Super God

Chapter 1325: Can't buy it, lose money, can't be fooled

A hundred years ago, a new arrogant came to the Hall of Pride, and in a short time, it climbed to the top of the earth star list, which can be said to increase the speed.

His name is unknown, but because he is from the God Hidden Realm and the Prince of the God Hidden Empire, everyone calls him Prince.

This man who suddenly appeared in Yanwuchang, with long hair fluttering and handsome appearance, exudes a noble atmosphere, is the prince.

"Unexpectedly, the prince will appear!"

"Isn't he retreating?"

"His blood was abused by Yun Feiyang. As the prince of the Prince's Pavilion, he certainly couldn't sit still."

"There will be a good show now!"

The pride outside the Yanwu venue got excited.

Three years ago, the crown prince was at the top of the earth star list at the time, and everyone still remembered it.

Originally thought that it was a fierce battle, the result was only half an hour, the top of the former star list was defeated.

At that time, many prides speculated that this person's strength was probably enough to fight against the pride of the star list.

It was only after winning the top spot that the prince chose to retreat, and it has appeared in the eyes of everyone today.

As for his Prince's Pavilion, it has been established for less than ten years and has become one of the best forces in the pride of the princess.


Yun Feiyang stepped on Tang Rui's back and smiled: "Are you a prince?"

"I'm going, cow, in front of the cabinet master, humiliating his members!" Many prides admire.

The Prince's face was dull, as if he didn't care, and his men were humiliated and trampled like this.

"Not bad."

The voice was cold and dignified.

As the strongest empire of God's Hidden Realm, the prince under one person and above ten thousand people, this noble temperament is really born.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Your men have offended me. I'll abuse them, is it okay?"

The prince said lightly: "The skills are not as good as people, so it should be abused."

The sound was as cold as before. The cold seemed to freeze the air. The arrogants who were relatively close couldn't help but shivered and retreated.

"Good momentum!"

The stars in the distance stared frowning one by one.

"It seems that after three years of retreat and cultivation, his strength is stronger than ever. I don't know if he will give Yun Fei a book of war?"

"The four kings of his men have been abused. As the cabinet leader, if he does not stand up, I am afraid that other members will be chilled."

"Since then, I can also take a good look at this, how much this person's current strength has improved compared to three years ago."

As everyone was discussing, a magnificent momentum emerged from Yun Feiyang's body, instantly suppressing the cold breath around him.

Than momentum.

Yun Da cheap **** is not weak.

The prince didn't care that his momentum was suppressed, and said lightly: "You fight against Tang Rui one after another. If I fight at this time, I will be bullying."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "If you want to avenge your men, I don't mind playing another game today."

The prince said lightly: "After three days, it is still here, you and I are fighting each other."


Yun Feiyang readily agreed.

The crown prince stopped speaking and turned away, while the onlookers were excited.


The prince of the Prince's Pavilion, the crown prince of the earth star list, and Yun Feiyang's fight three days later, can be said to be a major event.

For a very short time, the whole hall of arrogance was spreading madly, and arrogances who hadn't come to watch the battle received news.

"How long did Yun Feiyang come to the palace, he actually made a battle appointment with the top of the earth star list!"

"This guy is capable of tyrannizing the four King Kongs one by one, with extraordinary strength, and duel with the prince, it must be wonderful!"

Everyone was talking hotly.

Many of the arrogants who had originally gone abroad to do their tasks have dispelled their thoughts and decided to watch Bidou and then go.

After receiving the news in the match, he was sighing and said: "Unexpectedly, in just a few months, that guy has alarmed the top of the earth star list."

"too frightening."

Sha Baolong Road.

The two were not optimistic about Yun Feiyang at the beginning, but during this time, Yun Feiyang's various performances made them look at each other.

Li Qifei shook his head and said: "I said, this person is not simple, you do not believe it."


The arrogant sons of the arrogant palace are discussing the competition after three days, and Yun Feiyang, one of the protagonists, returns to his residence.

Fighting against the Prince Prince Pavilion, in his plan, but when he saw the Prince, he found that this person is a little unfathomable.

"Prince is not easy." Ji Feiya's voice came from behind, and she walked into the room and sat on the chair in a polite way.

Yun Feiyang was not surprised when the woman appeared, but she smiled and said, "Why is it not simple?"

Ji Feiya said: "If you want to know his details, I can tell you, but you must redeem it with 10,000 points."

Yun Feiyang mouth slightly pumped.

Is this woman blackmailing herself?

Ji Feiya put her hands together and smiled Yan Yan: "My information is very detailed. I can't buy 10,000 points and I can't be fooled."

Yun Fei said: "The deal."

With more than 200,000 points, he does not care about 10,000. If he can get useful information about the prince, it is also worth the money.

"Pay points first."

Ji Feiya said.

"..." Yun Feiyang silently took 10,000 points and transferred it to the woman's identity token.

After earning points, Ji Feiya's expression was solemn and said: "The prince is a man who hides deep and is very strong."

Yun Feiyang listened quietly.

But after a while, Ji Feiya kept silent, making him stunned: "No?"



Yun Feiyang fell to the ground.

This is the so-called intelligence, this is the so-called can not buy a loss, can not be fooled?

Very bad, very fooled, okay!


Yun Feiyang stood up and said, "You can't get this information. Give me 10,000 points."

"Sorry." Ji Feiya said: "Small business, no refund."


Yun Feiyang pointed at her, and finally suppressed the collapse, pretending to be very generous: "Forget it, it's up to you."

Ji Feiya said: "The crown prince comes from the God Realm, and the God Realm is one of the strongest four realms in the realm controlled by Zhenwu God Realm."

"The strongest four realms?" Yun Feiyang heard for the first time, curiously: "What are the other three realms?"

Ji Feiya looked at him in surprise and said, "Have you never heard of the strongest four realms?"

" Yun Feiyang embarrassed.

Since entering the Little God Realm, he knew that there were many universes and many realms.

Ji Feiya smiled and said: "Old rules, want to know the strongest four realms, and then get 10,000 points."


Yun Fei said: "Too much!"

He has a lot of points, but it is certainly unacceptable to be so slain.

"That's it." Ji Feiya smiled: "You are also a regular customer, you will be charged half price, five thousand points."


Yun Feiyang was speechless.

This woman really doesn't do business, it's really a bit flexing.

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