Super God

Chapter 1222: Certified Dandao

The pharmaceutical industry has a perfect Dandao qualification and Dandao realm verification system. Those who enter Dandao will verify their qualifications and realm at the ages of 13 and 16.

Yun Feiyang didn't verify it once, which made Dan in the hall instantly judge that his qualifications were very poor.

"Ling Danzong seems to be a third-rate sect. This guy's qualifications must be third-rate."

"It's strange, he didn't go to the nearest city to verify Dan Dao, why did he come to Gancheng?"

"Don't you come to participate in Danby?"

"Lying trough, there is such a possibility!"

When everyone murmured, they looked at Yun Feiyang, with a smiley expression on his face.

The guy from Sanliuzongmen is funny if he really participates in Danby.

Yun Feiyang leaned on the back of the chair with his hands on his chest and narrowed his eyes slightly. He naturally heard the whispers of everyone, but he disagreed.

Qiu Yishui shook his head secretly.

Only she knows that this guy who is underestimated by them is not only Tianzun, but also the quasi-second grade Dan Wang strength.

Anyone who looks down on and despises him is ridiculous and ignorant.


Time gradually passed, and half an hour later, an elder shouted: "Yun Fei Yang, test."

Yun Feiyang opened his eyes and walked to the teacher-certified room on the left.

Indoors, about fifty square meters, there is a red hearth in the center, and there are many quality medicinal materials on both sides.

As soon as he came, Yun Feiyang smelled the rich medicinal aroma and the oncoming hot flame.

The test elder looked at the form and said, "Young man, have you not experienced any Dan Dao verification?"


Yun Fei said.

Test Elder: "Aliens?"

Worthy of being old rivers and lakes, unlike the young Dan outside, to question Yun Feiyang's qualifications, but the first thought, may come from the outside world.

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

The elder pointed to the Danfang on the table and said, "Write down the Danfang, and within half an hour, refine the Elixir."

Yun Feiyang walked to the table, recorded Dan Fang, and began to refine it.


Hot flames emerged.

Upon seeing this, the elder changed his look and exclaimed: "Innate fire!"

After Yun Feiyang's real fire emerged, the most pure and hot flame breath came out from the certification room, and the person who was waiting for verification was shocked in his heart.

Qiu Yishui is very calm.

She had long thought that Yun Feiyang entered the certification room and summoned a real fire, which would definitely make everyone dumbfounded.

"What a pure flame!"

"At least it's Xuan Order!"

Because it was refined Huanghuang lower-grade medicine, Yun Feiyang summoned a real fire and did not release the strongest state.

Outsiders did not witness the flames, only to infer from the breath that it was roughly above the Xuan order.

The two elders responsible for the roll call hurriedly went to the division-level certification room, and were shocked when they saw the real fire called by Yun Feiyang.

There are a lot of flames in the medicine world, but the flames that reach the top quality are very rare!

Unexpectedly, there will be a Dan who condenses the real fire today in Shanggan City!

Shocked by the three elders, Yun Feiyang waved with his hand, and the real fire instantly engulfed the red furnace and began to throw herbs.

Every movement and every step is impeccable and flawless.

The three elders who reached the level of Dan Wang immediately decided that this son is definitely a master of Dandao!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

It didn't take long for the Huangjie lower-grade medicine to test the realm to be refined.

no doubt.

Mandan, perfect quality!

The test elder pinched the Elixir, feeling the energy in it, shaking his hands, saying, "Beyond perfection!"

"What?" The two elders hurried to investigate. Yuan Nian was only slightly enveloped, and his body suddenly stiffened.

Yun Feiyang's refining of the lowest-level immortality medicine has surpassed perfection, and even three people are definitely difficult to refine.

If you can do this, it means that this person's control of the flame has reached the point where the fire is perfect, and the soul power is also extremely strong!

The test elder was shocked and said, "Xiaoyou, what level of immortality can you refine now?"

From young people to young friends, the change in the title proves that Yunfei Yang Dandao has been recognized.

"Yi Pin Zhen Dan."

Yun Fei said.

He didn't say that he could refine the second grade Zhendan. After all, the success rate didn't reach 60%, it didn't make any sense.

The test elder solemnly said: "Little friends, please follow me to the king-level certification room."

Yun Fei said: "Isn't it a test of one product and one product?"

The test elder said: "The little friend has real fire, and the alchemy technique is flawless, and there is no need to verify it one by one."


Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "This is the only way to save trouble."


Under the guidance of the test elders, Yun Feiyang walked out of the division-level certification room and into the king-level certification room.

"what's the situation?"

"How did that guy enter the king-level certification room?" The warriors in the hall were stunned.

Qiu Yishui secretly said: "It seems that the test elder has realized that he is extremely strong."

There was a charming smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Girl, let's meet again." Just then, a voice came from behind, Qiu Yishui turned his head to look, stunned: "Is it you?"

who is it?

It is Feng Ming!

At the moment, he was sitting on Yunfeiyang's seat very gently, and said with a smile: "What about the weak guy?"

The weak guy must be referring to Yun Feiyang.

"I'll go, King Yipin!"

"so smart!"

The Dan who is waiting to verify Dan Dao, seeing the medal with a silver light flashing on Feng Ming's chest, looks deeply envious.

Feng Ming enjoyed this look very much.

This is also why he came to the Dan Dao Association, not to certify Dan Dao, purely for pretense.

Qiu Yishui was too lazy to care for him.

Feng Ming seemed to be in a good mood and smiled: "Girl, in my opinion, that weak guy is not worth relying on."

Qiu Yishui said lightly: "If I were you, I would leave here quickly, how far I would go."


Feng Ming stunned.

Qiu Yishui said: "Because, then you still have a chance to survive."

"Hahaha." Feng Ming said with a smile: "The girl means, does anyone want to kill Ben Shao?"

Qiu Yishui no longer spoke, but got up and sat on another empty seat. Like Feng Ming and dog skin plaster, he sat next to him and laughed, "Girl, your surname?"

Qiu Yishui said nothing.


One of them shouted, "My son is asking for your name, haven't you heard it?"

"Missing three!" Feng Ming reprimanded: "It is impolite to treat such a beautiful girl."

The warrior called nodded hurriedly and said, "Master, I see."

Feng Ming looked at Qiu Yishui and said with a smile: "Girl, under my supreme realm, my temper is a little reckless, making you laugh."

Supreme Realm?

Dan nearby, his face changed in shock.

This elder brother, not only has the Order of the King of Dan, but even the Supreme Realm, it is definitely not a second-rate, or a quasi-second-rate family.

Qiu Yishui said nothing.

She was really uninterested and ignored this person.

Feng Ming was going to continue to be close to it, but the king-level certification room suddenly showed a terrifying flame.


There was silence in the hall.

All people are affected by the pure flame breath, the weak fire attribute in the body, trembling violently, as if frightened!

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