Super God

Chapter 1262: The former palace owner, Yan Shanghai

Yun Feiyang appeared in the cave and walked to the dying old man, frowning suddenly.

The man was skinny, with scars on his hands and feet. Obviously, he had his hands and hamstrings cut off.

The old man lying on the board seemed to notice that someone was approaching, and raised his eyes weakly. When he found out that the person was a stranger, there was a glimmer of hope in the cloudy eyes.

"Nian...young me..." Knot trembling, making a faint, hoarse voice.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "Your state is too bad, even the most excellent medicine is unable to return to heaven."

The prosperous old man heard the words and hope suddenly burst.

"However." Yun Feiyang came and put a hand on his pulse, saying: "Fortunately, I met me."

Between the speeches, the majestic life attributes, like the waves, are infused insanely to supplement their vitality.

The old man was shocked.

This is the life attribute comparable to the space-time system!

With the cultivation of powerful life attributes, the old man's pale complexion gradually became rosy, and the damaged meridians also healed quickly again.

no doubt.

Yun Feiyang, who has the attribute of life, has the effect of being second only to resurrection in terms of healing!


After a few hours.

After the cultivation of the attribute of life, the old man was not only full of energy, but also healed the tendons and hamstrings.

He got up from the board, shaking his hands, grateful: "Thank you friends for your help."

After being imprisoned for so many years, he thought that his ultimate destiny ended in hatred, but he never expected to survive.

"Hands up."

Yun Fei said.

As soon as this statement came out, the old man was shocked and said in secret: "This person has a life attribute that is not weaker than the space-time system, and it must be a big man!"

Yun Feiyang said: "If you guess right, you are the former owner of Yuehuadan Palace, Yan Shanghai, right?"

When he adjusted the injury for the old man, he discovered that there was a certain curse in this person's Dan Tian, ​​which sealed Dan Dao and Wu Dao.

This curse is the same as the curse in Qiu Yishui's body. Obviously, it came from one person.

And after unraveling the curse, Yun Feiyang found that this old man's state reached a first-and-a-half grade.

If it cannot be inferred from the curse and strength, the old man is the former owner of Yuehuadan Palace, and his IQ must have fed the dog.

Yan Shanghai said in a startle: "Do you know old age?"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "I didn't know before, but now I know."


Yan Shanghai responded with a rush, and his eyes flashed violently. Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Master Yan Palace has fallen to such a degree, presumably because of Qian Qiandao."

"Not bad!"

Yan Shanghai clenched his old fist and said angrily: "This man colluded with the Divine Pill Alliance and took the seat of the suzerain."

Yun Feiyang said: "I don't hide Master Yan's palace, I just came here for this matter, and please let me know one by one."

Grateful to this person for saving himself, Yan Shanghai did not conceal, and talked about what happened decades ago.

The same as autumn.

The former palace master who reached the half-sen level, was also poisoned by a very toxic poison, and fell into a short coma. After waking up, Dan Dao and Wu Dao were sealed. Let him.

Suddenly giving way will surely make the senior people suspicious, but Ai Qiandao succeeded in taking over the Huayue Dan Palace on the grounds of ‘failure to leave Xuan Jiuzhong, the palace owner did nothing’.

First, Xuan Jiuzhong stole Qiu Yishui's chaotic fire, and then came to a'catch and rape' drama, which caused Xuan Jiuzhong to be injured by his love and entered the Shendan League, thus controlling Yan Shanghai and smoothly going up.

Every step is carefully planned.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "It's really a good way."

"But." He quite puzzled: "I'm curious, why is it still alive, not killed by a murder?"

Asked for ideas.

Yan Shanghai was silent for a while, and said: "The little friends do not know that although the Moon Palace is not as good as the Divine Alliance, but they have the unique technique of Dan Tao, which they can't reach."

"This pill is not the master of the palace and cannot be cultivated. The reason why the old decay has lived to the present is that it has not said the technique of the pill."

"It turns out that way." Yun Fei Yang said with a smile: "Speaking of the main palace of Yan Palace, is the art of singularity in your palace?"


Yan Shanghai was silent, or rather, he was vigilant and secretly guessed whether this person was intentionally sent by Ai Qiandao.

Think so.

Be more vigilant.

Yun Feiyang saw him silently, shaking his shoulders, "Since I don't say that, forget it, Master Yan, let me go and meet an acquaintance."


Yan Shanghai was stunned.


In the courtyard.

Under the cover of Yun Feiyang, Tian Shanghai walked in silently, and when he saw Qiu Yishui, his expression was dull.

the same as.

Qiu Yishui also looked stunned.

Once she regarded the palace owner as her father, because she could quickly break through Dan Dao and benefit from his teaching.

However, until his flame was stolen and everything was sealed, his attitude changed a lot, and he finally expelled himself.

that moment.

Qiu Yishui realized that the reason why he regarded his father as the palace owner cares about himself only because of the Dandao qualification. After losing it, it has no value.

"Child." Yan Shanghai shook his hands and said, "Why are you back?"

Qiu Yishui's heartache, this voice is the same as the'father' who loved himself.

If she hadn't been expelled, she would probably rush to the old man's arms and cry like a child.

Qiu Yishui held back, and there was no mood swing on her face, even turning around.

Yan Shanghai sighed.


Yun Fei said: "Yan Gongzhu was poisoned just like you, and in order to protect you, he expelled you."

Qiu Yishui was stiff.

Yun Fei said: "Otherwise, how can you leave Yuehuadan Palace safely and live to the present."

Yue Huadan Palace is not all silly. Yan Shanghai, who loves Qiu Yishui, has already seen the clues. Originally he wanted to investigate the matter, but Qian Qiandao first started to be strong and controlled it.

Yan Shanghai, who knew that he was unable to return to the sky, could only beg for the other party, letting Qiu Yishui pass, Qian Qiandao was the only way to obtain the unique magic, and also found that Qiu Yishui could not turn the waves, so she spared her.

In this way, there will be a scene where Yan Shanghai, as the last palace master, expelled Qiu Yishui from Yuehuadan Palace.

simply say.

The expulsion of Qiu Yishui also hopes that she can leave here and live well.


Some things are hard to predict.

Qiu Yishui, who buried hatred in his heart, was hidden in the Lingquan Sect, but he unexpectedly met Yun Since then, in the eyes of Su Qiandao, the little fish that can't turn up the waves, but With a big shark and monstrous waves, he killed Yuehuadan Palace.

After learning that the palace master was to protect himself, Qiu Yishui's tears fell like rain, crying like a child.

Yan Shanghai blamed himself: "Children, it is the fault of this palace, and you have suffered injustice for decades."


He knelt on the ground and knocked toward Yunfei Yang: "Young Master Yun, the age of old age, has looked down on everything. Please also wash your grievances for Yishui."

"Master Yan Palace, no, no."

Yun Feiyang hurriedly raised Yan Shanghai and said earnestly: "Yi Shui is my woman, and I will not tolerate Yun Feiyang naturally.

Yan Shanghai was startled.

Looking at Qiu Yishui, bowing his head shyly, he smiled and said, "Okay, okay, there is Yun Xiaoyou's sentence.

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