Super God

Chapter 1380: Shen Tianxing

After cultivating the tree of life, Yun Feiyang successfully entered the stable period of semi-central perfection, and his power also skyrocketed.

"The strength of my previous strength was probably at the top of more than twenty nine-grade peaks and half cents. Now I am afraid that there will be more than fifty."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

Now, if he meets Huang Shan again, there is no need to use the three changes of the God of War soul, and he can easily be ravaged without the use of martial arts.

"There is still time to study and study the brilliance of heaven and earth." Yun Feiyang murmured.

A lot of martial arts have been searched from Huang Shan's memory, and only he is really shining in the world. After all, he has the ultimate comprehension and can be comparable to the quasi immortal skills!

"That guy has been practicing for hundreds of years, and he didn't realize the ultimate. This technique should be quite difficult."

Yunfei Yangpan sat down and began to read the mantra.

The essence of the radiance of heaven and earth lies in the integration between heaven and earth, which resonates with the surrounding attributes, so that it can be used for its own use. This is somewhat similar to the second realm of all swords in the world.

After memorizing the mantra, Yun Feiyang started to run, letting his soul float around, trying to communicate.

call out!

The heaven and earth attributes pervading all around quickly approached and began to condense.


Gradually, Yun Feiyang emerged a vortex, apparently successfully running, but the volume was too small, only the fist.

If Huang Shan knows that it took him a full month to successfully condense the whirlpool of fists, this guy will do it in a quarter of an hour, and he must vomit blood on the spot.

Can become an arrogant, and ranked tenth in the Stars List, talent is definitely strong, but compared with Yun Feiyang is weak and explosive.

"The power of such a small vortex is extremely limited."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and began a long understanding.

Time passed, and the past year passed. With continuous understanding, the vortex of condensed attributes increased to about five feet.

Not yet.

In Yun Feiyang's view, if he does not reach more than 20 feet, he can't exert such martial arts.

Continue to understand.

One year.

Two years.

ten years.

fifteen years……

Yun Feiyang, like an old monk, has been enlightened by the radiance of heaven and earth, and above him, the vortex that keeps spinning around has expanded to more than fifty feet.

It took Huang Shan to understand to such a degree that it took at least 200 years for Yun Feiyang to be so much faster than him, which is enough to prove that his comprehension is very evil.

Sixteen years in the flying world, the outside world has passed almost a month.

Yun Feiyang gave up his cultivation and moved his mind to appear in the room.


With a big wave of hand, the formation that enveloped him disappeared. After going out and simply scrubbing, he said: "Try the effect here."

Because he is the master of the flying world, he seems to be very relaxed when he communicates attributes when he cultivates the splendor of heaven and earth.


Yun Feiyang came to the open space outside the courtyard, his hands quickly printed his handprints, his soul merged between heaven and earth, and communicated the ubiquitous nature of heaven and earth.

Sure enough, it was quite difficult to communicate the world attributes of the ethereal world, but it was not a big problem, and it was soon drawn.



The heaven and earth attributes swarmed, condensed above Yun Feiyang's head, gradually formed a vortex, and continued to expand.

In a very short period of time, the heaven and earth attributes of a radius of ten miles were all ingested, all condensed into a vortex, but it was not enough.


Yun Feiyang's soul power continued to spread and flew in all directions, and more heaven and earth attributes were absorbed.

Fifty miles.

One hundred miles.

A thousand miles!

Five thousand miles...

Yun Feiyang is constantly condensing, and the vortex hanging above his head has expanded to more than twenty feet, like a black hole devouring everything.

However, such crazy absorption and crazy ingestion of the attributes of the world have also taken away the attributes in the Hall of Pride.

"How thin the attributes are!"

"what's the situation?"

Many arrogants who are practicing, feeling the nature of the world around them, glared one by one.

"The location where the attribute flies away seems to be the courtyard where Yun Feiyang lives. Is this guy practicing some martial arts?"

"Go, look over!"

Everyone flew to Yunfeiyang courtyard.

Many elders also went, and they were curious as to how the guy pulled the attributes of the world.

However, after approaching, I saw Yun Feiyang standing outside the courtyard, with a strong vortex above his head, and everyone's eyes almost glared out!

"My God, isn't that the brilliance of heaven and earth, how can this guy do?"

Someone was shocked.

The brilliance of Huang Shan's heaven and earth is a unique martial art.

Yun Feiyang exhibited, and shocked them, but also puzzled.

"It must have been in the Scarlet Continent when he tortured Huang Shan with his soul!" someone was shocked.

Powerful people who reach a half-cent, can rely on soul power to invade others to search the memory.

Many arrogants suddenly realized, but the shock on his face was even stronger. After all, even if he had ingested martial arts and time, it would only be one month.

In such a short time, this guy not only realized the glory of heaven and earth, but also condensed a vortex of twenty feet, which is too terrible!

"Vice dean, what terrifying insight is this."

In the hall, Grand Elder Yuan Nian was released, witnessing Yun Feiyang's condensed vortex, and his face muscles twitched violently.

Huang Fuyi was also shocked.

Within a month, the glory of heaven and earth from Huang Shanzhi's pirates will be realized to such a degree that even the top of the star list cannot be achieved!

Huang Fuyi said with emotion: "It is still the dean's vision."

"Not bad!"

The elders agree.


On a tall mountain in the ethereal world.

A middle-aged man in white fluttering stands proudly, his eyes are deep, his appearance is magnificent and personable.

He smiled: "Yun Feiyang, you didn't disappoint me."

This person's name is Shen Tianxing.

Dean of the Pride Temple, the real leader.

Shen Tianxing is very mysterious, not only because he likes to travel all over the world, but also because of his life.

No one in the ethereal world knows where he came from, and no one knows how strong his strength is. In short, it suddenly emerged and established the Hall of Pride.

"It is worthy of that fellow's apprentice."

Shen Tianxing raised his head and looked at the sky, as if penetrating the space.


Suddenly He frowned slightly.

Under the powerful Yuan Nian, it was discovered that there are five half-cent immortals outside the misty realm who are coming over.

"It seems that people from the real martial arts realm, how did they go down the realm? It is impossible..." Shen Tianxing murmured: "Come for Yunfei Yang?"

"call out!"

The thought moved, standing in the universe.

The five half-cent immortals who were flying at speed, saw a middle-aged man appearing out of nowhere, perceiving the opponent's unfathomable strength, and his expression changed abruptly.

Shen Tianxing said indifferently: "I advise you not to try to be in the ethereal world and hit my pride in the hall of pride."

The voice contained horror and coercion, and the pressured five stable half-cent immortals conquered the cold sweat.

And this feeling is only when facing the fairy emperor!

that is.

This person is an immortal emperor! ?

Shen Tianxing said coldly: "Go away."

"Brush! Brush!"

The five half-cent immortals were so terrified that they left immediately.

After staying away from the ethereal realm, one person wiped cold sweat and said with a lingering fear, "Brother, how can there be a fairy-level strong in the lower realm!"

"Yeah, it's incredible."

Another humane.

The leading brother said solemnly: "Dragon Soul Battle Emperor entered the real martial arts domain, it is enough to prove that there are powerful people in the lower realm."

"We don't enter the ethereal world, **** Yunfeiyang."

The warrior said before.

The leading brother said: "The man said just now, no hands are allowed in the ethereal world. We can wait for Yunfei to leave and look for opportunities."

"It can only be this way."


PS, if there is anything, there is no time code, only one chapter is written, and it will be sent out first. It is today.

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