Super God

Chapter 1220: Little white face with back sword

Yun Feiyang's strength has already shocked Fei Pangzheng and others. When he learned that Dan Dao had also reached the level of Dan King, it was even harder to add shock.

How long did it take to arrive at the Danzong, such a rapid breakthrough to the Dan King?

Fei Pangzheng couldn't figure it out, but he was very excited, because Yun Feiyang had the strength of the Dan king, and Ling Danzong would be qualified to enter the second-class!


Outside the mountain gate, Fei Pangzheng said in a deep tone: "This time to Shanggan City, we must go to the Dandao Association to identify the Dandao realm."

Dandao Association.

A non-influential organization in the pharmaceutical world, Dan can enter it to verify his own Dan Dao and obtain a unique Medal of Dao.

At the same time, if it comes from a certain sect, after verification, the Dan has a high level, which will promote the sect.

Take Yunfeiyang for example.

He verified as a disciple of Lingdanzong, and once he received the Dan King-level merit of Dandao, Lingdanzong will also smoothly enter the second class.

Otherwise, even if everyone knows that the Lingdanzong has the Dan King-level strong, and has not been certified by the Dandao Association, it will always be only third-rate.


Yun Feiyang said: "Sovereign, elders, brothers and sisters, I'm gone."

Speaking, turned and left.

Qiu Yishui followed, and she was going to accompany Yun Feiyang in the identity of ‘Great Elder’ to participate in the Danby held soon.

Watching the two leave, an elder said: "My Spiritual Danzong, with this son, will surely rise."

Fei Pangzheng said: "Feiyang transforms the flames here, leaving the gravity to gather together, and you have to practice hard."


Many disciples, in unison.

In their eyes, they showed firmness and unprecedented confidence.

Who would have thought that such a third-rate sect would be reborn because of Yun Feiyang's arrival.

Who would have thought that the future Lingdan Sect would become the mainstay of the pharmaceutical world.


From Lingdanzong to Shanggancheng, there is at least more than 100,000 miles of road, with sufficient time and three months, so Yun Feiyang was not in a hurry to hurry.

With beautiful women, nature, you should take a good tour, the medicine world is very good, and you will enter the forest by the way...plucking medicine.

"The road is far away, let's hurry as soon as possible." Qiu Yishui urged.


Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved, and the violent black-winged tiger appeared out of thin air, its huge wings spread, and his head roared.

The big white that hasn't appeared in a long time has already entered the holy beast level, and the breath is very powerful.

The fierce beasts in the mountains and forests were shivering with its breath and roar.

Qiu Yishui was surprised. Obviously, this was the first time he saw a tiger beast with wings!


Yun Feiyang jumped onto Dabai, stretched out his hand, and smiled, "Come, let's go."

This guy!

Dabai is very depressed.

It found that each time he appeared, he provided him with the opportunity to pick up girls.

Qiu Yishui hesitated slightly. Yun Feiyang laughed and said: "The monks, no matter how small."


Qiu Yishui extended her jade hand, and Yun Feiyang touched it, feeling the tenderness and smoothness.


With a light tug, Qiu Yishui was sitting behind Yun Feiyang, keeping him quite restrained.

"Pipihu, let's go!"

"Brush! Brush!"

The swift black-winged tiger fluttered its wings and flew towards the sky, and it was worthy of Yunfei's contract beast. After flying to the sky, it suddenly accelerated.

Qiu Yishui leaned back, his face slightly changed, and his subconscious jade hand blocked Yun Fei's waist.



Dabai's speed soared to the extreme, the cold wind roared from his ears, Qiu Yishui was also hugged and tightened, fearing to be blown out.

Probably because of being too close to a man, Hong Xia gradually appeared on Qiao's face, and Yun Feiyang had a thick skin without any shyness.


The medicine world is divided into four domains: east, west, south, and north. Lingdanzong is located in the northern domain. There are four first-class sect gates in the northern domain. Shanggandan Palace in Shanggan City is one of them.

This sect holds Danby every year and aims to discover outstanding Dandao geniuses.

This year's Dabi is about to open in a month. Many young people have gathered in Shanggan City.

They either came from the second-rate sect, or from the other three domains, and they all have one thing in common, and that is the perfect way!

According to the previous Danby, who dare to come to participate, the Dandao level is at least above the twelfth grade Danshi.

Standing in the streets of the city and looking at it, many young people hung bronze medals with the inscription ‘12’ on their chests.

Twelve represents the grade.

Bronze medal, representing Dan Shi.

The more advanced Dan King is a silver medal, and the Dan Emperor is golden.

"Look at it, King Yipin!"

Suddenly, someone on the street was startled.



Everyone turned to look around.

A young man was surrounded by his hands, walked through the city gate, and walked, with a silver medal engraved with the word "one" on his chest.


Someone whispered: "It depends on the age, it should be in its early twenties, and it has even reached Yipin Dan."

"This is already the 30th Dan King." A martial arts resident in the city said: "This year Danby, I am afraid it will be more intense than in previous years."


At this moment, the sound of wings waving came from above, and everyone looked up and suddenly opened their mouths.

A huge and majestic tiger beast, two pairs of black wings, five feet long, fell slowly.

"My God, what kind of tiger beast is this? It has wings and can fly!"

"Wouldn't it be the extremely rare blast black-winged tiger?"

When everyone was surprised to talk about it, Dabai had fallen and stood proudly on the street, really having the master's pretense.


Yun Feiyang jumped down and landed firmly on the ground, with a charming smile on his face.

"Leave me down."

Qiu Yishui shouted.


Yun Feiyang hurriedly let go, and Qiu Yi shot him fiercely after landing.

The appearance of the two attracted the eyes of the martial arts in the city, secretly emotions, the extraordinary martial arts of men, the national fragrance of women, the golden boy and girl of heaven and earth.

To be honest, Yun Feiyang's face, no matter what type of beauty she stands with, is a practice word, perfect!

He also often thinks, since God gave himself such a handsome face, not to be used as a girl, it is a matter of course.


Suddenly, a young man in a purple robe flew over and fell in front of Yun Feiyang. He arched his hand and said: "This friend, Shanggancheng prohibits contract beasts from entering."

"It's Ganshijia!"

"Second disciple of Shanggandan Palace!"

Everyone's eyes appeared to worship.

Yun Feiyang is also quite surprised because this young man in purple robe has reached the Supreme Consummation.

"It is indeed a first-class sect, just a disciple, has such a strong martial strength." Yun Feiyang secretly said.


He said: "Go out of town and find a place to play."

Qian Shijia's tone was very gentle and friendly, and Yun Feiyang also gave face to comply with the rules of the city.

"Roar!" The blast black-winged tiger roared low, and immediately spread its wings and flew out.

Gan Shijia said: "Don't disturb the Let's go, leave, Yun Feiyang said:" Yishui, let's go to the Dandao Association. "

By water?

Qiu Yishui stunned.

Yun Feiyang said: "Great elder, go out, I think that this name can avoid a lot of trouble."


Qiu Yishui has no opinion.

The two were about to start, but they heard a cold voice from behind: "The little white face carrying the sword, stop for me."

The little white face with a back sword?

Yun Fei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then stopped, turned around and looked at it, but it was okay. He smiled when he saw ‘pooh’.

Because, the young genius of the Dan King class who entered the city behind, had two feathers hanging on his head. Obviously, he fell from the big white wings!

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