultivation."

"It's okay." Liang Yin said: "Some time ago, I just experienced Nirvana, and now I have reached the Nirvana period triple."

"So fast?"

Yun Fei said in surprise.

Liang Yin was dissatisfied and said: "What kind of expression are you, don't you think I am weak in your eyes?"

"It should be very weak."

Yun Fei said.

In the past, Liang Yin was trained in Dongling Academy, and his qualifications are weaker than Lin Zhixi, and even less so than Yun Feiyang.

Moreover, not long ago, with Yun Feiyang's'help', he will comprehend the twelvefolds.

Not only did he get the purple lotus industry fire, but his martial art qualifications also advanced by leaps and bounds. Relying on resources and a 50-fold acceleration, he entered the Nirvana period. It’s no surprise.


Liang Yin shouted angrily.

"I'm here to help you break through." Yun Feiyang spoke, and the man leaned over and pressed tightly to her lips.


Liang Yin tried to struggle, but was hugged by Yun Feiyang, unable to move, and eventually he was like a slime, paralyzed in his arms.


Take advantage of me again.

Although thinking this way, Liang Yin let him bully himself, after all, he was used to it.

"call out!"

Suddenly, Zilian Yehuo flew out of Yun Feiyang's body and merged into Liang Yin's body.

"Why is this guy's purple lotus fire so pure and so strong!" Liang Yin secretly surprised.

Yun Feiyang said: "Operating against the sky, refining my purple lotus industry, and strengthening your purple lotus industry."

"it is good."

Liang Yin immediately turned against the sky, and began to absorb the fire of the purple lotus that condensed Yunfei.


A gurgling of pure energy is extracted and blended into the fire of the purple lotus industry fire, slowly and powerfully.

It's only a quarter of an hour.

Liang Yin's already fragile purple lotus industry fire has been strengthened, thus driving the realm of improvement.


The breakthrough breath roared, and it didn't take long for Liang Yin to move from triple to quadruple from the Nirvana period.

"Don't stop, continue."

Yun Fei said.

Liang Yin continued to refine, and as the purple lotus industry became powerful, the realm was rising.

Five, six, seven, and eight, until it reaches the Nirvana of Nirvana!

Liang Yin kissed by Yun Feiyang, his eyes widened, apparently did not expect that he would break through so easily!

It's normal.

The second time he broke into the Kowloon forbidden array, Yun Feiyang trained the purple lotus industry to match the strength of the realm, and also improved the realm.

However, the real dragon core requires too much energy, so it is not as continuous as Liang Yin.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang pressed the woman to the bed and smiled: "Help you break through to Nirvana in Nirvana so quickly, how can you thank me."

Liang Yinqiao's face flushed and her eyes closed, saying: "You look at it."


After some rain and rain, the room still has ambiguous ambiguity.

Liang Yinqing was scattered, lying lazily in Yun Feiyang's arms, and said, "When will I go to Huoyanyan Realm."

"Wait for my Dan Dao to reach a sufficiently strong level, then take you there." Yun Fei said.

Liang Yin raised his looked at him and said: "When I go, I don't want to fly to the mainland, I want to accompany you."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "So, go to Huoyanyan Realm, but go to play slightly."

Liang Yin whispered: "It's boring to practice every day without seeing you."

Yun Feiyang touched her blue silk and said, "I'm sorry, I ignored you."

Too many things to do, unable to accompany his woman, makes him very guilty.

"A man, should focus on career first." Liang Yin said.

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and took out the Elixir. He said: "This is the Supreme Pill, and when it breaks into the Great Perfection of the Divine Realm, if you take it, you can easily break the Supreme."

"so smart?"

Liang Yin was surprised.

After handing over the Elixir to Liang Yin, Yun Feiyang didn't wait long. He also had to refine other Elixir in the Shennong Dandian, such as Quenching Pill, such as Zhenlong Zengdan!

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