Super God

Chapter 1365: I will let you live forever!

The rules of the Stars list are that 26 contestants can join together to attack the top ten, or they can fight each other.

Every time one person is eliminated, 10,000 points will be awarded.

Such points are permanent, even if they are eliminated.

The rules are there, but few people in the past have targeted the pride of their own ‘camp’. After all, they can get 10,000 points for eliminating one person. After surviving for seven days, they can get millions of points!

In the big red blood continent, the more survivors of the same camp are, the better for others, at least it can delay the time.

However, no one expected that the crown prince, who had just been promoted to the 36th in the Stars, would first shoot.


The arrogant, who is ranked 35th in the Stars List, lay on the ground, and because of meridian damage, he fainted with just one sentence.


A thick voice came from the sky of the Red Blood Continent: "Thirty-five arrogant sons of the Stars List, be eliminated."

"I'm going? So fast?"

"It must have been discovered by Huang Shan!"

The pride hiding in various places heard the sound, and immediately became more cautious, and at the same time expressed silence for the pride who sent a blood.

Yun Feiyang also heard, said: "That guy wants to win, must clear out other pride, I will not come to him, I will come to me."

"call out!"

He withdrew Yuan Nian and walked slowly in the mountains and forests, sometimes admiring the unique scenery of this scarlet land.

"Does this guy come to participate in the experience, or is he out to go green?"

Many spectators had no intention of seeing the light curtain, and a contestant carrying a sword walked leisurely and suddenly collapsed.



Huang Shan, who was flying fast in the sky, said angrily: "Where is that guy hiding?"

He has been searching for most of the day, during which he found many arrogants, but he couldn't see Yun Feiyang.


Huang Shan murmured: "You have to solve other contestants first."

Solving Yun Feiyang is necessary, and within seven days, other arrogance must be eliminated.


Huang Shan changed the flight area and flew to the place where he had previously passed. It was precisely that he missed Yunfeiyang again thousands of miles away.


A loud noise came from a valley.

Huang Shan successfully stunned a hidden pride.

"Thirty-two on the Stars List, eliminated!"

When the voice sounded, Huang Shan flew up and continued to look for other targets. The prince on the other side was also looking for a target, and soon locked an arrogant.

With nine peaks and half cents, he displayed his imperial tactics, condensed the real body of the emperor, and easily defeated the 33 pride of the star list.

"Thirty-three in the star list, eliminated."

The voice came again, and Yun Feiyang squatting on a boulder said: "It's fierce."

He turned his head and looked in the dark: "Don't hide, come out."


The arrogant sons, who were not tall and looked rather insignificant, jumped out and smiled: "It was discovered by you."

"It is the waiting light of the thirteenth star list!"

"I said why didn't you see him, it was hidden here!"

The arrogant palace discusses the arrogant son.

Hou Ziguang's reputation in the Hall of Pride is not so good, because he has a petty character, he likes to hide, and he makes sneak attacks behind his back.

"This is Yun Feiyang discovered him in advance, if you don't pay attention, it will definitely be overcast."

"I heard that Hou Ziguang and Huang Shan walked very close, and now Zhengda jumps out brightly, presumably to do it."


Someone said: "It seems that Yun Feiyang has participated in the Star Training, and there are more than one enemy."

It’s tragic enough to be targeted by Huang Shan, who is in the top ten of the Stars List, but now it’s unfortunate that he’s being targeted by the proud son of the ‘Union’.

The arrogant men who watched the game all believed that after Yun Feiyang met Hou Ziguang, I am afraid that Huang Shan could not be used, and he might be eliminated.

"Fei Yang Brother." Yan Shuang watching the battle smiled: "The first goal to make you warm up appears."

Others are not optimistic about Yun Feiyang, he is optimistic, because this is his big brother, unconditional trust.

"Ji-Ji-Ji." Hou Ziguang came out and bent over, with a sly smile on his cheeky cheek.

"It's over."

Yan Shuang covered her head and said: "This guy is going to be abused by blood."

He knows the character of Fei Yang, the most intolerable person with a sharp and obscene laughter. The Yin and Yang gods in those days are examples.

This Hou Ziguang, no matter his voice or expression, is so trivial that he is destined to tragedy.

Sure enough, Yun Feiyang heard laughter, Jianmei frowned, his eyes flashed coldly, and wished to rush up, even this dastardly face, even his father and mother did not know.

"Jin Jie."

Hou Zi smiled grimly: "Boy, looking at your eyes, it seems very unpleasant to me."


More than Yun Feiyang, many arrogants who watched the war also hated him very much.

The strong, especially the strong who have entered the half-cent, often have pride and have the style that the strong have.

Can be bad.

Can be evil.

But it will never be frivolous.

This Hou Ziguang, ranked 13th in the Stars List, is very strong and undoubtedly, but the means is very good, most shameful.

Yun Fei Yang said: "I just look at you, I want to beat you."

"Jin Jie."

Hou Ziguang grinned again and provoked Yun Feiyang's patience limit, saying: "Many people want to beat me, but the result is that I am overcast."

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "So, do you like yin people?"

"Not bad."

Hou Ziguang said.

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "It's shameless."

He is also shameless, but at most it is cheap, and it is too pure compared to the unscrupulous people who are unscrupulous.

"Jin Jie."

Hou Zi smiled humorously: "In this martial world, as long as you can survive and continue to be strong, even if you use the most despicable means, even shameless, what does it matter?"

This guy is not ashamed of his lasciviousness and his next work, but rather proud of it.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Come, let me see how despicable your despicable means are."

"as you wish!"

Hou Ziguang's tiny eyes showed a chill, and then he showed his way and fluttered around Yun Feiyang.

"Monkey step!"

"It seems stronger than before."

There was an arrogant exclaimed.

"Boy, you dare to hit Brother Shan woman's idea. Today I will let you know what life is better than death."

Hou Ziguang said, while chasing, dazzling.

This guy didn't rush to shoot. First, it was Yun Feiyang's the magical footwork he was proud of. Second, he planned to find the right opportunity to yin him.


Hou Ziguang didn't shoot, Yun Fei was anxious.

Just watching him take one step, the big hand grabbed it directly, as if locking the other party's trajectory.


The soft sound came, and the afterimage that diffused around him suddenly dissipated, and Yun Feiyang's big hand was already buckled on Hou Ziguang's neck.


Many spectators watched their eyes widened, and even Hou Ziguang himself was dull. He obviously didn't expect that he would be caught by him while moving fast.


Yun Feiyang lifted his thin body, fell **** the ground, stepped on his feet and said, "I will let you live forever!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

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