Super God

Chapter 1281: 3rd Half Battle

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The imprint of the phantasm of the Fa phase shattered a beast turned into a qi, and Yun Feiyang landed on a boulder.

"Oh shit."

"I'm done."

Yun Feiyang didn't expect that there would be a sudden appearance of a half-cent level strong, and he hurriedly summoned the Taixu platinum battle armor. Although he resisted the next palm, he was also slightly injured.


Alina flew over, dangling in the air, her face surprised: "Can actually solve my moves, your strength should not be weaker than a product and a half fairy."

"It's no wonder that my group of people can't take you away, so you can steal a lot of three-color holy stones."

Yun Feiyang didn't say a word, secretly operated life attributes, and repaired damaged meridians in the fastest time.


Alina said coldly: "In the face of the third-grade and half-cent fairy, he is still weak."

Yun Feiyang sneered: "You are quite confident."

Speaking on the lips, I was still a little surprised. I grabbed some ore during this time, and actually shocked a third grade and a half fairy.

Grab some ore?

This guy is really shameless.

The three-color holy stone he grabbed is the first newly mined ore vein, and the total number is more than one million!

And this is a big number!

"Confidence comes from strength."

Alina said proudly, and then gently raised her hand, the terrifying essence quickly condensed, stirring the airflow for thousands of miles.

Yun Feiyang's gaze flickered intent.

Breaking through to the early days of Tianzun, this guy hasn't really let go of his hands, and Sanpinbanxiangang can be used to test his strength.

"Then I'm flying a hundred miles, but today I need to have a good understanding, the strength of the third grade and half fairy!"

At this time, I did not forget to pretend to be the heirloom of the Baili family, and did not forget to plant stolen goods.

Sure enough, Alina was fooled.

His eyes flashed coldly, and said, "Bai Lijia, I will have remembered that he will go to the ghost world to discuss justice."

During the speech, a big hand waved and sneered: "As for you, let me thank you for your death."


The essence condensed between heaven and earth, like a rolling wave, swept away towards Yunfei, carrying the terrifying atmosphere, which made people frightened.

Yun Feiyang was about to explode the attributes in his body, condensing a giant phase, waving his arms, forming a defensive enchantment.

Of course, in order not to be exposed, Tengu always blessed him with a strong ghost spirit, thus masking the breath of other attributes.

Alina sneered: "It's ridiculous to want to resist my attacks with this kind of defense."



The wave of essence like an ocean wave speeds up, roars, and finally collides with the defensive border.


The powerful force instantly shattered the defensive enchantment, and the condensed fascination also wiped out nothingness.


Yun Feiyang spewed out another bit of blood, spreading his body, avoiding the aftermath of bombardment.


The air was wiped out, the destroyed space quickly returned to normal, and Alinai sneered: "Just spitting out blood, your physical defense is quite strong."

Yun Feiyang stabilized his body in midair and secretly said: "With the power of pure flesh, it is really difficult to contend with Sanpinbanxian."

With the birth of life attributes, after the injury quickly recovered, he smiled and said: "It seems that it needs to be taken seriously."

"handle it seriously?"

Alina sneered: "Boy, do you mean that you were just playing around?"

"What do you think?"

Yun Feiyang shook his arm and said.


Alina's eyes were cold, and she quickly appeared in front of Yun Feiyang. Her huge fists were slammed down and her strength was stronger than before.

However, Yun Feiyang didn't evade, and the whole body's divine power exploded, raising his arms to meet the fist like a mountain.


The violent energy ripples erupted, and dense cracks suddenly appeared on the ground thousands of miles away, faintly shattered, and the flowers and trees were extinguished.

In the central position, Yun Feiyang's hands were held up in the sky, holding Arina's fist hard and half of her calf, but she was trapped in the ground.

Now he has used the strongest power except for not showing the three changes of the God of War soul body and other cards. Although he has received a powerful punch, it is still a bit difficult.

After breaking through to the late Supreme Age, he could easily ruin the first-grade half-cents, but successively broke through to the Great Consummation, and entered the early days of Tianzun, still weaker than the third-grade half-cents.

This is normal.

After all, the strength of each grade of the half-sen level is increased by more than ten times. If the opponent is a second-grade half-cent, he will definitely solve it with his current strength.

simply say.

Yun Feiyang doesn't use some killer skills such as the three changes of the God of War soul body, and his strength is higher than that of the second and half cents, and weaker than that of the third and half cents.


Alina was taken aback, apparently not expecting that this ghost-clan warrior could actually resist her punch.

"Are you surprised?"

Yun Feiyang smiled faintly, and immediately slammed hard, throwing the giant hand out, rising up in the air, and coldly said: "Everything is dead palm!"

brush! brush! brush!

In an instant, countless palm prints appeared in mid-air, carrying powerful forces, and bombarded like a cannonball.

"not good!"

Alina's face changed, but she couldn't avoid it. She had to use her huge body to bear the dense palm marks.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the explosion is constant, and the earth trembles. Even thousands of miles away, you can feel the tremendous shock.

To say the most tragic, is still a city two thousand miles away, under the shock of terror, buildings have collapsed.

"What a powerful force!" Many warriors of the Jing race climbed up from the ruins, their expressions terrified.

For Yun Feiyang and Alina, such a half-cent deal, it seemed to them that they had experienced the end of the world.


In the area of ​​engagement, the dust is over, the sun is overshadowed by the sun, and the clouds flying in the air are dignified.

Although the palms of all things are displayed, and each palm hits the Jingzu Banxian, it is not believed that it can be hit hard.

Sure enough, a gust of wind blew away and the dust was blown away, and Alina stood up with huge eyes flashing angrily.

"Boy, you angered this master!"

"Ah! Ah!"

Alina clenched her fists, bursting green bars, and her skin quickly turned into a stone color, obviously entering a violent state.


After being strengthened this general suddenly erupted into a terror wave all over his body and erupted to the surroundings.

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang retreated a few steps and secretly said: "Strength is at least 50% higher than before!"


At this moment, Alina's muscles swelled and her fists slammed down.

This punch really has the power to shake the world, wherever it passes, the world breaks down and everything is wiped out.

"Can't fight hard!"

Yun Feiyang took the opportunity to act decisively, took a drunken step, rushed out in the fastest time, and fled towards the distance.


Alina punched empty and smashed on the ground, suddenly showing a dense crack, not bottomed out, like a deep abyss!

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