Super God

Chapter 1346: Obtained, mythical beast catalog!

Zhuang Boxiong thought that he had managed to get rid of Yun Feiyang's killing by relying on degree, so he hid in the once-present deep-sea cave house to recuperate his injuries.


Yun Feiyang chased over and appeared in front of him. Zhuang Boxiong was completely ignorant and fled the first time.

It is a pity that in a small place without sea water, how can one escape Yunfei Yang's palm, and as a result, he was hit with a punch.

More tragic.

Yun Feiyang rushed up, without a word, his palms clapped on his forehead, and a powerful soul force poured in wildly, disturbing his knowledge of the sea.

Zhuang Boxiong's soul defense line shattered completely, screaming like a pig, even if he wanted his soul to explode now, he couldn't even stabilize his thinking.


Yun Feiyang's soul poured in relentlessly, stealing Zhuang Boxiong's memory, and soon the smile on his lips grew stronger.

in memory.

This pirate leader came to practice in the East China Sea two hundred years ago. He accidentally revealed this cave house hidden in the deep sea and found a painting on the stone platform.

There are many birds and beasts in the painting, all of them are gods and beasts.

Later, he painstakingly enlightened, and after a hundred years of time, he will draw the initial enlightenment of the painting and successfully surrendered to the water unicorn to make him recognize the Lord.

Looking back here, Yun Feiyang has been certain that the painting is what Liu Rou said-the catalog of the Divine Beast!


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Originally just doing tasks and earning points, I did not expect to find the treasure created by the person who was the first destiny here.

Perhaps, this is the natural will in the world.


Yun Fei waved his hand, and the space ring worn on Zhuang Boxiong's finger suddenly fell off and fell in his palm.


The soul imprint in the space ring was dispelled, and Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved, and he took out the desolate scroll.

This is the catalog of mythical beasts.

After getting the treasure, Yun Feiyang moved his mind and flew Zhuang Boxiong's income by 6, releasing the devouring supernatural powers, madly pouring into the opponent's body, and wrapping the true dragon core.

The divine beast catalog is a treasure, and the ninth-grade pinnacle martial arts crystal is extremely rare.

It cannot be wasted, it must be absorbed!


The powerful force of engulfing, wantonly in the Dantian like a river, and the pure power of the gurgle is ingested.

In the chaos, Zhuang Boxiong felt the energy in his body kept flowing, and his heart was horrified.

After half a month.

Yun Feiyang completely ingested the martial arts nuclei of the nine peaks and half cents, and Zhuang Boxiong was already skinny and unrecognizable.

At this moment, not only did he lose all his energy, his realm also plummeted, just like ordinary people.

Yun Feiyang stood up and said in a cold voice: "With the blood of innocent creatures, condensing the formation, it is a matter of course, and let's die."


Zhuang Boxiong's body exploded into a blood mist.

Because of being in the Flying Big 6, without the approval of Yun Feiyang, the soul will never reincarnate forever, harassing the East China Sea for a hundred years, and the wicked people who have cruelly killed countless creatures.

However, his death also completed Yun Feiyang, not only to obtain the catalog of the mythical beasts, but also to gain majestic energy.

After several years of absorption and refining.

Yun Feiyang ingested the nine-pin peak martial arts crystal, although only 30%, but also entered the seven-pin half-cent, the strength reached the nine-pin peak!


In the main palace.

Liu Rou unfolded a painting with a long history and saw the head of the beast engraved on it, saying: "Yes, this is the catalog of the beast."

Yun Fei Yang Yixi.

Liu Rou said: "Fly, hurry up and recognize the Lord."


Yun Feiyang didn't hesitate immediately, the soul power infiltrated into the beast catalog, and after a few hours, he successfully controlled this treasure.

After the success of the recognition of the Lord, the nine-tailed sky fox and the fire thunder dragon king, which were originally engraved on the painting, gradually became colored and looked more realistic!

"Rouer, Chen Chen and Huo Lei Long are my contract beasts, and colors will appear on the paintings?" Yun Fei said.

"Not bad."

Liu Judao: "When you surrender to other mythical beasts, the darkly painted mythical beasts will also become prominent."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "I have another mission to surrender more gods and beasts to make the gods and beasts in the catalog of gods and beasts all lit up."

Liu Judao: "I am afraid that this difficulty is not easier than finding one hundred and eight gods and souls."

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "There are two beasts outside, I will surrender them."

Which two ends?

Water unicorn, gluttonous!


Yun Feiyang appeared in the Skeleton Islands, and the remaining islands have been razed to the ground.

"Brother Feiyang!"

Yanshuang shouted loudly on the main island.


Yun Fei fell down and said, "What about the water unicorn?"

Yanshuang said: "That guy ran away, and the Fire Thunder Dragon King and the other two beasts chased it, and they haven't returned for several days."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Is the pirates on the island eradicated?"

"Eliminate, no one left!"


Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved the income of the Supreme Army stationed on several islands to 6 and said, "Waiting for me here."


He said that he flew up and relied on perception to walk towards Chen Chen and the Fire Thunder Dragon King.

Watching his back disappear, Guo Heng leaned over and said, "Vice leader, the leader's breath seems stronger than half a month ago!"

"Not bad."

Yan Shuang said: "Brother Feiyang should have made a breakthrough."

Ji Feiya was shocked when she heard the words.

That guy is obviously chasing the pirate leader, how did he break through, this is too leader, the master should have been solved by the leader? Guo Heng asked again.


Yanshuang said from himself: "As long as Fei Yang's target is aimed at, even if he runs to the end of the world, it is a dead end."

"The leader is too good!"


Guo Heng and others patted the horse fart.


Besides Yunfeiyang, he flew nearly ten thousand miles, and finally found Chenchen, Huo Leilong King and gluttonous in a sea.

Chen Chen and gluttonous man had transformed into human form, hanging in midair with the Fire Thunder Dragon King, looking at the calm sea in unison.


At this moment, the sea rolled over, and huge waves raged, and immediately saw the water unicorn rushing out of the water.


At the same time, another behemoth spewed out of the sea. This beast has a slender body, but differentiated nine snake heads!


Yun Fei was overjoyed.

There is this beast in the catalog of mythical beasts, obviously one of the mythical beasts!

"very good."

"One more head, then be my contract beast!"

Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved, and the Divine Beast's Figure immediately flew out, suspended in midair, and quickly unfolded.


In the unfolded scroll, samples of Shui Qilin and Hydra tremble slightly, and two streamers flew out immediately.



The streamer locked on the target and rushed towards the water unicorn and the Hydra. The two beasts who were fighting had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"not good!"

"It's this ghost thing again!"

The water unicorn collapsed, and at this moment, the streamer instantly entered the body, generating irreversible power!

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