Super God

Chapter 1241: Organs

The dangerous cable bridge will break in a very short time once someone triggers it, but the trigger is to step on it and leave.

Yun Feiyang performed the step of drunken shadow, and turned into a ghost image, which remained on the wooden board to make him judge that people still exist. So when he rushed to the opposite side, when the afterimage disappeared.

It was too late for the plank to collapse quickly.

Of course, when Yun Feiyang came sprinting, he obviously felt that a strong force of gravity was pressing down.


It is difficult for the low-level warrior to pass the rope bridge.

The two institutions passed through safely. Yun Feiyang did not relax his vigilance, but continued to move forward. In front of it, there was a dark tunnel, and the sound of banging came again.

Yun Feiyang could feel that the sound came closer this time.

"There must be someone, maybe Xuan Jiuzhong they?"

Yun Feiyang continued to move forward, and when passing through the third tunnel, what appeared in front of him was a pool of lake water.

There is no way to go.

Can only pass through the water.

Yun Feiyang didn't jump into the lake with a silly face, but mobilized the soul and gently touched the water.


The moment the soul force just touched the water, a cold icy cold spread to the bone, suddenly spreading out.

"Not good!" Yun Feiyang was frightened, hurriedly running against the sky and the innate real fire, to disperse the cold into the body!

Fortunately, the reaction was quick. Under the operation of mind and flames, the freezing cold was soon dispelled.

"What kind of water is it so cold?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said, it is said that he has extremely profound ice essence in his body, and he should not be afraid of any ice attributes.

"Boy, this is the water of Jiuyin, between the world and the cold water." Jianhun said.

"Water of Jiuyin?" Yun Feiyang hadn't heard of it. However, it can be said from Jianhun's mouth that it must be amazing.

"If you take this water away and practice by Zhixi, it should condense stronger ice attributes."

Jianhun said lightly: "The coldness of this water can freeze the soul and the space. You want to take it away, it is impossible."

Yun Fei said: "Look at me so small?"

Jianhun Dao: "Otherwise?"

"..." Yun Feiyang was speechless, but also smiled: "If I can take it away, what do you say?"

Jianhun Dao: "You have a purple lotus industry fire, maybe you can pass it in a very short time, but you will never take it away."

"How about a bet?"

"What is blocking?"

"If I take all the water from Jiuyin, you must promise me one thing, and you must not disobey."

"Can't you take it away?"

"I promise you one thing."


Jianhun agreed.


Yun Feiyang stood on the shore of the lake, took out a space ring, and absorbed the water of nine yin under the spirit-mind communication.

However, the extreme cold water melted into the ring, and the surface immediately frosted and soon froze, obviously, it was completely frozen.

Yun Feiyang was shocked. At this moment, he had completely disconnected from the space ring and could not communicate with the inside. "The fruits of Jiuyin are so powerful that even the space ring is frozen."

Jianhun Dao: "Boy, if you just use this low-level space ring to hold the water of Nine Yins, I advise you to give it up."

"Don't worry."

Yun Fei said: "I have other ways."

So, looking at the lake, the soul gradually penetrated and shrouded in the water. Although I hadn't touched it, I felt the coldness.


Suddenly, the powerful soul force shrank violently, the calm lake water boiled instantly, and as the water of Jiuyin boiled, the water level line also dropped extremely.

Sword Soul secretly startled: "What's the situation?"

About half an hour.

The large water of Jiuyin disappeared without a trace, showing a dry pit in front of him.

The sword soul was dumbfounded.

He really couldn't understand, what means did this kid use to collect the extremely cold water of nine shades?

This old antique would not have imagined that Yun Feiyang has a stable world in his body. Although the water of Jiuyin can freeze the space, it is impossible to freeze the plane of the Little God Realm.

"how about it?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Jianhun calmed down and said, "How did you do it?"


Yun Fei said.

Jianhun smiled and said: "I look down on you."

"So, according to the agreement, you have to promise me one thing, don't disobey." Yun Fei said.

Jianhun Dao: "Something, let's talk."

Yun Feiyang jumped into the bottom of the pit and walked to the entrance of another tunnel, saying: "If there is a danger, let me take control of the Dragon Sword once."

Sword Soul said: "I said, this sword is difficult for you to control, strong action, the consequences are very serious."

"How serious?"

"will die."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

He didn't think that Jianhun was lying to himself. After all, after leaving the Shen family, he always felt that the dragon sword carried on his back always exudes a strange breath.

It's scary and dangerous.

"So." Jianhun said: "When you are in danger, I can control your body and help you resolve the crisis."

Yun Fei said: "Yes."

"Only once."


Yun Feiyang shook his head and smiled, and the man had already come to the tunnel leading to the next area.


Like the previous tunnel, the depth is only a hundred steps away, Yun Feiyang once again entered another cave house.

In that empty area, dozens of martial artists stood, their eyes empty, standing blankly in place, as if unconscious.

Each of the martial arts breathes revealed by this group of warriors is in the middle of Tianzun, and there are even several later days of Tianzun. One of the warriors is one of the five men of Xuan Jiuzhong.

He didn't stand silly, but kept punching, punching his strength again and again, forming a thumping sound.

"It turned out that the voice I heard earlier was played by this person." Yun Feiyang understood.

Sword Soul said solemnly: "Boy, there should be extremely strong soul interference. If you walk in, the end will probably be like them, and will sink forever."

Yun Feiyang was startled.

"Of course." Jianhun again said: "I control your body and thinking, and it can be easily passed."

Yun Fei said: "Are you so eager to honor your gamble?"


Jianhundao: "I am the most unhappy, owe others."

"Sorry." Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "This little trick won't let you help me."

We walked in between.


Just stepped on the stone slab ~ ~ Yun Feiyang's body trembles slightly, his eyes suddenly empty, the whole person seems to fall into **** instantly.

Yun Fei, who lost his reason and thinking, looked awkward, and then raised his fist to the void.


A powerful force erupted, blasting a nearby Tianzun into powder in the middle stage.

Sword Soul secretly shook his head and said: "Let him suffer a little, not a bad thing."



Yun Feiyang threw two more punches.

However, the twisted face gradually stretched, and the empty eyes also recovered, and the sword spirit was shocked, saying: "Come out?"


Yun Feiyang walked briskly, walked through the cave house, stopped at the entrance to another tunnel, and smiled: "How can this kind of soul roam me, let me sink."

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