Super God

Chapter 1303: Dragon Sword, unsealed

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The five words clearly entered Yun Fei's ears, so that the tangled him seemed to catch hope in an instant, his eyes flashing.

Yes indeed.

And this guy is here, and Longyan Sword is here, how can I forget it!

The weapon of the Dragon Soul Battle Emperor, and a sword soul who has not lived for many years, to help himself, can definitely kill two nine products and half cents!

Jianhun said: "All I can do is help you to seal the Dragon Flame Sword. As for whether you can kill the two, you have to rely on yourself."


Yun Feiyang agreed.

The spirit of the sword said: "Boy, I only see that you have stepped into a half fairy and mastered the three before agreeing to unblock it."

This is the truth.

If you enter the Nine Nether, no matter what Yun Feiyang asks, Jianhun will not unblock the Dragon Flame Sword. After all, with his strength, it must be difficult to control.

"Yue Zhang." Yun Fei stood up and said coldly: "These two people will be dealt with by the son-in-law."

The demon stunned.

But it didn't stop. After all, Taiwu Senior said before Wan Zai that all he could do was cheer him up.



The chain-enhanced Longyan sword fell on the ground, and the crimson scabbard showed a strange breath.

Seeing the demon master, secretly startled: "This sword is extraordinary!"


Yun Feiyang took a long breath, then stared at Longyan Sword and secretly said: "Unblock it."

"Boy, remember, the Dragon Flame Sword has a very strong magic, and if you can't stand it, you will lose your mind." Jianhun said.

Yun Feiyang said nothing.

Soul of the sword no longer said, began to communicate with Longyan sword, to unblock.

"Kaka Kaka!"

Suddenly, the iron chain bound to the sword began to tremble and gradually fell off. The crisp sound also captured the soul.


The demon lord solemnly said: "This sword is extraordinary, you must be careful."

Even the strong nine-grade and half-sen level felt it. It can be seen how evil the Dragon Soul Battle Emperor's sword is.

"I see, Yue Zhang."

Yun Feiyang responded.

Now, no matter how terrible the Dragon Flame Sword, he must also be in control. Only in this way, can he have the opportunity to kill two nine products and half cents to get the energy core and let the realm advance.


Eventually, an iron chain fell off the ground, and the crimson scabbard spewed out a hot flame instantly, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly.

The demon master frowned.

The intensity of the flame made him a little uncomfortable.

"It is stronger than the fire dragon power of Jiulong Ban!" Yun Feiyang secretly shocked. At this moment, he really admires Shen Xiaoyu's grandfather, who can control these Excaliburs!

"Boy, the sword of Longyan has been unsealed. You can now pull the sword." Sword Soul said.

Yun Feiyang didn't say a word, striding away with the hot waves, standing in front of the Longyan Sword, but before reaching out, he already felt that this sword did not welcome himself and had a strong repulsive force.


Yun Fei Yang exhaled, then raised his hand and grabbed Longyan Sword, but just before contact, he was bounced back fiercely.

Sword Soul collapsed and said: "I have suppressed a lot of repulsion, can't you still break through?"


Yun Fei's eyes were firm, and then he raised his hand again, and the powerful soul power spread out to counter the repulsive force.


The repulsive force and the soul force, which are hard to see with the naked eye, instantly confront each other, and no one will give in, and no one will accept it.

If Long Yanjian didn't approve it before, Yun Feiyang would never break through, but now there is Sword Soul to help suppress it.

Therefore, he devoured many lives and half immortals, and was so powerful as to possess the soul power of the Pinxian immortals.


Yun Feiyang's right hand was directly caught on the sword handle of Longyan Sword, and the flame of the sword body suddenly soared and swept through.

In an instant.

Yun Feiyang was shrouded in flames and turned into a fireman, but possessing the purple lotus industry fire and innate real fire was safe and sound. He may also realize that he could not be hurt. The erupting flame gradually became restrained and returned to his previous state.

"Pull the sword!"


Holding the hilt is just the first step, and pulling out the sword is the second step!

Yun Feiyang grasped the hot sword handle tightly and waved it violently, but listening to the sound of 锵, the sword was pulled out.


In an instant, the hot flame erupted in the trail of the sword out of the sheath.

At the same time, a gurgling horror demon qi diffused, instantly struck Yun Fei, invaded the body, and hit the sea!


Yun Feiyang's face was fierce.

At that moment, his soul defense line, under the erosion of this terrifying demon qi, looked like nothingness and was broken one after another.

The spirit of the sword said: "Only carrying the harassment of the magic energy and calming the mind can you be recognized by the Dragon Flame Sword!"


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang screamed in pain, his face was so cruel to the extreme, and the blue muscles appeared on his face.

He was once disturbed by the magic energy, but the strength of the magic energy exploded by the Dragon Flame Sword was obviously more terrifying.

No mess!

Can't fall behind!

Yun Feiyang always keeps a trace of clarity, and keeps running the Anti-Sky tactics, so as to dispel the magic energy a little bit.

Three full days.

The anti-tian tactics only took all the essence of the devil qi, and Yun Feiyang was finally relieved, standing breathlessly in place.

When he was disturbed by magic energy, he felt as if he had died many times, and his soul was suffering too.


He survived.

Today's Longyan sword has completely lost its previous tyranny and has become like a gentle sheep.

Sword Soul said: "Boy, with your current strength, you can only control the Dragon Sword for three days, and don't waste time."


Yun Feiyang, holding the dragon flame sword shrouded in flames, flew away and stood in the sky, shouting coldly: "Master, ghost master, come to fight!"

The sound rippled in the realm of the big quiet, and it hasn't disappeared for a long time, but the two strong men who are adjusting interest rates are very surprised.

Is this kid looking for death?

As nine ranks and half cents, although they do not see Yun Feiyang's strength, they can also judge that this person is definitely not too strong.

If it weren't for the demon lord to protect him, it would have been extinguished long ago. Unexpectedly, he now holds a fire-breathing sword and dares to clamor in person.

"This junior, is really arrogant."

"Don't pay attention to him, you and I will take good care of each other, and then fight with Youyou to try to destroy it and get rid of the difficulties from the realm of the Great You."

Ghost Lord and Jing Lord didn't put Yun Feiyang in their eyes, but still nursed them up.

"Don't you come?"

Yun Feiyang standing in the sky ~ ~ smiled coldly, immediately raised the Dragon Flame Sword, and slashed down.


The sword crossed the void, the fiery flame was burning, and the hot temperature rose instantly, as if it could melt everything!

At the same time, a horrible flame of sword gas erupted, tearing off the sky like a cut.


In an instant, the temperature in the Wanli area rose to the extreme, as if caught in an endless sea of ​​fire.

The demon lord standing below shocked: "Is this sword a fairy weapon?"

"not good!"

The two realm masters who were undergoing rearrangement also changed their faces, and immediately flew up to hide away.


Carrying the sword of the sky's prestige, slammed directly into the resting area of ​​the two, the earth was cut into a deep ditch, and the flames rose!

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