Super God

Chapter 1271: I will wait for you

Within a few days.

Everything that happened in Yuehuadan Palace, like a gust of wind, blew through the entire pharmaceutical world, causing an unprecedented sensation.

At that moment.

No one cares, Xuan Jiuzhong defeated Yun Feiyang in the two battles of Danwu, but cares, this person was originally a downright villain.

"Damn it!"

"I've been deceived by him for decades!"

"It turned out that his chaotic fire was stolen from Qiu Yishui, and in turn framed her!"

After years of worship, the mask of hypocrisy was uncovered, making the drug industry pill very angry and self-blaming.

A few days later, another news came that Qiu Yishui, who was burdened with decades of infamy, took over the position of the owner of Yuehuadan Palace.


Everyone took it for granted.

After all, for many years, Qiu Yishui has been burdened with grievances and has been scolded and scorned by everyone.


Moon Hua Dan Palace, the secret room.

The flames of the chaotic fire continue to emerge, causing the surrounding temperature to rise continuously, and gradually converge for about a moment.


Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "From now on, your flames are back."

Qiu Yishui gently opened her eyes, feeling her own chaotic fire, and her tears were ticking down.

After being expelled from the Huadan Palace, she thought about revenge, but she never imagined that she could get Chaos Fire again.

"Thank you."

Qiu choked with water.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "It's too much to see."

Qiu Yishui stood up and looked at him affectionately.

Yun Feiyang stunned and said, "You don't want to promise with your body?"

"You said that." Qiu Yishui leaned over and bravely said: "I am your woman."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "I said that to help you, don't take it seriously."

"is it."

Qiu Yishui bowed his head, his eyes flashed a bit of sadness, but wiped away the tears, Qiang Yan smiled and said: "I still have something to do."

"Go ahead."

Yun Fei said: "I have a rest."

Qiu Yishui left, and looking at the graceful back, Yun Feiyang secretly said: "I'm sorry."

The purpose of his coming to the pharmaceutical world was to return the bones of Shennong and to cultivate Dandao. The sons and daughters have a long relationship and haven't thought about it. Moreover, they have reached the eleventh-ranking king, and they should leave.

the next day.

Under the auspices of Yan Shanghai, Qiu Yishui successfully took over the position of Yuehuadan Palace, and the first thing after taking over was the alliance with Lingquan Sect and Shanggan Dan Palace.

Many elders have no opinions.

After all, both forces are related to Yunfeiyang.


When Qiu Yishui took over as the lord of the palace, Yun Feiyang left quietly and landed in a secret room dozens of miles outside the Shendan League. He successfully found the "Wu Pian" and the martial arts crystal.

"Fortunately, the guy just absorbed one-tenth of the energy." Yun Feiyang secretly said, and read the Wushu.

It records that Master Tanwu's understanding of martial arts, and many martial skills above the heavenly ranks, such as Xuan Jiuzhong's previously applied palm of all things, are one of them.

"According to the division of the real martial arts realm, this kind of palm technique should be of the second immortal level. You can retreat in the medicine world for a period of time, and it is not too late to practice the martial arts in the martial arts."


Yun Feiyang returned to Yuehuadan Palace, hurriedly talked with Qiu Yishui, and then merged into Feiyang mainland.

The martial arts of the martial arts must be cultivated, and the remaining martial arts crystals must also be ingested, and Dandao must naturally be cultivated.

Very busy, very busy.

So much so that Yun Feiyang has been practicing on the mainland for fifty years.

"Everything is dead palm!"

call! call! call! call! call!

On the Yanwuchang in the main palace of the city, countless palms filled with immortality, and it was amazing.



Every palm slammed on the gluttonous chest with extreme precision, and he kept retreating, and finally fell down with white foam, thinking: "This guy... take me as a sandbag..."

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang withdrew his palm and smiled.

This kind of second immortal palm technique was realized by him, and hundreds of palm prints were transformed in the shot. Once it really broke out, it was enough to make everything die.

It is not just martial arts that has been promoted.

In fifty years, Yun Feiyang thoroughly drank the crystal of the Dan Emperor's Dan Dao, even if he did not use the purple lotus fire, he could refine a Jin Dan and possess the strength of a Dan Emperor.

The Budo realm has also improved a lot.

At this moment, Yun Feiyang has successfully entered the early days of Tianzun, and its strength can definitely easily contend with the second grade Banxian.

He was able to march into the Great Consummation and into Heavenly Venerate from the late Supreme Age because of absorbing part of the martial arts crystallization and comprehending Shanggan Xiangong to the third level.


At this moment, Luo Mu ran over excitedly, and danced and said: "Brother Feiyang, I broke through to the Supreme Consummation!"


The Lunar Calendar in the distance disdains: "It's really slow."

Three days ago, this guy successfully broke through to the Supreme Consummation, and Long Zhenyu, Du Guqin and others have successively reached this level.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Luo Mu was grateful: "Thanks to Fei Yang, I took the crystal of martial arts and let us absorb it."

It turned out that Jun Lingtian's martial arts crystal was taken out by Yun Feiyang, which was absorbed by Luo Mu and others, and this made them, in a few decades, break through to the Supreme Consummation.

"Your strength has improved, so that you can better assist me and complete the mission of reshaping God Realm." Yun Feiyang laughed.

Although the martial arts crystallization is good, it is far less valuable to him than Shangqianxian. After all, raising one level raises a small realm, which is absolutely against the sky.

On the contrary, Luo Mu and others have limited consciousness and practice the immortal method to improve very slowly, so it is faster to absorb the half-sen class martial arts crystal.


After the practice, Yun Feiyang returned to the outside world, and the pharmaceutical world has now passed for a year.

Over the course of a year, there have been great changes.

Qiu Yishui relied on Chaos Fire and Heaven and Earth Fire, not only succeeded in the cultivation of Daoyan alchemy, but also raised the realm of Dandao to the sixth grade.

Her talent is not worse than Xuan Jiu. As long as she continues to practice, she will become a Dan Emperor without difficulty.

"Going away?" On this day, Yun Fei stood on the mountain peak, and Qiu Yishui walked gently.


Yun Feiyang whispered: "I still have things to do, I can't stay in the pharmaceutical industry for too long."

What Qiu Yishui wanted to say but bit her thin lips lightly and buried her words in her heart. In fact, when the chaos fire was merged, she already had a hunch that this man would leave one day.

"After I left, Ling Danzong asked you."

Yun Fei said.

Qiu Yishui: "Well."

Yun Feiyang looked at the front of the mountain gate, and Xuan Jiuzhong, with his unkempt hair and unconsciousness, said, "You decide whether to live or die."

Qiu Yishui said: "I will give him an understanding to relieve him."

"I'm gone." Yun Feiyang waved his hand: "When there is time, I will come to see you, then you are my woman."

Looking at the figure that was moving away, Qiu Yishui's eyes appeared reluctantly.


She shouted: "I will always wait for you!"

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