Super God

Chapter 1248: Refining the soul of Dandi!

Yun Feiyang did not return to Shanggan Dan Palace, but found a hidden cave, arranged the formation, and took out the crystal of Dan Dao.

You must eat it as soon as possible!

"it should be no problem."

Yun Feiyang was a little worried. After all, it was the first time that the energy crystals condensed by Emperor Dan Tung Dan.

Not only is it his first time, looking at the pharmaceutical world, this situation is extremely rare.

Yun Feiyang is not a hesitant person. After thinking a little, he threw the crystal of Dandao into his mouth.


As soon as you lean your neck, crystallize into the body.

Yun Fei Yang Pan sat down, running against the sky tactics, and began to urge Dan Dao crystal.



Under the impulse, the crystals after entering the body gradually differentiated, and a pure energy emerged.

These energies come from the life-span effort of a fifth-ranking Dan Emperor. Once he takes it as his own, his understanding of Dan Dao will definitely advance by leaps and bounds!


When the crystal was completely cracked, there was another powerful breath, which burst from it and directly attacked Yunfei's sea of ​​knowledge, which was very domineering!

"Stupid junior, your flesh is emperor!" There was an eerie, crazy laugh in the body.

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang's face changed.

At this moment, the powerful soul force rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge and began to erode thinking, with the intention of Dove to occupy the magpie's nest.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to wait for thousands of years, even to a descendant with such a powerful soul!"

"Boy, don't worry about it. After the Emperor has occupied your body, you will surely make you a Dan Emperor!" The voice came from the sea of ​​knowledge.

"So you didn't die!"

Yun Feiyang exclaimed.

He can instantly determine that the soul that appeared suddenly must be Wupin Dandi Shang Lingheng!

"No, the Emperor's flesh is dead, but the three souls and seven souls still exist, but they are sealed in the crystal of Dandao."

"So it turns out."

Yun Fei said.

Shang Lingheng grinned: "Boy, if you want to blame you, you are too greedy, trying to merge the crystal of the emperor!"

Yun Feiyang always adhered to the defense line and contended with a strong soul, but also bitterly said: "Yes, I am too greedy."

"The Emperor advises you to give up resistance and go on the road with peace of mind." Shang Lingheng said.

He deliberately set up a cemetery and sealed his soul in the crystal, waiting for this day, so he was very excited and could not wait.

"Is there no room for negotiation? For example, are you stored in my body? We share the flesh?" Yun Fei said.

Between his speeches, his face was grim, and he was cold and sweaty. Obviously, it was very difficult to contend with the soul power of Wupin Dandi.

"Young man, the soul of the Emperor is in your body, you are not qualified to choose." Shang Lingheng said while increasing the penetration strength of the soul.

However, after a while, it was unbreakable, and he was shocked: "Unexpectedly, your will will be so powerful."

In his previous life as Emperor Wupin Dandi, he saw for the first time that a supreme mid-age junior would have such a strong willpower.

"Hahaha, the stronger, the more emperor likes it!"

Yun Feiyang always adhered to the line of defense and said: "I feel that you can think about it better than using the corpse to regenerate your soul, it is better to use your knowledge of Dandao to cultivate a Dan Emperor."

"This is a good idea." Shang Lingheng grinned: "However, the Emperor can occupy your body and help you become a Dan Emperor."

Yun Feiyang was speechless.

This guy is really determined. He wants to occupy the magpie's nest and let his soul fly away.

"Well, since you choose this way." Yun Feiyang paused slightly, his eyes cold and said: "Then don't be rude!"

In the middle of speaking, instantly blend into the flying continent.

With Yunfei's current soul power, it is certain that he can't contend with a soul-formed Wupin Dan Emperor. The best way is to enter the flying continent and suppress him with the power of domination!

Don't say it.

This trick is very effective.

After entering the flying continent, Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved, and the terror dominated the coercion, just like the mountains and the sea, the roaring pressure was pressed down, and the soul force that eroded the sea was instantly suppressed!


"You... you are the master of a world!"

Shang Lingheng was shocked.

Between speaking, the soul that has spread out has been completely suppressed in a narrow enough range, and it is difficult to move.

"Dare to enter Lao Tzu's body, still so arrogant, I will not call Yun Fei Yang if you die," Yun Fei Yang said angrily.



The power of terror dominates, and the soul of Shang Lingheng is suddenly cruelly tortured.



Screaming again and again, making people blame!

"Little... little friend, don't... don't... have something to say!" Shang Lingheng, who suffered from torture, begged for mercy.


I want to occupy my body.

Who is special, I have something to tell you!


A more terrifying power of domination, madness came, squeezing and torturing Shang Lingheng's soul again and again, making him desperate and screaming constantly!

This buddy is quite tragic.

Using some kind of special magical power, the complete soul was sealed in his own crystal of Dan Dao, and he waited for future generations to take the bait, but he encountered a demon like Yun Feiyang.


Three days later.

Under the torture of the dominant force, Shang Lingheng's soul was extremely weak, and even if he was allowed to occupy Yun Feiyang's body, he had no strength.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, a stream of streamers flew over and shrouded Shang Lingheng's soul, which made his heart change with horror.

"what are you going to do!"

"doing what?"

Yun Feiyang turned against the sky, shrouded his soul, and said coldly: "Of course it is refining!"

"Don't! Don't!"

Shang Lingheng was terrified. At this moment, he has felt that his soul power is being nibbled up a little bit under the strange mind.

If you go on like this, you will definitely be distracted!

"Little friend, I am willing to attach to you, help you to break through the Dan Emperor, and become a stronger Dan Dao strong!" Shang Lingheng thoroughly admonished.

With all his heart, he saved his soul, in order to live, he didn't want to be refined, and he didn't want to destroy the world.

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "I have given you a chance, but you gave up, so accept the fate of being refined."


During the speech, the anti-natural tactics run crazy, forcibly refine the soul of Ling Heng, and the soul power absorbed from it merges with his own soul and grows a little bit!

The soul power carried in the Wupindan Emperor's soul is simply a tonic, and you should enjoy it anyway!


Suffering from the refining of the soul caused Shang Lingheng to scream, but he was unable to stop it.

"Little... kid, must not die!" Shang Lingheng shouted angrily when his thoughts disappeared.



After several days of refinement, the soul of a Dan Emperor was completely wiped out, and the soul power carried in it was absorbed by Yun Feiyang.


Yun Feiyang, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes, two flashes of light flashed, and a strong breath broke out all around him!

The spirit of the sword in Longyan Sword captured the tumbling breath and shocked: "This boy's soul power has broken through half a fairy!"

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