Super God

Chapter 1329: serious

Two days later.

That is the day when Yun Feiyang and the prince were fighting, many pride had already gathered outside the Yanwu venue, and they were waiting anxiously.

One is the new arrogant son, and he is in the limelight, and the other is the top of the earth star list three years ago. The battle between the two is striking.

Even Huangfu Yi and many elders came to the hall early, Yuan Nian shrouded the performance martial arts field, waiting for the two to arrive quietly.

"The crown prince has been closed for three years. This time when I go out, I must have improved my strength," said the elder.

Another elder said: "I don't know this son, I have practiced the emperor's tactics to several realms."

The imperial tactic is the unique martial art of the imperial royal family of Shenyin, and it is an extremely rare ninth grade immortal.

At that time, the prince, with the fifth decision of the emperor, easily defeated the top of the former star list.

"Judging from the qualifications and efforts of this son, it must have entered the sixth weight." Great Elder said.

"As far as I know, no one of the royal children of the Shenyin Empire can be in Chitose and realize the sixth level. If he can do it, his future achievements will certainly not be weaker than his father."

When referring to the Prince's father, many elders looked dignified.

The king of the Shenyin Empire is a legendary figure in the Shenyin Realm and even the Wanjie. It is said that it takes only ten thousand years to complete the half-cent immortality and take over the great empire.

To know.

The disciples in the royal family must not only practice martial arts, but also compete for power. The prince's father can achieve the strongest state in all realms in a very short time. Sitting in the throne, the means must be very strong.

The elders of the pride temple are all talking about the prince, but no one discusses Yun Feiyang. Obviously, in their hearts, the prince has a higher proportion.

no way.

Who made the prince distinguished in life.


In their cognition, nothing more than came from the Continent. Although the low-level plane of Little God Realm is undeniable and has great potential, it is significantly weaker than the Prince.


Under the expectation of everyone, the prince first appeared in the field of vision of everyone. Today, he is dressed in white, and he can be described as personable. The kind of innate noble temperament that others cannot follow.

"Yun Feiyang?"

When the crown prince took the stage, the crowd began to look left and right, waiting for another protagonist, but they never saw a figure.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Everyone laughed.

At this moment, Yun Feiyang walked up and down, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, giving a very chic, free and easy feeling.

To be honest, Yun Feiyang is not weaker than the prince in terms of his appearance, but he has lost his momentum.

The domineering spirit.

Yun Feiyang also has it, but with his character, he will not show it because of a fight. Unruly is his nature.

"This guy still laughs?"

"When the game starts, he realizes the horror of the prince, he must be crying."

Many prides are hotly discussed.

Undeniably, Yun Feiyang's performance shocked them some time ago, but in his heart, he was more inclined to the prince.

After all, this man solved the sensation of the former star list three years ago and within half an hour, which was huge.

Yunfeiyang? To say the most sensational, I am afraid that it is in the performance martial arts field, summoning a **** beast fire thunder dragon king.

This time, the fight is not the contract beast, and certainly cannot be summoned, so everyone still prefers the prince.

"Two days ago, he chose Jiuzun Taotian palm, which is really self-abuse."

"Hundreds of thousands of points were lost in vain."

Many arrogants shook their heads and thought that if these points were given to themselves and converted into martial arts resources, there would definitely be no small increase.

Under the discussion of everyone, Yun Feiyang stood on the performance martial arts field, keeping a distance of ten feet from the crown prince, and the smile on his face was stronger.

The expression is really very beating.


Outside the martial arts field.

A man in black robe looked at Yun Feiyang, his eyes flashing with luster, and murmured, "I finally saw you."

This person is the deputy leader of Tianweimeng.

After learning that Yun Feiyang had returned in the Valley of Flames and frustrated the four King Kongs of the Prince's Pavilion, he was in a very good mood and decided that he must pull this person over.

However, the members of the Tianwei League behind them were a bit uncomfortable, and one of them said: "Vice lord, this kid is crazy."

"I really want to be a personal thing, and I also want the deputy leader to see him in person." Another said.

Unhappy Yun Feiyang is also because not long ago, when he went to solicit him twice, he was decisively refused and named the boss to see him.

The man in black robe said: "Dare to respond to the war prince of the prince, he is a character."

Hearing his words, he chose silence.

Yes, dare to challenge the crown prince over the years, this alone is enough to be a character.



Yun Feiyang and the prince looked at each other, and neither of them spoke. There was a strange breath in the air. Because there was no referee, they stood like this and the game could not start.

Everyone was anxious.

Come here early in the morning, isn't it just to watch the two fight, and it's fun to watch each other all the time?


Suddenly, the prince moved and appeared at a very fast speed in front of Yun Feiyang, accompanied by dense palm shadows.

"So fast!"

"This started?"

Everyone was excited.

And Huang Fuyi above the main hall nodded and said, "Prince's Divine Hidden Boxing is stronger than three years ago."


The elder said: "It should have been practiced to the extreme."

Between the two talking, Yun Feiyang's body turned around, and the drunk shadow stepped out, and a virtual shadow suddenly appeared.

Boom! Boom!

In an instant, the diffuse fist shadows were all cracked, and Yun Feiyang went around behind the crown prince and exhibited the domineering fist.


The fist waved, the powerful force, erupted suddenly, can be said to be powerful, but when it hit the prince, it was a blur.


Yun Feiyang frowned slightly, but at this moment, he felt a strong force coming from behind and wanted to retreat, it was too late.


The crown prince punched directly behind Yun and let him ‘噔噔噔’ back more than ten steps before he stabilized his body.

From the shot to being hit.

The attack speed between the two was so fast that many of the pride present on the scene were not captured at all, but when they saw Yun Feiyang being repelled, they smiled on their faces.

Yun Feiyang came to the Hall of Pride, showing a strong performance, and now frustrated, naturally makes the old pride very happy.

Newcomers should look like newcomers, not bullish.

"Not bad." Yun Feiyang shook his shoulders and smiled, "It's much stronger than those four diamonds."

I said so on the lips, but I was serious in my heart, and this kind of seriousness is very rare, which is enough to prove that the prince is very strong.

No matter before Wan Zai or after rebirth, unless the kind of strong man with a large realm span, Yun Feiyang rarely shows enough seriousness in front of the warriors of the same age.

Once compared to the genius of Little God Realm, facing Lin Yifeng, there was once a real serious, and this prince is the second person.

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