Super God

Chapter 1289: Start attacking

The Jingzu and Guizu truce, and Jiuyoujie entered a relatively calm stage. However, no one would think that a few days after the truce, a group of unknown warriors captured a city of the Jingzu with great speed. M

How fast?

Only one hour.

The two regiments stationed in the city, with a total of more than 20,000 soldiers, were completely blood-battered in front of the group of unknown and powerful warriors.

Not only that.

This situation was also staged in the other two cities. In just a few hours, the Jing clan and the three cities fell behind.

Thousands of miles away.

Outside another pool of sperm races, tens of thousands of well-trained warriors wearing armor attacked decisively, even in front of the sperm races, the size was small, but the momentum formed was extremely strong.

Especially in the rear, a hundred martial arts soldiers set up a skyrocket and hurled towards the tall city.

boom! boom!

After several rounds, the city gate was exploded and many parts of the city wall collapsed.



Several captains stationed in the city pool flew out angrily, blasting towards the attacking warrior.


Just started, I saw a giant ape suddenly condensed in the void, waving his fists.


With a punch, the two captains who reached Tianzun's initial stage were crushed into blood rain on the spot.

"Shit, it's too weak."

Luo Mu withdrew his supernatural powers, and he was unhappy.

It turned out that these warriors were Ling clan soldiers, and Luo Mu was ordered by Zhuge Jin to come and take the city.

Yunli and Long Zhenyu, among others, have already split their way and won various locked cities.

The fall of the two commanders made the face of the elite soldiers in the city change greatly, and their morale also fell sharply.



In the spirit race, after the general Luo Mu killed the opponent's enemy, the morale soared, and they all took the weapons condensed by the real dragon weapon and entered the city.

In the face of the spirited soldiers with excellent equipment, strong strength, and absolute tacit understanding, the strongest black Yaojun of the Jing nationality was completely crushed.

In just one hour, the city was broken, and all the more than 20,000 elites in the city were annihilated.

Luo Mu stood on the city tower and said, "Yu Li, they should have already scored their goals." Then, he began to rectify the army and attacked another city.


Black rope city, inside the hall.

After learning that in just a few hours, four cities had lost their intelligence, Zhong Sunting frowned.

"Brother, they must be the ghost race!"

General Hao Lian said.

"It's strange, when did the Ghost Race have such a powerful legion, why haven't they heard of it?" Rondo frowned.

Zhong Sun Ting said: "From the view of the city they attacked, it was obviously to surround the mountain city."

The three generals looked dignified.

Rondo said: "Mountain City is a military powerhouse of Blackwater Prison. If it is broken, it means that the entire Blackwater Prison is lost."

Zhong Sun Ting said: "Rondo, quickly dispatch your army to support the mountain city at the fastest speed. In any case, this city cannot be lost."


Rondo left immediately, and not long after, he led his half-million army and marched towards the mountain city.


In an occupied city, Yun Feiyang looked at the map and said: "Mountain City, the terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you guess right, the Jing race will definitely send troops over."

Zhuge Jinze said: "I have ordered Luo Mu and others to attack the Mountain City after taking the target."

"No." Yun Fei said: "For safety's sake, I still have to kiss myself."

"I am coming too."

Zhuge Jindao.

Yun Feiyang picked her up, disappeared into the hall, and flew towards the mountain city with great speed.


The cold wind blew, Zhuge Jin shrank in his arms and said, "You seem to be stronger again."


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "You man and me, but after a long period of retreat."

"What is the state now?"

Zhuge Jin asked.


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Zhuge Jin no longer asked.

The current Yun Feiyang is indeed stronger than before, but it does not take the initiative to break out, even if the real master is strong, he cannot see through his realm and real strength.


Mountain City, the largest city in the Blackwater Prison, is built around mountains and has a dangerous terrain. There are as many as 300,000 elite soldiers stationed in it.

"I go."

Standing on the hill outside the city, Luo Mu stunned: "This city is much larger than the one that was previously broken."

Yunli said: "General Zhuge said that this city is the largest city in the Black Hell Prison and the most important military important place. It must be big."

"What are you waiting for, dare to do it quickly."

Luo Mu grinned.

"Uncle Luo, there must be many strong people in this city. Are we waiting for the master first?" Shen Qingdao said.

"No need to wait."

Luo Mudao: "General Zhuge said, after we have joined the division, we will directly attack the Mountain City."



At this moment, a huge elite warrior flew out of the mountain city. Obviously, a large army was found outside. Most of their strength is in the early stages of Supreme and Heavenly Supreme.

"Hey." Luo Mu touched his nose and grinned: "They killed them first."

Said to fly past.

Yunli, Shen Qing and Long Zhenyu followed.

The two parties didn't say anything at all, so they shot directly, and the four Luo Mu, although only in the supreme realm, faced dozens of elite strong men, but they were all true.

"Flying Dragons in the wild!"


In the sky, gleaming golden dragons roared and directly resolved several elite commanders.

"Shield strike!"

Shen Qingxuan was in mid-air, and his divine power exploded into a giant shield, suppressing towards the elite strong in front.

Not willing to show his weakness, Luo Mu used Vajra magical powers, turned into apes and beasts, and violently bombarded everything.

The most insignificant thing is the Lunar Calendar. Instead of using divine power, he relied on speed and approached the target for a very short period of time. The dozens of elite strongmen flying out of the city were annihilated by Luo Mu and others. In the early days, Rao was also not spared.

The strength of Luo Mu and others has been continuously improved, and they have a deeper understanding of supernatural powers, and their strength has gradually been reflected.

"It's too weak, it doesn't mean anything." Luo Mu hung in the air.

Yunli grinned: "It is some early days of Tianzun, it is best to come to some warriors like the middle and late period."

As soon as the words fell, the warrior he was expecting came, and he saw a ray of light shrouded in essence outside the mountain city.

Before the person arrived, the terror and coercion swept through. The faces of the four people changed suddenly and exclaimed in unison: "Half fairy!"


The advancing general Rondo raised his palm in anger, the strength of Sanpinbanxian exploded suddenly, and the spirit turned into four big hands and grabbed it bravely.

"It's over!"

Luo Mu, who was still very bullish just suddenly had a bad heart, and wanted to escape, but it was impossible.

Yunli and others are also ugly.

In front of Sanpinbanxian, they are in absolute weakness, even without the ability to contend.


Luo Mu roared angrily, and the divine power in his body exploded into a giant ape, greeted the attacking big hand.

Yunli et al. also broke out in an all-round way, even if they know they are not enemies, they will certainly not sit still.

However, just as they did their desperate struggles, a streamer flew at a very high speed, and it was Yun Feiyang. He held Zhuge Jin, raised one hand, and shouted, "Turn the sky!"


In an instant, the black clouds over Rondo quickly gathered, and the ancient desolate big hand, through the clouds, relentlessly suppressed.

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