Super God

Chapter 1338: Emperor Heaven!

Yanshuang fell before the devastation of the God Realm, and then floated in the universe for five thousand years. Little is known about many things.

Yun Feiyang realized this, and when the gods were about to fall, and he had the mission to reshape the God Realm, he said it.

Knowing all the Yanshuang, suddenly realized: "Brother Fei Yang, Senior Wu Wu said let me help you complete the mission, is it to help you reshape the God Realm?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

Yanshuang's blood suddenly boiled, and then fisted: "Brother, I will definitely help you complete the task of reshaping God Realm!"

He paused and said, "Brother Feiyang, how many **** souls are you looking for?"

Yun Fei said: "One hundred and eight."

Yan Shuang said: "How many have you found?"

"Thirty one."

"A little less."

Yun Feiyang said bitterly: "The soul of the gods is scattered, it is too difficult to find in the world."

Yanshuang smiled and said, "Brother Feiyang, do you want to give you some information?"

"What information?"

Yun Fei said.

Yanshuang said: "Brother Feiyang, you should know the God Hidden Realm?"

"Is the defeated prince not from God's Hidden Realm?" Yun Fei said.

Yan Shuang said: "Do you know the prince's surname?"

"Last name?"

Yun Feiyang was at a loss.

Yanshuang pressed his voice and said, "As far as I know, this person is named Emperor!"

"Emperor?" Yun Feiyang looked startled, and first thought of the person related to this surname, that is, God Lord, Emperor Heaven!

Yanshuang continued: "The crown prince of the crown prince is the monarch of the God's Hidden Empire, the name is Emperor Juntian!"


Yun Feiyang looked dull.

Seeing his expression, Yan Shuang said: "I was shocked when I heard the name, and I guessed that it might be the same name."


Yun Feiyang murmured.


God Hidden Realm, God Hidden Empire.

A middle-aged man with a strong emperor's breath stood in the inner palace of the palace, carrying his hands, looking up at the sky: "Yun Feiyang, you finally appeared."

"The Lord."

A general in armor next to him said, "He has appeared and our plan can be implemented."

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed a little hesitation, said: "If you go out in this step, I'm afraid you can't look back."

General said: "Yun Feiyang's character is dead, and he will reshape God Realm, I am afraid it is embarrassing..."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and interrupted: "Did the awakener of Ziwei God find it?"

General Road: "Already found."

"Call him, I want to meet this old friend." Middle-aged humanity.


The general withdrew, and not long after, a majestic man came over, and this person was the **** awakening of the Ziwei god.

In the system of God Realm, the Lord of God is high above, and there are four gods assisted, called the Four Royals, respectively-Zhongtian Ziwei God, in charge of the latitude, longitude, day, month, star, and day.

The Antarctic longevity god, in charge of the four seasons weather, the thunderbolt ghost, and control of all things.

The Arctic Emperor God is in charge of the three talents of heaven, earth, and man, and assists the God of Heaven Lagerstroemia to preside over the military power emperor.

The mother of the Great East is in charge of the changes of mountains and land and the gods and land of the mountains, and controls the matter of robbery.

The four gods sit in all directions and control the heavenly path for the God Lord. Their strength is stronger than that of the Divine King. The God of War cloud fluttered at that time. It seemed to be awesome, but in front of the Four Gods, it was a lot weaker.

"Are you looking for me?"

Ziwei God awakened.

The middle-aged man did not turn around, but said: "Tianshu should tell you."

Ziwei God shook his head and said, "Are you doing this, is it worth Taiwu Senior?"

"I am helping the dead gods and dead souls." Middle-aged humanity.

Ziwei Shinto: "Yun Feiyang is a hand-picked person, the more you act as a substitute, you are violating God's will."

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky, his eyes flashing with hatred and said: "Destroy my God Realm and destroy my countless souls. This God's will is difficult for me to accept!"

Emperor Heaven.

Divine Lord of God Realm!

Ziwei Shinto: "Jun Tian, ​​I know that you replace Yun Feiyang to reshape God Realm, not for God Realm, nor for souls, but for Qingqiu."


Di Juntian shuddered slightly, and then smiled: "You have known me for so many years."

Ziwei God bitterly said: "Qingqiu has no possibility of resurrection, why do you still have to be obsessed."

Emperor Tian turned around and said seriously: "As long as God Realm is reshaped and gains immeasurable merit, she can be resurrected!"

"You are crazy."

Ziwei Shinto.

"No, I'm not crazy!" Emperor Tian looked fierce: "I am all for my woman, for God Realm, for dead souls!"

Ziwei Shinto: "You can do it, Yun Feiyang can do it too, why not fulfill him?"

"In the past life, I have completed him." Di Juntian's emotions gradually stabilized, saying: "I let him survive and let him be reborn."

Ziwei God shook his head and said: "It seems that you are more determined to act on your behalf."

"Not bad."

Di Juntian said firmly.

Ziwei God arched his hand and said: "The way is different, don't make conspiracies, say goodbye." Then he turned and left.

"Slow!" Emperor Jun said: "You don't plan to help me to complete the reshaping of God Realm?"

The Ziwei God stopped and said, "I only help those who are destined to return."

After leaving this sentence, he left, and the general came in and said, "Lord, do you want to stop him?"

"No need to."

Emperor Heaven.

The general frowned slightly: "If Ziwei God goes to, it is a great enemy for us."

Emperor Tiantian sighed: "Since I chose to go this way, I'm ready to betray the relatives."

The general said seriously: "Lord, his subordinates will always be loyal to you."

"Get back."

The emperor said: "I am quiet."


The general leaves.

Di Juntian looked up at the sky and murmured: "Qingqiu, you and I will meet again soon."


Skull sea area.

The perennial mist covers the surroundings, the dark clouds condense, the wind screams, the lightning thunders, and the environment is extremely bad.

Not to mention the ordinary boat house, even if the gods are strong, they dare not dabble in this place easily.



Yun Feiyang's supreme army flew vastly, without fear of the wind and thunder.

"Brother Feiyang, just killing him in such a fair and honest way, will he fight the grass and startle the snake?" Yan Shuang said.

"Do not worry."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "With me, they can't run any of them."

The fog in the sea of ​​skeletons can hinder the penetration of Yuan Nian, but it is difficult to hinder his powerful soul power.

At this moment, Yun Feiyang has shrouded everything for nearly two thousand miles, successfully locking nine islands and pirates on the island.

Yanshuang held his fist and smiled, "Brother Feiyang, I will let you see my strength by then."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Can you play a few nine grades and half cents?"


Yanshuang self-channel.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Although it is good, it is still far from your brother and me."

Yanshuang scratched his head and said: "Brother Feiyang, you are so evil, I can't compare."

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