Super God

Chapter 1316: Fire Thunder Dragon King

Yun Feiyang blessed the ice system to make it tougher again, and the surrounding temperature increased without affecting the inside.

Sun Lili and others thoroughly obeyed.

If it weren't for the young man to set up the ice system in time to resolve the madness for everyone, now they have already been hit hard.


The huge dragon beast roared, and the scorching waves swept over again, but Yun Feiyang, who stood in front of him, did not change his face.


The flame formed by this dragon beast is very hot, but it is totally incomparable with the power of the fire dragon of the Kowloon Forbidden Array.

At that time, Yun Feiyang dared to actively absorb the power of the fire dragon to strengthen the purple lotus industry fire, and he certainly would not be afraid of the flame of this beast.

The dragon beast also seemed to realize that it was difficult to burn this human with his own flame, and then opened his mouth wide to condense a strong fireball.

"Hiss!" The fireball gradually condensed, and Raymond flashed from time to time, revealing a cold spirit.

"This is..." Sun Li said in shock: "Fire Thunder Dragon King!"

"My God, how can this rare thunderfire double-beast beast appear in the Valley of Flames!" The other powerful men were shocked.

The Fire Thunder Dragon King is one of the mythical beasts in the ethereal world, with extremely pure fire and thunder properties.

Although many powerful people know that there is such a beast in the ethereal world, few people have witnessed it.

According to records, the time when the Fire Thunder Dragon King last appeared should be 13,000 years ago.

What Sun Lili and others said, Yun Feiyang naturally heard it, his eyes flashing hot.

God beast.

If this is captured, when you mount it, it must be very popular.

If Sun Lili and others learned Yun Feiyang's idea, it would definitely collapse.

It is an extremely rare fire-thunder dual-line beast, and its strength is certainly not weak.

For them, the Fire Thunder Dragon King is very strong, but in Yun Feiyang's view, it is just so-so, and its strength is probably at the level of Jiubin Banxian.

Can fight!

It can be captured!


At this moment, the fire and thunder energy in the mouth of the fire and thunder dragon erupted, which was extremely fast and disturbed the surrounding space.

"Ice wall!"

Yun Feiyang gave a cold drink, and the ground in front quickly appeared a thick layer of ice and raised upward.

in a blink.

A crystal clear ice wall appears.


It was at this time that the thunder energy that condensed the power of terror hit the ice wall directly, causing a striking crack.

"A bit tricky."

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly, and finally failed to carry it. The ice wall was completely washed away under the force of power, and turned into a piece of ice.


After the breakthrough, the thunder energy rushed home, although the speed was much slower, but the strength was still very strong.

Yun Feiyang immediately stepped on the step of drunken shadow and quickly evaded. When the person left, he heard the sound of a bang, and the area where he stood before was blown out of a very large deep hole by the energy of fire and thunder.

"This beast of the ethereal world is a little tough."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

There used to be a lot of gods and beasts, and their strength is mostly at the level of Tianzun Great Consummation. The top-level gods such as the green dragon and the white tiger may reach the half-celestial level.

In the ancient ethereal world, the existence of the so-called divine beast, its strength is definitely not weaker than that of the seven-eighth rank and half fairy, especially the Fire Thunder Dragon King, this double-line divine beast is comparable to the ninth rank and half fairy.

It may even be stronger.


Because, here is the Valley of Flames, full of powerful fire attributes, and the Fire Thunder Dragon King here, the strength will definitely be stronger.

Fortunately, there is no thunder system attribute.

Otherwise, the two attributes are their blessings, and the Fire Thunder Dragon King's strength may be stronger, even if it is as strong as the Nine Ranks and Half Immortals.


The Fire Thunder Dragon King roared again, and the Fire Thunder attribute was once again condensed in the huge mouth.

Yun Feiyang certainly wouldn't sit still, he rose up in the sky, his hands spread out, and said coldly: "Frozen!"


Layers of ice-type attributes quickly emerged, spreading toward the Fire Thunder Dragon King instantly, and instantly freezing its body completely.

Huge monsters turned into life-like ice sculptures, Sun Li and others were shocked. After all, they can freeze the Fire Thunder Dragon King, this person's ice attribute is too strong!


The freeze is only temporary.

Between the two breaths, the ice cracked, and the sound of "Bang" shattered, the Fire Thunder Dragon King got out of his trap, and the fire thunder attribute condensed in his mouth spewed out again.

this time.

The speed is faster than before.


The ice system is pervasive, and two layers of ice walls emerge again, but it is still difficult to contend, and it is crushed in an instant.

Huh! Huh!

Yun Feiyang exploded endlessly, the blood in his body boiled, and there was a possibility that he would eject at any time.


It was at this time that the Fire Thunder Dragon King spewed out a burst of fire thunder energy again, which made Yun Feiyang simply unable to escape, and even had no chance to arrange an ice wall.


Ji Feiyadai frowned slightly.

As soon as the words fell, the huge stream of fire and thunder blew over, directly swallowing Yun Feiyang who had just stabilized his body, and the flames were hot for a time, and Lei Mang flew.

Sun Lili and others looked ugly.

If this person can't bear the attack of the Fire Thunder Dragon King, and is seriously injured or falls, the ice enchantment will be broken, and he is afraid that he will also be unlucky.


The weird thing is.

After the young man was devoured by the flame Rayman, the ice enchantments around him remained unbroken.

Could it be that he resisted?


At this moment, the flames and Raymond engulfed by Yun Feiyang were stirred up frantically, and gradually reduced.


Yun Feiyang's figure appeared in everyone's field of vision, while he opened his mouth wide and absorbed the last ray of thunder.

Ji Feiya and others were stunned.

This... this guy, even the Fire Thunder Dragon King's Fire Thunder attribute has been eaten?

Yun Feiyang absorbed the flames of fire, they were shocked, but they can also guess that this person has a powerful fire, and can fear the flames of the flames.


Fire Thunder Dragon King's condensed Fire Thunder attribute is not comparable to the naturally born Sea of ​​Fire, which not only has a violent power, but also a terrible hostility.

The warrior must not be absorbed.

Otherwise, the end will be miserable.

Can be.

Under the eyes of the big guy, the guy swallowed the two condensed attributes of the beast directly, and even licked his lips with unexplained meaning.

Even less dare to think about it.

This guy just devours the fire attribute of the mythical also absorbed it together with the thunder system!


This is a monster!

Yun Feiyang absorbed the two fiery attributes of Fire Thunder, which shocked not only Ji Feiya and others, but also the Fire Thunder Dragon King.

"Damn mankind, you can actually ingest the fire thunder property of this king!" The fire thunder dragon king made a deep voice.

Mythical beasts can speak human language, it is common sense.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "For you, your two attributes are only used to fill your stomach."

"is it?"

The huge eyes of the Fire Thunder Dragon King, revealing Leng Sen, said: "Then today the King will let you eat enough!"


As soon as the voice fell, several energy **** of fire thunder erupted again, and Yun Feiyang did not dodge, letting it bomb.

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