Super God

Chapter 1320: Missing me, boring

The hall of pride.

Ji Feiya stood beneath, while Huang Fuyi, who was sitting in the top position, and many elders beside him, looked extremely ugly.

They have learned that Yun Feiyang entered the Valley of Flames, encountered the Fire Thunder Dragon King Beast, and was trapped in it.

The extremely rare Fire Thunder Beast is also present in the flames of the scorching Valley of Flames. The upper level of the hall does not think that Yun Feiyang is still alive.

"Hey." An elder said: "I'm afraid it's life."

The crowd shook their heads one after another.

Xinfeng's pride, not long after arriving in the pride temple, fell into the Valley of Flames, which made them heartbroken.

"President, elder."

Ji Feiya lowered her head and blamed herself: "I blame me, I should not take him to the Valley of Flames."

"You can't blame you, this son is too brave to enter the deepest." An elder said.

"This incident is a wake-up call for us, and we should warn those arrogant arrogants that they should not be careless in a dangerous place."

"Not bad."

The elders agreed.


"Have you heard? Yun Feiyang followed Ji Feiya to the Valley of Flames and failed to come out alive!"


Many people were surprised.

"How long has this guy been in the palace, I didn't expect to fall so soon."

"I heard that this person had to enter the deepest part of the Valley of Flames, and as a result tragically encountered the King Fire Thunder Dragon."

"My God, that's the mythical beast of the dual series of fire and thunder, and its strength is not weaker than that of Jiu Pin Ban Xian!"

Many arrogants also agreed that Yun Feiyang will definitely die, and I am afraid that even the corpses will be burned to nothingness.

"The happiest now is the Prince's Pavilion."

"Yeah, there was a contradiction with Yun Feiyang, and now people are dead."

The members of the Prince's Pavilion are indeed very happy. For example, the two brothers Jin Yaming were very happy when they learned that Yun Feiyang had fallen.


An arrogant son of the Prince's Pavilion, who was relatively strong, said in public: "That kid died in the Valley of Flames, but it was cheaper for him."

This person's name is Li Ting.

The earth star list ranks nineteenth, and its strength reaches seven and a half cents, which is much stronger than Sun Mao, who has practice blood.

Li Ting has a fierce personality and is also quite fierce in his shot. He is called the butcher's hand in the palace.

"If Yun Feiyang doesn't die, it will fall into his hands, and the end will be miserable." Someone whispered.

"This guy, Li Ting, is either a good stubble. The person he is eyeing is either abolished or severely injured."

In the eyes of the proud son, Li Ting is a ruthless man.

Above the mountain.

Ji Feiya was dressed in white, standing quietly, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks on earth.

She heard all the arguments of the pride of the palace, and even sneered at Li Ting.

"If Yun Feiyang is still alive, Li Ting comes to trouble, and the result is a tragedy." Ji Feiya secretly said.

Only she knows that Yun Feiyang's performance in the Valley of Flames is not weaker than that of the Eighth Grade Banxian, and it is very easy to deal with opponents like Li Ting.


Yun Feiyang is dead.

It is impossible to use strength to prove to others.


"What?" A man in a black robe turned around in the secluded courtyard, his eyes cold and said: "Yun Feiyang is dead?"

"Yes, deputy leader."

Guo Hengdao.


The black-robed man punched the tree trunk and instantly evaporated it into nothingness, saying: "Damn it."

Yun Feiyang had just entered the Hall of Pride and beat the Prince's Pavilion, making the deputy leader very satisfied, so he hoped to draw him over.

Now people are dead.

He was helpless and sad.

"It's a pity." The black-robed man shook his head and said, "I couldn't meet him."


The news of Yun Feiyang's'falling' was conveyed in the Hall of Pride, some people were happy and some were sorry.


Those who are dead will eventually forget it, and it will not take long for the pride of the pride to forget Yunfeiyang.

In their view, the new arrogant son from Little God Realm is nothing but a cloud of eyes.

After half a month.

The Pride Temple is about to usher in a routine assessment.

The so-called assessment.

In fact, it is the confrontation between arrogant sons, which proves to the high-level hall that they have made progress during this time.

Most of the warriors who can become arrogant are hard-working masters, and most of them are not interested in this assessment.

But the reason for participating is because those who get good results can get 10,000 points.

This is not.

After the list of assessments was announced, there were a lot of pride on it, the number of which was 500, including some pride on the earth star list.

The most watched.

This is Li Ting, who is in the 19th place!

"He also participated?"

"It's over. I didn't sign up until I knew it!" Seeing Li Ting's name, everyone collapsed.

Suddenly, someone pointed to the end of the list and said, "There are clouds flying."

The big guys shook their heads one after another.

According to the stipulations of the pride temple, every new arrogance comes to the temple and must report for the first time.


"This guy can no longer participate."

Seeing the name ‘Yun Feiyang’, everyone remembered Yun Feiyang again, and more still sighed.


Assessment day.

The sun is shining and there are no clouds.

On the huge and magnificent performance hall of the Hall of Pride, there were 499 pride.

Only Yun Feiyang is missing.

Ji Feiya stood in the attic and looked at the Yanwuchang where the pride gathered. He murmured: "If he is still alive, this assessment will definitely be a battle of Yangwei."

The arrogant who participates in the assessment is usually not too high in strength, mostly at the level of five or six and a half cents. The arrogant who first arrived, if the strength is strong, can be amazing.

That year, Ji Feiya, in the first assessment, won the first prize in one fell swoop and became the most dazzling new star in the pride of the palace.


The horn blew up, and the elder in charge of the assessment came flying and landed lightly on the high platform.

"In this assessment, a 500-person controversy will be carried out first, and one hour later, you can still stand in the martial arts field and advance to the second round." The elder announced the rules.

"A bit cruel."

Many arrogants are a little bit stressed. After all, this kind of scuffle is really a test of strength. If they are besieged, they will be defeated in the end.


Li Ting grumbled.

The melee is very suitable for people like him, because there is no need to care about anything. When you see your opponent, you just do it.

"Li Ting will take first place this time."

The arrogants who watched the battle had answers in their hearts. After all, the arrogant who participated in the war was the one with the highest strength.

The elders in charge of the assessment did not say much nonsense, and immediately announced: "Routine assessment, open now..."


At this moment, in the distant sky, a streamer flew extremely fast, and finally landed on the Yanwuchang.

"Yun Feiyang is missing for this routine assessment, I'm afraid it's boring." Yun Feiyang stabilized and smiled.


The audience was silent.

Many arrogants looked at the person who was obviously ‘dead’ and appeared alive again in front of him, his eyes widening one by one, as if hell!

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