Super God

Chapter 1322: 4 King Kong, He Xiong

Li Ting was very excited before, because Yun Feiyang came back alive, he could abuse him and export evil spirits for Jin Yaming and others.

And he has already thought about it, in the first melee, in front of everyone, humiliating this guy fiercely, let him dignify the floor!

However, I never imagined that after the game started, 498 contestants were solved by Yun Feiyang alone!

too fast.

so horrible!

Li Ting was stunned. To be precise, he was scared and stupid. After all, with his strength, it was extremely difficult to achieve this.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Are you still excited?"

This sentence was very harsh, and it seemed to be a heavy hammer, hitting Li Ting's chest hard, making his face extremely ugly.

Are you excited?

At this time, in the face of such a strong opponent, only fools are excited!

Yun Feiyang shook his fist and said with a smile: "Relax, I will make you more excited, so excited that the blood is boiling."

The voice just fell, appeared in front of Li Ting, suddenly punched hard, hit him in the chest.

Li Ting suffered a heavy blow due to the precise power, and the body did not fly out while the meridians in the body were damaged.


Yun Feiyang threw another punch, Li Ting still did not fly out, but the meridians in the body had been seriously damaged.

This guy is Qipinbanxian, and is 19th in the earth star list, but in front of Yun Feiyang, which is comparable to Jipinpinxian, it is a vegetable comparison.

It's easy to abuse him.

Abuse is definitely to be abused, and it is still blood abuse, to show the Prince to let them know that Lao Tzu is not easy to provoke.


Yun Feiyang raised his fist again and bombarded it fiercely. This time, he didn't stay at all. He punched a punch and made several punches!




After some bombing, Yun Feiyang withdrew his fist, and the tragic Li Ting stood in place. Due to the eruption of strength, the coat was cracked and the exposed chest was deeply sunken.

Everyone shuddered.

The butchers who had never been good stubble, are now so **** abused by the new arrogant sons, making them unexpected.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang clasped Li Ting's wrist and slammed it hard, only to hear the click, and the bones in both hands shattered.


Li Ting screamed in pain and his face was completely distorted. At this moment, not only his meridians were broken, but his hands were also discarded.

"Go down." After enough abuse, Yun Feiyang flicked lightly and threw the seriously injured Li Ting out, while Li Ting, who fell to the ground, fainted under the pain.

Many spectators, secretly startled, looked at Yun Feiyang. They had deep fears in their eyes. They even abused Li Ting so miserably. This Yun Feiyang is also a cruel person.


The routine assessment of the Pride Temple was announced after Li Ting was thrown out. All the 499 participants were run away, and only Yun Feiyang stood on the Yanwu Stadium.


The elders were ignorant.

He presided over countless assessments. He was the first time he met the first round of contestants and was eliminated.

Without any choice.

Can only declare the end of the assessment!

As the final champion, Yun Feiyang also successfully obtained 10,000 points.

"A little less."

Yun Feiyang was not satisfied with this point, and went to the Points Pavilion again. He has three fiery fire cores in his hand and should be able to exchange many points.

However, before entering the points club, she was stopped by Ji Feiya, she said: "How did you survive?"


Yun Feiyang laughed. Ji Feiya didn't ask any more, but said: "Here is the fire core, let's exchange points."

It seems that the woman has not forgotten.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "However, I am seven and you are three."

Ji Feiyadai frowned slightly, and said, "We said yes, five or five points."

"The flame is me, and the three-headed fire demon is also my solution." Yun Fei said.

"Furthermore." He leaned over and smiled: "If it weren't for me, you and the group of people might be dead."

Very close, Yun Feiyang smelled the fragrance from Ji Feiya's body and couldn't help saying: "It's so sweet."

Ji Feiya instinctively took two steps back and compromised: "Well, you are seven, and I am three."

"Go, change points."

The two entered the Points Pavilion, took out the fire core, and successfully exchanged for 100,000 points, and Yun Feiyang said: "Elder, I still have two. Can I continue to exchange them?"

"and also?"

The elder stunned.

Yun Feiyang took out two more and placed them on the counter. The elder was surprised, but said, "Yes."

Three fire cores were exchanged for 300,000 points. According to three or seven points, Yun Feiyang received 210,000 points and Ji Feiya received 90,000 points.

"No loss."

Stepping out of the Points Pavilion, Yun Feiyang laughed.

Ji Feiya said: "No loss."

Earlier, she and Yun Feiyang agreed to five or five points, thinking to kill a fiery fire demon and get a fire core.

After success, you can only get 50,000.

Now, if you exchange three fire cores and get 90,000 points, which is 40,000 more than expected, how can you lose money?

"If you have any good tasks in the future, you can come to me." Yun Feiyang laughed.

Ji Feiya said: "There are still many such advanced tasks, you want to do, we can at any time..."


Suddenly, a shock came in front, interrupting Ji Feiya's words. She looked up and saw a bear beast walking slowly.

The beast is thirty feet tall, covered in thick earthy brown hair, and has a rich earthy atmosphere around his body.

On the shoulder of a mountain-like bear, a handsome young man stood on it, his eyes locked on Yun Fei, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"He Xiong!"

"How did he summon the earth bear!"

The pride nearby was shocked.

Ji Feiya whispered: "Your troubles are here again." He said, stepping back a few steps, apparently did not want to mix Yun Feiyang and Prince Ge's grievances.

"Anyway, it's a partner, don't stay out of business so quickly." Yun Feiyang laughed.

Ji Feiya said: "The name of the man above is He Xiong, one of the four King Kongs of Prince's Pavilion, and the bear of his contract beast, the earth's strength, is comparable to the eighth grade and half fairy, second only to the **** beast."

"Such a cow?"

Yun Feiyang stunned.


At this moment, the bear of the earth shouted angrily, and a powerful force exploded ~ ~ and the surrounding space was slightly distorted. He Xiong, standing on the shoulder of the bear, said coldly: "Yun Fei Yang, can you dare to fight me?"

The next book!

Many prides are immediately excited, and apart from their cultivation, it is also very good to witness the battle between prides and prides.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "You are not qualified to fight with me, hurry up, don't disturb Lao Zi's girl."

Pick up girl?

Everyone looked dull.

This guy, cow, even wants to soak up Ji Feiya in the 13th star list! Don't you know that they are the goddess of the masses?

Ji Feiya is also stunned.

Then he gave Yun Fei an angry look.


He Xiong laughed and said: "Boy, don't pour urine to take photos of herself, what is it, even dare to hit Ji Xuejie's idea!"

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