Super God

Chapter 1351: The strongest state in the world

After defeating his opponent, Yun Feiyang returned to the courtyard, but as soon as he entered, he saw Ji Feiya standing in the courtyard.

"Is there another mission?"

Yun Fei said.

Ji Feiya kept silent and kept looking at him.

This made Yun Feiyang suddenly awkward and said, "Why don't you talk?"


Ji Feiya spoke.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Why say sorry?"

Ji Feiya said: "Because of me, you will grudge Huang Shan."

She still knew that she and Yun Feiyang had moved closer, so that Huang Shan could stare at him, and then there was a scene of conflict in the Yanwuchang.

Yun Fei said: "It's not your fault."

Ji Feiya solemnly said: "A year later, there will be a star list, I suggest you not to participate."


Yun Feiyang was stunned.

Regarding the experience of this star list, he heard Yan Shuang said that the point rewards are very rich, and if they can survive in a limited time, they can get millions.

Ji Feiya said: "I got the news that Huang Shan is the top ten contestants in this star list and will definitely target you."

Yun Feiyang sneered coldly: "It seems, not for points, I have to participate."

Ji Feiya frowned: "Huang Shan is a half-cent immortal consummation and powerful. If you don't want to be abused too badly, don't participate as well."

Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "Am I so weak?"

Ji Feiya seriously said: "Beyond the tenth place in the star list, you are very strong, but in the top ten, you are very weak."


Yun Feiyang was silent.

Ji Feiya, afraid of his unbelief, said: "Although Huang Shan has entered the semi-central consummation less than a few hundred years, he can complete the abuse of more than 20 nine-pin peak semi-cents."

"so smart?"

Yun Fei was surprised.

Now, his strength is barely on the level of Jiu Pin peak and half fairy. That guy can abuse 20 of himself, which is really a bit unacceptable.

"Brother Feiyang, she is right."

Yanshuang walked in from the outside and said: "I heard that the top star in the Stars Ranking, a person can abuse a hundred and nine peaks and half cents."


Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

The higher the level, the stronger the strength, which is inevitable.

But the peak of Jiu Pin and the half-cent perfection are only a small step away. How big will the gap be?

Yanshuang solemnly said: "Brother Feiyang, in all realms, Banxian Daquan is the strongest existence."

"There is a higher level."

Yun Fei said.

Yanshuang looked at the sky and said: "Yes, in the Realm God Realm, that is a real fairy, above all living beings!"


Yun Feiyang murmured.

Yan Shuang said: "If you want to break even higher, you can only enter the real martial arts realm."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

He will go to the real martial arts realm, and he will break through step by step.

Ji Feiya said: "At this time, it is not to consider a higher state, but not to participate in the star list."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "I Yun Feiyang only knows how to go up against difficulties, but not how to go back."


Ji Feiya wanted to speak, Yun Feiyang bypassed her and entered the room.

Yan Shuang shrugged and said: "Brother Feiyang is of this nature. He said that if he wants to participate, he will definitely participate, and persuasion is impossible."

Ji Feiya said: "If he participates, he will definitely be abused by Huang Shan, and even... he will die."


Yanshuang smiled and said: "The strength of the kid is not enough to threaten Fei Yang."

Ji Feiya is speechless.

Yun Feiyang had such a brother who worshipped him blindly.


After returning to the room, Yun Feiyang sat in a chair, thinking about the experience of the Stars list a year later.


He breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The matter of raising the ranking will be suspended first, and the realm and strength will be improved within this year."

What Yan Shuang said, Yun Feiyang had a hunch that even if he used the three changes of the God of War soul, he might not be able to take advantage of Huang Shan, who is half a fairy.

The best way to revenge is to ascend the state as soon as possible. If you enter the semi-central perfection, you will be fearless.

It will be another year before the Stars List is held. It will be fifty years to rely on the 50-fold acceleration of the flying mainland.

"It should be enough."

Yun Feiyang merged with Feiyang Mainland and began to comprehend the Nine Respects of the Heavenly Palm and the Immortal Gong.

Five years later.

Yun Feiyang will comprehend Shangqian Xiangong to the sixth floor, and the realm will break from seventh grade to eighth grade.

However, after the realm was upgraded, the increase in strength was not ideal. The current Yun Feiyang can only be stabilized at the level of the nine-pin peak and half-cents.

"It seems that the last level in the world is not so good."



One day, a huge Buddha statue emerged from the sky of the mainland, and then waved to form a strong Buddha seal.

This is the second palm of Jiu Zun's Tiantian palm, Miao Auspicious Bodhisattva palm. It took Yunfeiyang a full five years to cultivate it.

of course.

Relying on the second palm, it is obviously impossible to shake the Half Immortal Great Consummation. Therefore, Yun Feiyang continued to enlighten the Jiutian Taotian Palm, and continued to enlighten on the Immortal Power.

A flick of the finger, ten years have passed.

During this time, Yun Feiyang spent almost flying in the mainland, and finally realized the greatness of the "Paradise of the Buddha".

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva's palm is derived from the Buddha's Guanyin Bodhisattva. Its creative concept is not to hurt the enemy, but to save people.

If someone is seriously injured, it will be in danger. If you shoot it with a palm, the injury will heal instantly, and the effect depends on the level of understanding of the exhibitor.

"In addition to saving people, this palm will not provide me with any fighting power." Yun Feiyang secretly shook his Next, he continued to understand.

Another ten years passed.

Yun Feiyang successfully succeeded in practicing the fourth palm, and he went to the seventh level to learn the eighth and half immortals.


The tragedy is that after this level of improvement, the strength has not increased at all, and it is still at the level of the nine peaks and half cents.


Yun Feiyang frowned.

After breaking through to eight grades and half cents, he can clearly feel that his strength has risen to the extreme and is stuck at the bottleneck.

For this he found Yanshuang and asked about the situation.

After learning about it, Yanshuang was examined slightly, and then said: "Brother Feiyang, if your state can't keep up, you will never be able to enter the semi-central perfection."

"To put it simply, your state must match your strength, so that you have a chance to enter the final state."

Yun Feiyang collapsed.

In the past, he relied on a special energy core. Even if he was stuck in a certain realm, his strength could grow indefinitely. Now it is good. His strength is stuck at the top of the Ninth Grade. There is no growth in the realm breakthrough. Instead, he has stopped.

You can't stand still.

At least, the practice of anti-natural tactics, integration with multiple channels, Yun Feiyang's strength, is beyond the peak of the nine grades of the same level, too many, playing ten, absolutely no problem.

And at this point, if you change to other warriors, you can't do much at all and dare not think about it.

It's a pity that Yun Feiyang is not satisfied. After all, a half-central perfection like Huang Shan can be abused by more than 20 people.


Suddenly, the door was pushed open, Ji Feiya walked in and said: "I took a **** mission, can I go?"

"go with."

Yun Feiyang and Yan Shuang shared the same voice.

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